Not this gurl again.

May 05, 2010 18:27

Why 'ello there chaps. Been awhile, hasn't it? I bring you some artz and some lovez~
Warnings: XD I think we know me by now...if there's anything warnings, it's because it's fluff-realted.

A/N:BTW...I just wanted to apologize for not commenting back to you guys. I know, really rude of me, right? I don't mean to be rude, really, I just don't have the time to really go back and comment to everyone petty excuse is petty...but so is life...but really, I LOVE you I told someone before, it's really nice sharing with a group of people who literally motivate me to want to draw more...I get more joy out of it since your getting joy, so yes. That's my little speech...but I'll try! I will.

Also, apologizes to those who've seen these before...I really gotta stop uploading on DA and then here....

- Excuses was either going to be butchered by a camera or a scanner...the camera does this no justice, but isn't that how it usually works? *kicks her twin's camera*

Buuuuuut....I have a new hobby, lol. XD I said this on my journal (not sure who saw it or not), but I'm actually taking requests on Beatles sprites...they're really easy and fast, so I honestly don't mind. If anyone's interested, ask away (one actually is a request, so yeah~)~

I'm going to have to stop requests for the time being. I'll finish the rest of the ones that I have left, but I'm sadly far too busy now. Being the Navy Yeoman takes up a lot of my time...add tutoring people who want to join the Navy, commissions, and house work and you'll understand why I can't do them for the time being...but thank you to those who asked~ It really was a pleasure. ♥

george/ringo, !art, john/ringo, john/paul

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