(no subject)

May 08, 2010 12:44

Title: Baby It's You
Author: simplebeatles 
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: George, on heading to the cavern, gets raped and someone saves him. Then that someone, will protect George as long as they both shall live. And there is a problem... they both love each other.
Previous Chapter[s]: Chapter 1 Chapter 2

A/N: Sorry if it is not as good as the first two chapters:( if it is, wow! :O! ^_^ Thanks for the comments on chapter two and you all deserve to be mentioned: lennymacca spirit414 larainefan katexlove heather_rawriee captainemerald eleanorrigby_66 Anonymous sealloaf  and musiclover102  thnx for reading the chapters and here it goes...

P.S- Read Pandemic by eleanorrigby_66  she is really good!!!!!!! i love her story!!! it's gotta be recommended by someone.

Once through the backstage door, Paul came running up with Pete in hot pursuit.
"Where the hell were you George!" Paul yelled at the young guitarist, "Fuck, you should 'ave been 'ere an good ol' hour ago." he grabbed George's hand and pulled him towards a dirty, green couch.
"Paul." John said, but was ignored. Now with John Lennon... you never ignored him, "PAUL FUCKING MCCARTNEY!" He yelled. Paul looked up at John eyes round as apples.
"What?" he asked fixing George's hair, "We gotta get the fuck out there." John walked over and grabbed Paul's wrist away from George.
"We are fucking not doing the show got, Macca?!"John spat in Paul's face. Paul looked at the leader of the group questioning his intention.
"When did you ever not want to perform?" Paul replied with rage in his voice. John did not know wether just spit out what happened to George or find some other excuse. George sat there watching his best mate, Paul, and leader of the group, John, fight with each other. He couldn't help but to think of them pathetic. He sat there in thought, trying to leave what had just happened to him, well... behind him, 'It did not happen... it did not happen... it did happen.' he thought and broke down to tears, 'Maybe I should kill myself, like John or Paul would care... but my parents... I just couldn't let them down. It did not happen, George... IT FUCKING DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!!' he tried yelling in his head thinking that it would over power the real thought of 'It did happen', however no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't keep the 'didn't' in the way of thinking.
"What's the matter George?" Pete asked sitting down beside him, with a cigarette in hand. George looked at the drummer that couldn't... no... acutally would never fit in with their personalities.
"Nothing..." George replied looking down at his shoes. Not that he didn't like Pete, it was just that he never opened to them, so why should he?
"Whatever." he said and went outside. George looked at John and something inside him sprung open. It was not admiration or adoration for John... it was something more, but he couldn't put a name on it. Finally George had enough of the fighting.
"I can still do the show." George said when silence had broke out.
"There you go, Lennon." he said with a smile of triumph on his face. However, John was not going to give in.
"No, you can't." he said looking at George, "You'll have too much on your mind and besides... I don't think you want to perform after what happened." he said walking towards George to give him a hug. George was shocked at this new found John Lennon.
"What happened tonight?" Paul asked afraid of the answer, "Ya'll can tell me." he walked towards the couch and sat himself down.
"None of your fucking buisness, all right?" John glared at Paul and put his chin upon George's head.
"Uh, John..." George awkwardly, "You can stop hugging me..." he blushed. John nodded and let go of George. 'What the fuck's gotten into me?' John thought to himself. Everything went quiet. Bob Wooler came into the dressing room or cellar with an face that could kill.
"Get on the fucking stage!" he yelled. John was about to say something, when George grabbed his guitar and ran out of the room. John sighed and reluctanly grabbed his guitar and ran out to the stage with Paul, Pete and George.
"Tonight, we are going to sing Baby it's you." John announced and looked over at George and smiled, who slightly smiled back. Then Paul counted off and they had began.

'Sha la la la la la la la
Sha la la la la la la la
Sha la la la la la la la
Sha la la la la

It's not the way you smile that touched my heart. (sha la la la la)
It's not the way you kiss that tears me apart.

Uh, oh, many, many, many nights go by,
I sit alone at home and I cry over you.
What can I do.
Can't help myself, 'cause baby, it's you.
Baby, it's you...'

Then it was over, the show was over. The fans screamed and fainted out in the audience. They ran off stage, waiting for another day's adventure. John decided to walk George home, no matter if he liked it or not.
"Come on John..."George pleaded, "I can walk on my own." John was proud how George was being strong through the problem of that night, but he could tell... well actually... feel the emotional part of George trying to break through.
"George, just let it out." John said pulling George down onto a bench that was close by.
"I'm fucking fine, John." George said looking John into the eyes, but he knew himself that soon he'd loose all control and burst out into tears. John grabbed George and pulled him into a hug. Everything was just timing, the tears, the rocking back and forth and John kissing George's head.


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