(no subject)

May 02, 2010 17:32

 Title: Beauty and The Beast
Author: Me (Simplebeatles)
Rating: PG-13 ???
Warnings: Disney parody, WOOC (Way out of character lol), fluffy ^-^
Pairing: John/George, Paul/Ringo(starting)
Summary: If you know the Beauty and the Beast, you know what it is about. John- Prince/Beast, George= Belle, Paul= Gaston, Ringo = LeFou, Brian= Mrs. Pots, Neil= Lumiere, Mal= Cogsworth, Harold Harrison (George's real dad) = Maurice, Martha= the little stool dog, George M= Chip
Disclaimer: I do not own the Beatles, nor do I own disney (they belong to themselves), i am doing this for fun, no money.
A/N: Sorry for the delay... been busy with school and had little time with working on my story. Sorry changed it from the disney thingy, because I wanted to make Paul and Ringo go together.
Previous Chapters: Prologue~ Chapter 1~ Chapter 2~ Chapter 3~ Chapter 4

"What is this place?" George asked looking at the dark castle. George walked towards the doors and entered. George grabbed a candlestick and went up through a dark part of the castle, "Dad?" he yelled.

"George?" he heard his father's voice, "Get out of here, please." he begged as George came running up to him.

"I just can't leave you here." George said grabbing his father's hands. Then he heard a growl and saw a shadow move behind them.

"Who are you?" the deep voice asked angrily. George shuddered at how cold the voice seemed to be.

"Please sir." George begged, "Let my father go, he is awfully ill, and he needs to be helped." George looked at tall shadow before him.

"It's his problem, he shouldn't have set foot on my grounds." he growled.

"Please..." George cried, "What can I do?" he begged on his knees. There was silence from the person in the shadows.

"All right..." the voice said, "I will let him go, but can you love me?" he asked. George thought that was an odd question, but nodded with a smile.

"What is your name?" George asked. Yet again there was silence from the speaker.

"John..." the voice replied softer now, "John Lennon." Then he stepped out into the light. When George saw that John was a beast he got up. He then knew this was his time for adventure.

"My name is George." he smiled, "George Harrison." then he bowed to John. Then something happened that George make him love John. What John did was let his father out and called for a servant who was actually a clock.

"Take this man to the den and bring him up to good health." he said and watched Harold walk away with the clock. George grabbed John's hand and walked down the stairs to the den as well.


Back at the village...

"How dare he!" Paul yelled slumping onto his big chair in the bar, "Rejected, humilated in front of the whole fucking town!" he turned his chair towards the fire trying to ignore the laughter at the bar. Ringo came up beside his friend, hero and the most handsome man in town, but he knew that Paul had his eyes on George and wouldn't take notice to him.

If it were he that Paul was proposing to, he'd gladly say yes and be the one to take care of him, but it was impossible with that George in the way of everything.

"Paul, pull yourself together." Ringo said smiling, "Maybe it wasn't just meant--" but before he could finish his sentence Paul grabbed him by the collar.

"Don't you say that we weren't meant to be!" he then threw Ringo on the ground and sat down again. Ringo got up and wiped off the dirt. He went to the bar and grabbed a drink for Paul, "I'm pathetic loser, aren't I Ringo?" he looked down at Ringo who was sitting on the carpet and Ringo sat there without a thought in the world, then he smiled, 'Maybe this is how I can win Paul's heart.' he thought and stood up.

"You, never..." Ringo sang, "Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Paul looking so down in the dumps. Every guy here' love to be you, Paul... even when taking you lumps." Then everyone sang and it worked. It cheered up Paul a great lot more.

"When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs, every morning to help me get large and now that I'm grown, I eat five dozen eggs to help me stay fit and calm." he sang and downed a beer on the table. He knew he made that eggs part up, just to impress everyone. Paul looked at Ringo was singing and had an arm around one of the drunks and that is when something happened. Paul couldn't control his jealousy. It was burning inside, wanting out, but he didn't want to show it, he knew it would cost him his admiration from his fellow townsfolk. He couldn't love Ringo, he just couldn't... could he?


"Master, kiss him." Neil said smiling. It had been two months since George and his father were there living at the castle. John looked down at Neil and rolled his eyes and turned his head up towards George, who was just as well staring back at him.

"John..." he sighed with a smile, "I love you, like love you." he said putting an accent on the second love. John blushed, but he knew George couldn't see it. George got up and walked around the table.

"How could you love a beast?" John asked looking into George's eyes.

"Because this... this is not you." George said putting a hand on John's face, "The real you is in here." he said now pointing at John's heart. George leaned in and kissed John on the lips, even if it was a hairy kiss.

Then something happened, John was in the air and a bright light shone around the room. George tried to watch, but the light was too bright for him to keep looking in John's direction. After two or so minutes the light had vanished like it appeared, quickly, George looked towards John to see... not a beast... but a man. George smiled as he saw the real John Lennon show.

"George!" John yelled, "You did it! You're my true love." he gleamed and kissed George on the lips. George's father came out and stared at the scene.

"Where did John go?" he asked looking around for the old John.

"I'm right here Mr. Harrison" John smiled, "Did you think I born that way?" he laughed at George's father. He turned towards Neil and Mal and saw they were both human again!

"Master!" Neil and Mal said together and ran up to John giving him a big enormous hug.

"George you're the one!" John said turning towards George and kissing him passionately on the lips.

paul/ringo, john/george

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