Beauty and the Beatles

Apr 11, 2010 13:45

 Title: Beauty and The Beast
Author: Me (Simplebeatles)
Rating: PG-13 ???
Warnings: Disney parody, WOOC (Way out of character lol), fluffy ^-^
Pairing: John/George
Summary: If you know the Beauty and the Beast, you know what it is about. John- Prince/Beast, George= Belle, Paul= Gaston, Ringo = LeFou, Brian= Mrs. Pots, Neil= Lumiere, Mal= Cogsworth, Harold Harrison (George's real dad) = Maurice, Martha= the little stool dog, George M= Chip
Disclaimer: I do not own the Beatles, nor do I own disney (they belong to themselves), i am doing this for fun, no money. 
 Previous Chapters: Prologue~ Chapter 1~ Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Harold got up and ran until he came up to a castle gates and started to shake them trying to get someone's attention.

"Help!!" He yelled, "Someone there!?" he started to shake the lock hoping that maybe shaking it, it would open up. Suddenly the gates opened and he ran in. The gates slammed shut together with the wolves hitting it angrily. Harold turned around to see a castle and bangs on the door. A second standing there the doors creak open and he enters caustiously.

"Hello? Hello?!" he yelled his voice shaking. The foyer was dark and dusty all around, he was afraid no one lived here anymore.

Watching from a table near by a candle stick named Neil and a clock named Mal. They were both whispering loudly.

"Old fellow must have lost his way in the woods." Neil said worried for the man's health.

"Shut up." Mal said more not caring, "Maybe he'll go away." Neil rolled his eyes, Mal was always too serious about things.

"Is someone there?" Harold asked nervously. He thought he heard two voices speaking to each other, and was wondering if he had gone nuts.

"Not a word, Neil." Mal whispered angrily, "Not one word!" he whispered more loud than he planned.

"I don't mean to intrude, but I've lost my horse." he shivered but continued anyways, "I need a place to stay for the night." he said looking around the dark foyer.

"Come on, Mal." Neil said as if he were a child finding a cold lost puppy, "Have a heart."

"Shush, shush.... shhh" Mal hissed and covered Neils mouth, who promptly proceeded to touch his lit candle hand to Mals hand, "Ow, ow, ow, Ow, OUCH!" he screamed giving away himself.

"Of course, sir" Neil said, "You are most welcomed here." he smiled. Harold looked around nervously and picked up the candlestick.

"Who said that?" he said lifting the candlestick in the air. He turned his head around and felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Over here." Neil said smiling. Harold turned around again, asking where he was. Neil tapped his shoulder and smiled, "Ello." Harold moved his head over to the candlestick as he said it and dropped Neil.

"Oh!!!!" he yelled, "Incredible!" he exclaimed after a second of examining him.

"Well now, you've done it!" Mal yelled hopping over, "Splended, just peachy... aaarrrgghhh!" Mal yelled as Harold picked him up.

"How is this accomplished?" he asked himself and started fiddling with Mal.

"Put me down! At once!" Mal yelled, but got ticked at the bottom of his feet and started to laugh. Harold starts to wind the spring on the back of Mal's head, which then was twisting his face around with the clock hands. Harold after toying around in the back, he opened the front and started to play with his pendulum. Mal, who did not like this, slammed the door shut on Harold's finger, "Do you mind, sir." Mal said angrily.

"I beg your pardon." Harold said kindly, "I never seen a clock that...." but got cut off by a sneeze, which hit Mal in the face.

"Oh you are soaked to the bone, sir." Neil said, "Come, warm yourself by the fire." With that they walked into the den. Mal right behind them, trying to catch up.

"No! No! No! Don you know what the master would do if he finds you here." Mal said angrily. Little did they know that the Beast was watching the scene from up above and rushing to come down the stairs to enter the den, "I demand you stop... right...there!" he yelled, but then tumbled down the stairs. Harold took a seat in the big chair beside the fire, "I'm not seeing this, I'm not seeing this!" he yelled.

"Well hello there boy." Harold laughed as the footstool rushes up to him.

"Actually its a girl, Martha." Neil said correcting him. Harold laughed and put his feet on top of the footstool. Then the coatrack came over and took off his coat. He smiled at the service he was getting.

"All right!" Mal yelled, "This has gone far enough, I am in charge here and..." but before he could finish his sentence he was run over by a cart that belonged to Brian and his partner George Martin.

"How would you like a spot of tea?" he asked pulling up beside Harold, "It'll warm you up in no time." he smiled. Brian poured tea in a cup, who was George Martin, and who hopped over to Harold.

"No tea!" Mal yelled, "No tea!"

"His mustache tickles, Brian" George M laughed. Brian rolled his eyes. Suddenly the door to the den slams open and a strong of gust of wind enters the room, extinguishing Neils flames and the fire in the fireplace. Mal had ran for cover and Brian began to shake. George M jumped back onto the tea cart and hides behind Brian, shaking, "Uh oh!" his voice quivered.

The Beast enters the den and is on all fours looking around in the darkness. He growls his words and says, "There's a stranger here." he looks around the room. Neil re-lit his flames and hopped over to his master.

"Master, allow me to explain." he began, "The gentle man was lost and he was cold and wet..." but his sentence was cut off by the Beast's growl. Neil's flames, once again, go out and he put his head down dejected. Then out from under the rug came Mal running up to the Beast.

"Master, I'd like to take this moment to say..." he said sucking up, "I was against this from the start. I tried to stop them, but would they listen? No, no, no!" but his words are drowned out by the Beast's growl. Harold looks to one side of the chair, and then to the other side and sees the Beast.

"Who are you?!" The Beast yelled, "What are you doing here?" he voice was more louder than before. Harold backed away from the Beast, who was advancing on him.

"I was lost in the woods and..." He quivered and stared at the Beast.

"You are not welcome here!" The Beast yelled still advancing on poor Harold.

"I'm so very sorry." Harold said shakingly. He was scared of the Beast.

"What the fuck you staring at?" The Beast yelled. He hated people staring at him. Yes he was a Beast, but so fucking what?

"N-n-n-nothing." Harold said cowering under the Beast and turning around to leave. The Beast than raced around and blocked the entrance with surprising speed.

"So you've come to stare at the beast, have you?" the Beast asked angrily. Harold backed away nervously.

"Please, I meant no harm..." he pleaded, " I just needed a place to stay." he cried. Suddenly the Beast grabs Harold and carries him out of the room and slams the door plunging the den along with Neil, Mal, Brian and George M in darkness.

"I'll give you a place to stay all right." The Beast said throwing Harold into a cell.


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