Where I'd Like To Be **1/?**

May 02, 2010 14:21

Title: Where I'd Like To Be
Chapter: 1
Date: 1964 or so..
Pairing: George/Ringo with jealousy from John/Paul
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and suggestive language
Info: A heavy pressure is pushing hard on Ringo's heart. And nobody notices; except quiet but observant George. Ringo soon finds out however he isn't the only Beatle with an issue. However this problem grows inside him more and more as John and Paul become nosey in his own neb. Ringo, desperate, seeks out George for sympathy.
Disclaimer: I own no moptops. Sorry.

"One last question: You chaps seem to get along well. Do any of you ever fight?"

"Oh yes. We love a good banging, don't we John?" Paul said, winking at John. The reporters simply laughed at his humor, only the Beatles understood what a good banging really meant. "In all seriousness though, we all can take a punch...Well maybe not little George eh?"

They all laughed but George gave Paul a warning glance before saying, "You're forgetting I've lived with many older brothers Paul. I had to defend myself y'know."

"Ohh I'm so scared." Ringo added in playfully, even nudging George in the ribs a little.

Everyone laughed hard, but George only let out a low chuckle following a sigh. It was happening again. He was being treated as the baby in the group, nothing's really different from when he left home.

Soon enough the interview was over. Brian seemed displeased that the moptops did not maintain as good as an image as usual. "Don't talk about any fights that may or may not happen within the group. Got it boys?"

They all simply nodded and headed to their hotel rooms.

" 'ell...It's already 12:30.." Ringo exclaimed. Flopping himself onto the nearest bed in his and George's room. George on the other hand walked into the bathroom.

Paul let out a long yawn before plucking a fresh cigarette from John's lips and placing then in his own.

"Hey!" John yelled. "Gimme back my damn cig Pauly!"

"Come and fucking get it then Johnny-boy." Paul replied and lead John into their room.

When George came out of the toilet he felt lost. He took a very quick shower, only to rinse off and feel comfortable enough for bed. He noticed his roommate's body sprawled lazily across the very end of his mattress. Feeling nice, he first dropped his dirty clothes on the floor and then he pulled Richie closer to the top where the pillow was. Next began to pull the covers off from under the somehow heavy man, but he accidently pulled his trousers halfway down too.

Turning red, George quickly tried to pull his pants back up, but noticed a large bulge in Ringo's plaid boxers. All the movement must have cause Ringo to-to-- Suddenly a distinctive moan sounded from the other room. This faint sound of course cause the sleeping man to snap his eyes open.

"George!!" Ringo gasped. "What the fuck are you doing?? And even your damn shirt is off!"

George froze. His hands still gripping Ringo's trousers, the only thought he could process though was how wrong and awkward this moment felt. His hair was dripping onto Ringo's bare and scarred abdomen. The older boy stared back and forth from George's face to his hand that close to what Ringo did realize now was a boner.

"Well George? What are you doing??" He demanded again. "You're trying to molest me! Or touch me! Or whatever-"

"Wait a second! Wait a damn second Ringo!" George finally yelled, finding his voice. He yanked his hands away from his pants and stood up. Ringo stood up too, for he was in total shock. He had never heard George yell that loud. Made him look around, hoping no one would wonder what's going on. But Ringo also wanted to hear George yell like that again. Except this time maybe..hear him yell with pleasure.

"What?? Wait a second for what?!" Ringo's eyes flared up, wanting to hear him scream.

Unfortunately, George calmed and collected himself. "You were asleep in a bad position when I came out of the shower so I just wanted to make you more comfortable. That's all. No touching or what not."

The two locked eyes. The only sound was from the heater and the moans and muffled screams from the other room. Ringo's pants felt even tighter as he examined George's face though. He never noticed the shape of George's lips and eyes. So soft, almost womanly. His dick twitch impatiently with lust.

George on the other hand felt his own cock slowly poke under his only clothing article on: striped boxers. But he stared deeply into Ringo's eyes. He saw a sadness that he never thought was possible to such a silly moptop. He felt pity on Richie. Pity and-

"Well....I'm going to bed then Georgie." Ringo broke the lock by turning toward his bed. Of course he would break the awkward silence. Ringo knew how to stop and make him seem like a turn off. Caused George to feel almost guilty. "Good night."

George then actually realized how big his dick had become. He knew that Ringo's was the same too. But why?? He felt pity and....He felt warmth.

He too also got into the bed opposite of Ringo's. And pondered why this feeling suddenly appeared now. Of all times and places. Why now did he-he...Feel warmth.

Neither slept or fix their problems in their pants. But both wondered why these feelings occured. Ringo felt his heart drop in pain. And he did not know why. While George felt guilty for an unexplainable reason.

However; this was only the beginning. John and Paul had not yet begun to see the difference their ways.

To be continued...

Note: This is much much much shorter than I originally had it but....I'm too tired and didn't feel like re-adding all the words that got deleted. So...ENJOY.

george/ringo, john/paul

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