Of Beautiful Nights and Horror-Filled Twilights (3/?)

Apr 29, 2010 22:13

Title: Of Beautiful Nights and Horror-Filled Twilights (3/?)
Pairings: John/Paul, George/Ringo
Rating: R? Maybe PG-13
Timeline: 1973-ish
Warnings: language, sexual content, angst
Author: me!! :D
Disclaimer: I don't own dem D: sadly.
Authors Note: :D I've been wanting to write this fic for FOR. EVER. It just kinda came to me in a dream, so I'm like 'hey, why the hell not?' So just bear with me!!
Every chapter is 3 weeks later, unless specified as different.
Dhani Harrison was born a few weeks before Allison in this story :D god he's adorable.

Paul shoots up in bed, screaming and sobbing between gasps and gags for air. John jerks around, his hands flying to Paul's, to keep him steady.
Paul's eyes become wider, an he's suddenly jolted from the bed and across the hall to Allison's bedroom.
There, she is undisturbed by her parents' cries, and is sleeping peacfully, but Paul leans over the bars of the crib and takes her up into his arms anyways, holding her firmly but gently.
"My baby..." he whispers over and over again. She wakes and struggles in his grip but he's not letting go. She let's out a cry, then relaxes slowly.
John comes rushing in after and places his hand on his husband's shoulder.
"Huh? Oh. O-Okay."
Paul strokes the auburn curls from Allison's panicked face, bounces and hushes her.
"I'll protect you, I promise."
"Hey Ringo?" George knows he's sleeping; it's only 4 in the morning. "Rings? Ritch!" He jabbed Ringo in the side.
"Ritchie wake up."
"I wanna talk to you."
"Yes now."
Ringo turns over, his clean shaven face pale an tired. He reaches for George's hand and tugs it within his own.
"What is it then?"
George didn't think he would agree to listen at this time. He wasn't prepared.
"Okay then..." Ringo begins to close his eyes again before George calls again.
"Wait! No!"
"Geo, baby..."
"I-Um... No it's nothing."
"Goddamnit, Geo, make up your fucking mind already!"
George's intake of breath is short, raspy and nervous.
"I was... I was... Um..."
"Come on, then, I'm tired!"
"I was wondering if we could start a family, too." the words are out before George could realize, and so was Ringo.
OH. REALLY SHORT D: cliffhanger *smiles evilly*

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george/ringo, john/paul

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