Empty Ledgers Are Overrated
be_compromised friending meme for clint/natasha shippers
Copy & paste the code below into a new comment, fill in your answers, and make some new friends!
Name: Movieverse, Comicverse, or both? How many times have you seen Avengers?: What brings you to the Clint/Natasha ship?: Any other ships/fandoms?: What about C/N do you like best?: What kinds of things are you looking forward to seeing at be_compromised? Fic, graphics, vids...?: Share your favorite piece of fanon/head!canon: Rec a fic, graphic, vid, meta, etc. (try to pick something not yet recommended) and explain why you liked it.: What should a potential new friend know about you/your LJ and/or what are you looking for in an LJ friend?:
Friending policy?:
Anything else you want to add?:
+ Spread the word!
http://be-compromised.livejournal.com/24134.html">Empty Ledgers Are Overrated: A Clint/Natasha Friending Meme