a handful of recs

Jun 06, 2012 00:25

A huge amount of Iron Man 2 icons here by corelite with plenty of Natasha.

Have some Avengers Cast Icons from magic_art. You may need a fan.

I love this Clint graphic by talipuu on tumblr.

Amusing Team Avengers gif by hemsworthss on tumblr.

six deeply secret truths and half a dozen lies by sour-idealist on tumblr (Natasha/Pepper, PG13/R, 900 words). One for the ladies.

To Be Modified As Necessary by ignipes on AO3 (Team fic with Clint/Natasha one of the pairings, Teen and Up, 5912 words). Summary: They only need ten rules to ensure (relatively) peaceful cohabitation. Amusing.

Hope is Not a Course of Action by thatdamneddame on AO3 (Clint/Coulson, past Clint/Natasha, Teen and Up, 12,572 words). Summary: Clint loved Natasha like he loved a lot of stupid ideas. An interesting look at how Clint may join SHIELD with a mix of comics and film and a great Clint character study.

frame thy fearful symmetry by matryoshkha (Clint/Bruce, one shot, no rating but I’d say PG13). Forget the pairing, this is really about Clint and the Hulk and mostly Clint. It’s fantastic and very wow.

fanwork: part of the team, fanwork: clint-centric, fanwork: clint backstory, fanwork: clint starts at shield, gif recs, fanwork: natasha-centric, fanwork: funny, graphics recs, fic recs, icon recs, fanwork: hot under the collar

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