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Comments 29

forsquilis November 13 2008, 17:20:27 UTC
I continue to love this story. Seriously. I just adore it. This is an alternate future I'd love to see more of. (I'm sure Mohinder wouldn't appreciate that statement, but he'll just have to learn to live with it.)


barhaven November 13 2008, 18:19:46 UTC
Pff, Mohinder can deal. :P If he's at the point where he thinks eating people kidnapping and killing random strangers is a good idea, it's aaaaaall downhill into monster territory from there.

Thanks so much for the comments! This one AND the other one. :) I feel like I'm in the minority for liking daddy!Sylar and Noah Jr. in the alternate future, but their relationship was just so...NICE. And interesting. And full of hidden ISSUES LIEK WHOA from Gabriel. Even if Peter hadn't come, I can't imagine it would have taken TOO long for Sylar's past to screw things up. (How do you even BEGIN to explain to your kid that daddy used to cut people's heads open to poke around in their grey matter?)


forsquilis November 13 2008, 18:31:36 UTC
I continute to haaaate the idea of Sylar being saved by the love of a good woman, and I definitely don't buy the idea of him having a baby and instantly becoming all woobie. But yet...I can buy the idea that slowly, over the course of several years, he became devoted to his child. I can't see him coping with an infant at all, but a small child is devoted to its parents (and Sylar loves being viewed as the most amazing thing in the universe) plus I could see Sylar winding up with the viewpoint of "I'm going to give my child the childhood I always wished I had" (it's kind of a cliche, but it's a cliche because many people do that). And we saw him be tender with Virginia, so we know he's capable of it. It's really interesting to explore that side of someone's personality: capable of utter viciousness against people he doesn't know or who he thinks have wronged him, but loving and protective towards people he does know.


angary November 15 2008, 04:30:20 UTC
Surprise surprise, I love this!

The imagery, descriptions, dry humor, and dialogue are awesome. You do such a fantastic job of balancing the angst, suspense, and wit in your fics; even while re-reading this, I was still on the edge of my seat in wanting to find out what Mohinder's plans were.

Again, I absolutely love the speech that Mohinder gives, and how it stays true to what we saw of Monster!Mo in I Am Become Death. The history between Mohinder and Sylar, plus the bitterness and self-disgust that Mohinder would probably feel all comes across so well in what he tells Noah. Your characterization always seems extremely spot on in your works - for instance, this fic could have just been about Mohinder terrorizing a little boy for the hell of it, but it's made into so much more through the interaction that Mohinder has with poor, innocent Noah ( ... )


barhaven November 15 2008, 19:17:13 UTC
Thank you! And thanks again for the awesome betaing. We kind of shared a brain about the things that needed tweaking. If you still need another beta for your ensemble thing, I'd be happy to help you. :)

I love being able to work a little humour into things like this. The SRS BZNS fics are fun in their own way, but a little silliness now and then breaks up the angst. Glad it seems to work out. ;) And that you thought the characterization was accurate. With only one scene of monster!Mo to work with (and Noah Jr. being a total shot in the dark), it was hard to tell if it came off right.

this fic could have just been about Mohinder terrorizing a little boy for the hell of it, but it's made into so much more through the interaction that Mohinder has with poor, innocent Noah.Monster!Mo's kind of schizophrenic about his "evil" here. Even if part of him feels bad about it (and he's more than a little unhinged), he's still self-aware about what he's doing. Hard to tell him he's WRONG for wanting revenge, but dragging an innocent kid into it ( ... )


cazrolime November 15 2008, 20:33:02 UTC
This is fantastic. Noah is painfully awesome, and I'm in love with the way you write bug!Mohinder, all bitter and jaded and vengeful and still a little guilty. ♥


barhaven November 16 2008, 03:05:04 UTC
Noah was fun to write. Monster!Mohinder too. Bug!Mo brings the creepiness and evil when he wants to, but he's still self-aware enough to know that what he's doing is pretty terrible. Eight years is a long time to be a deformed, angry, bitter, semi-insane, reclusive shut-in, heh.

Thanks for the comment!


greyelveneyes November 15 2008, 20:44:20 UTC
Oh, the imagery, the dialogue, the characterization...everything in this is fantastic.


barhaven November 16 2008, 03:17:57 UTC
Thank you! I enjoyed playing around with all those things. It was fun to play with monster!Mo's conflictedness and creepiness through Noah's POV. I doubt he'd ever get this far in canon, but I wouldn't mind seeing him bring the creepy some more before the end of the season, heh.

Thanks for the comment!


seraphtrevs November 15 2008, 22:05:46 UTC
This was really incredible. Monster!Mohinder was absolutely fantastic - his mood swings, self-loathing, and the way he mumbles to himself while scuttling around the apartment are really evocative of how far he has fallen, and yet there's still a glimmer of humanity lurking underneath all of the crazy.

Your prose is also fantastic - there were a lot of great lines, but I think this one was my favorite:

The corner is cluttered with stacks of dust-covered paintings, the remains of old heroes and villains and stillborn apocalypses.


barhaven November 16 2008, 10:40:15 UTC
Monster!Mohinder was a lot of fun to write. Mood swings and all. ;) Can't really blame him for wanting revenge (especially after having eight miserable years to obsess), and he's self-aware enough to know that he's terrorizing an innocent kid and plotting to kill said kid's father. He's just so unhinged and so far gone that he's long past caring.

Your prose is also fantastic

Thank you! The loft was a really cool setting - and the alternate future in general was really nifty to me - so I hope I could do it some justice. :)

(Also, ICON LOVE. Venture Brothers FTW. :D )


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