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angary November 15 2008, 04:30:20 UTC
Surprise surprise, I love this!

The imagery, descriptions, dry humor, and dialogue are awesome. You do such a fantastic job of balancing the angst, suspense, and wit in your fics; even while re-reading this, I was still on the edge of my seat in wanting to find out what Mohinder's plans were.

Again, I absolutely love the speech that Mohinder gives, and how it stays true to what we saw of Monster!Mo in I Am Become Death. The history between Mohinder and Sylar, plus the bitterness and self-disgust that Mohinder would probably feel all comes across so well in what he tells Noah. Your characterization always seems extremely spot on in your works - for instance, this fic could have just been about Mohinder terrorizing a little boy for the hell of it, but it's made into so much more through the interaction that Mohinder has with poor, innocent Noah.

This fic actually makes me wish we could have seen more of the AU storyline shown in that episode, but in a way, it's great to see an interpretation like yours that extrapolates what we saw and makes a new story out of it. Also, reading this makes me hope even more that Mohinder doesn't get to this point in canon! He can stay creepy and gross in fic, though, especially this one xD


barhaven November 15 2008, 19:17:13 UTC
Thank you! And thanks again for the awesome betaing. We kind of shared a brain about the things that needed tweaking. If you still need another beta for your ensemble thing, I'd be happy to help you. :)

I love being able to work a little humour into things like this. The SRS BZNS fics are fun in their own way, but a little silliness now and then breaks up the angst. Glad it seems to work out. ;) And that you thought the characterization was accurate. With only one scene of monster!Mo to work with (and Noah Jr. being a total shot in the dark), it was hard to tell if it came off right.

this fic could have just been about Mohinder terrorizing a little boy for the hell of it, but it's made into so much more through the interaction that Mohinder has with poor, innocent Noah.

Monster!Mo's kind of schizophrenic about his "evil" here. Even if part of him feels bad about it (and he's more than a little unhinged), he's still self-aware about what he's doing. Hard to tell him he's WRONG for wanting revenge, but dragging an innocent kid into it... Yeah, not exactly making him the "good guy" here, but I imagine he's long past caring.

Also, reading this makes me hope even more that Mohinder doesn't get to this point in canon!

I approve of creepy!Mohinder. XD He's not exactly winning himself any hero points in canon at the moment. But yeah, I like the alternate future, and I would have liked to see more of it. Especially if Noah Jr. had lived. Kid would have had an...interesting life ahead of him. Considering his daddy's past, it probably would only have been a matter of time before something came along to screw things up.


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