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Comments 29

bellonablack November 16 2008, 01:29:53 UTC
This is soooo good.

I love Noah's characterization, so what I would think Sylar's son would be like...

I feel sorry for Mohinder but I second Noah's opinion on ass-kicking.

Your language is really evocative. I'm so happy with this ficcy, I want to see more!


barhaven November 16 2008, 10:47:09 UTC
LOL, Noah was great to do narrative for. He had a very different POV of Mohinder and Sylar than most people. Plus it made it easier to break up the angst and SRS BZNS with a little humour here and there, hee.

I feel sorry for Mohinder but I second Noah's opinion on ass-kicking.

Well, that's the question: if Mohinder knows he's no match for Sylar in a fight, what makes him so sure THIS time is going to be any different? With eight years to obsess about it, chances are he came up with SOMETHING. ;)

Thanks so much for the comment!


bellonablack November 16 2008, 13:49:29 UTC
"Well, that's the question: if Mohinder knows he's no match for Sylar in a fight, what makes him so sure THIS time is going to be any different?"

...man, I have a feeling I'm going to be sad?

Yes, there's that feeling.

But I trust you! XD

*hugs* No problem, this just deserves a ton of comments from this chapter alone.


barhaven November 16 2008, 17:40:39 UTC
Heh, I don't know if I'll actually write any more of this. I really only thought of it as a one-shot. But considering the kind of stuff Mohinder could tell Noah about his dad, there's bound to be woe no matter WHAT happens with Gabriel shows up. (How do you explain to your son why daddy used to cut people's heads open?)


shimmeree November 16 2008, 01:34:52 UTC
That was really great.


barhaven November 16 2008, 10:47:27 UTC
Thank you! :)


missaffliction November 16 2008, 05:27:12 UTC
Ack! Oh my god, I'm in love with the Mohinder monster!
You did SUCH a wonderful job with how bitter he must be that Sylar has the perfect life now. He's the perfect mix of monster and recognizable Mohinder, i.e. my favorite line of the whole thing, "What makes you think you'd taste good?" :D

Also, your characterization of Noah made me 'Aaaw' constantly.
yet with all that, there's still something so dark about it. Even though Mohinder shows genuine remorse for having to bring Noah into this, he really is willing to do ANYTHING, and is so lost at this point.

Wonderful job, I adore it! I want mooooore! :D


barhaven November 16 2008, 17:07:43 UTC
I'm glad monster!Mohinder still seemed like MOHINDER under all of it. :) The story's mostly from Noah's POV, so he doesn't know Mohinder or see him as anything but "the monster" (and Mo's not exactly making much of a case against it with his actions), but I still wanted him to be recognisable despite how far gone he was. At least eight years as a deformed, semi-crazy recluse didn't cut back on his sarcasm. X)

Even though Mohinder shows genuine remorse for having to bring Noah into this, he really is willing to do ANYTHING, and is so lost at this point.

Exactly. Mohinder might feel sorry about what he's doing to Noah...but he's not sorry enough to choose NOT to do it.

Thanks so much for the comment!


megmatthews20 November 16 2008, 07:41:48 UTC
I'm joining the chorus to say this was fantastic! Such an intense and riveting read. A great way of showing two incredible characters through the eyes of an intelligent child (whose thought process is a lot like his father's in some ways. I like that. :)

And Mohinder coming off as such a monster to poor little Noah...

This was great!



barhaven November 16 2008, 17:28:39 UTC
Looking at them from Noah's POV was interesting. He has a very different view of Sylar and Mohinder than everyone else, especially if he's mostly ignorant of his dad's past. To him, "Gabriel" is his dad, his family, his protector, and the most important person in his life. While Mohinder's just "the monster" who kidnapped him, keeps being creepy and ranting at him, and is going to do Very Bad Things to his dad. So Noah sees Gabriel at his best and Mohinder at his worst.

And Mohinder coming off as such a monster to poor little Noah...

Mo's at least self-aware about what he's doing, and still human enough to feel a bit conflicted. But by the end, he's sure not making much of a case for himself against the whole "EVIL MONSTER" thing, heh.

Thanks so much for the comments!


starvinbohemian November 16 2008, 11:03:57 UTC
I looove your Noah Jr. His interactions with schizophrenic Molizard were great. I hope you continue it. :)


barhaven November 16 2008, 17:34:24 UTC
LOL, Mohinder and his evil mood swings. X) Guess becoming a crazy disfigured shut-in hasn't improved his state of mind any.

I'm not sure I'll continue this, since it was meant mostly as a one-shot. But I appreciate the interest. Thanks a lot for commenting. :)


starvinbohemian November 16 2008, 18:34:15 UTC
Lol! No, I guess it wouldn't. XD


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