Nice weather if you're a duck!

Jul 23, 2013 13:05

Oh Lord, what a day! Thunderstorms, torrential rain and I had to take Misty to the vet for his check up ( Read more... )

ugh, pets, real life

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Comments 32

too_beauty July 23 2013, 13:13:03 UTC
OMG you had a real adventure! I remembered those sudden and "tropical like" storms when I was living in Bournemouth, wind and rain is not the best combination.
Hope Misty will do well next week and he should teach his teeth to stop growing ;)
Hope you are now dry and comfy and enjoying the sun :)


badly_knitted July 23 2013, 13:45:02 UTC
It was a bit crazy! I've never seen that road flodded before, but I think we got about a month's rain overnight judging by the water level. I've never had to drive through water like that and I swear it was even deeper on the way back.

The sun's gone in again and it's stifling outside again, too hot and humid to breathe, so I'm staying in with the windows shut to keep the worst of the heat out. Storms usually clear the air, but we've had several overnight and this morning and they've not helped at all.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed too. I really didn't want him having yet more surgery at his age, but there's no way around it, the tooth must come out before it starts causing serious problems. Poor Misty.

I am dry not, but very tired. Didn't sleep well last night, the thunder kept waking me up.


aviv_b July 23 2013, 13:35:29 UTC
We had a big downpour Friday night. There was no rain predicted so I had no umbrella, no coat (it had been hot)no nothing.

I came out of a local theater and had to make a dash for a taxi. I was soaked with just that short distance.

Being a weather forecaster is the only job where you can be wrong 100% of the time and not get fired.


badly_knitted July 23 2013, 13:51:02 UTC
So true!

I'm only glad it was warm rain so I didn't mind too much, plus I had a rain hat on. My hair is the only thing that didn't get wet. At least I knew what the weather was like - it was impossible to miss since the storms had been raging the entire night.

I thought it was only in Britain that people needed to take an umbrella with them even on sunny days, just in case. Hope you were soon home and able to get dry, sitting in a car feeling all wet is horrible. I was lucky not to get drenched until I was home.


aviv_b July 23 2013, 14:15:43 UTC
Fortunately, it was a short cab ride. I was greeted by Teddy & Ida who were terribly concerned (not) as I stood dripping wet in the kitchen.

"Feed Me! Feed Me!"

Yeah, I fed them before I left for the play.


badly_knitted July 23 2013, 14:43:32 UTC
They should count themselves lucky that they weren't the ones out in the downpour!

Glad you were home in the dry quickly though. It's bad enough getting soaked, but staying that way for any length of time is no fun at all. Dry clothes are bliss!


neverminetohold July 23 2013, 15:01:55 UTC
As they say, no good deed goes unpunished ;) But I think it was very nice of you to run over despite the rain to save the parcels; I wish our neighbors were that considerate!

I hope Misty will be alright!


badly_knitted July 23 2013, 15:18:49 UTC
On our street, we've always tried to help each other out whenever we can. I've lived in this house all my life and while some of our neighbours are fairly new, we get along well with each other, there's still real community spirit here which is why I hope I never have to move.

At least the rain was warm and i had a rain hat on so my hair stayed dry. It was the only thing that did, lol!

Thank you, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. it'll be his second surgery this year and he had dental work done four times last year. It's a lot for an old rabbit but he's always had trouble with his teeth. i hope this will be the last time - he doesn't have many teeth left!


neverminetohold July 24 2013, 09:42:13 UTC
Our street was like that, too. I've lived here all my life as well (except for the first year of my life) and my grandfather was very much a part of our town's community. But then, some darn stupid rumors were spread in revenge because of an argument - I don't know the details and I don't want to either - and people started to keep their distance from us, though never when my grandfather was still around. That's so stupid!

Everyone has teeth trouble, even our pets ^.^"


badly_knitted July 24 2013, 11:54:08 UTC
Oh, that's such a shame! People should know better than to listen to rumours.

Yeah, and dental work on pets is expensive too.


milady_dragon July 23 2013, 20:06:26 UTC
That just sounds like so much fun! Not!

When I went to Florida for my vacation, it rained every day I was there. When I got back home, it was to rain...and it rained every day for a week and a half. It was nuts! So I kinda know what you're going through.

And of course the sun always comes out just after you got soaked, twice!


badly_knitted July 23 2013, 20:58:49 UTC
LOL! Until yesterday, this was the dryest July here in over 240 years! Then the rains came... About the only things happy today were the frogs.

I think the weather sometimes does that on purpose, rain following people from place to place just for fun. Weather demons perhaps.

We had more rain again this afternoon, but it's still no cooler. You step outside and it's almost too hot to breathe. I think I'm actually glad it was pouring rain this morning, at least the air was breathable even if at times I felt like I was driving through a river.

Missed seeing you around, hope life is being kind to you!


milady_dragon July 24 2013, 03:37:26 UTC
I know what you mean! That was here too, it was so hot and humid you'd go outside and it was like being smacked in the face with a hot, soaked towel. Mom got sick after going outside, but she's fine now.

Yeah, my laptop's hard drive crashed, which is why I haven't been around. I finally got my computer back, and luckily the tech was able to save a lot of my stuff. Good thing, I have a lot of writing on this thing!


badly_knitted July 24 2013, 12:13:34 UTC
Eeek! That's bad! That's why I keep all my stuff backed up on an external hard drive AND a memory stick, just to be certain I don't lose anything.

Glad you're back in business again though.

I'm staying in as much as possible, I don't handle the heat well at all. Hope you're mum can stay out of it too, mine doesn't step outside unless she really has to.


lexxiescott July 23 2013, 21:43:20 UTC
Sounds like you had quite the day. Rains like that can be fun, but not being out in them. :) Glad you were able to get in and get dried off.

*hugs* for Misty. I can't be fun for him. Hope this is the last one.


badly_knitted July 24 2013, 11:24:27 UTC
Couldn't reply to this last night because LJ was down.

I really hope this is the last surgery for Misty too, he's been through so much, especially over the last year and I worry every time he has to have surgery,

I realised last night that it was the first time I've ever driven through water. Many times on family holidays I've been a passenger when dad's driven though a ford, but I've never done the driving myself. I was a bit worried on the way home because the water was deeper and made worse by the steeper angle of the road on that side, I didn't want to get stuck because of water flooding the engine, but I got through okay. Hope it's drained away by next Tuesday though. I can't take an alternate route because the other roads are closed due to tram construction work.


lexxiescott July 24 2013, 19:42:15 UTC
Stupid livejournal. Always goes down at the worst times.

It can't be easy for him. Surgery is hard on everyone.

Driving through water isn't fun. I've never done it, just been a passenger, but Mum and I ended up in a flooded area last year when we were in Florida during a tropical storm. If I'd opened my door, the car would have flooded. I don't know how we made it through. It's really wicked scary.


badly_knitted July 24 2013, 20:19:07 UTC
It's fine if you're driving through a proper ford where the water is quite shallow, as long as there's not been a lot of rain and the current isn't too strong. Driving through flood water is a whole different animal though. You don't know how deep it's going to get or what the ground underneath is like, you can't be sure you won't be hit by a flood surge and it's hard to tell sometimes which way the current is flowing or how strong it might be. I was lucky I only had to drive though a few metres, sounds like your experience was far scarier.

Yeah, I've had more than enough surgery to last a lifetime, but I think Misty has now overtaken me, this will be either his eighth or ninth surgery. Poor old thing. He's a tough old bunny though, and in good health otherwise.


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