Nice weather if you're a duck!

Jul 23, 2013 13:05

Oh Lord, what a day! Thunderstorms, torrential rain and I had to take Misty to the vet for his check up ( Read more... )

ugh, pets, real life

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milady_dragon July 23 2013, 20:06:26 UTC
That just sounds like so much fun! Not!

When I went to Florida for my vacation, it rained every day I was there. When I got back home, it was to rain...and it rained every day for a week and a half. It was nuts! So I kinda know what you're going through.

And of course the sun always comes out just after you got soaked, twice!


badly_knitted July 23 2013, 20:58:49 UTC
LOL! Until yesterday, this was the dryest July here in over 240 years! Then the rains came... About the only things happy today were the frogs.

I think the weather sometimes does that on purpose, rain following people from place to place just for fun. Weather demons perhaps.

We had more rain again this afternoon, but it's still no cooler. You step outside and it's almost too hot to breathe. I think I'm actually glad it was pouring rain this morning, at least the air was breathable even if at times I felt like I was driving through a river.

Missed seeing you around, hope life is being kind to you!


milady_dragon July 24 2013, 03:37:26 UTC
I know what you mean! That was here too, it was so hot and humid you'd go outside and it was like being smacked in the face with a hot, soaked towel. Mom got sick after going outside, but she's fine now.

Yeah, my laptop's hard drive crashed, which is why I haven't been around. I finally got my computer back, and luckily the tech was able to save a lot of my stuff. Good thing, I have a lot of writing on this thing!


badly_knitted July 24 2013, 12:13:34 UTC
Eeek! That's bad! That's why I keep all my stuff backed up on an external hard drive AND a memory stick, just to be certain I don't lose anything.

Glad you're back in business again though.

I'm staying in as much as possible, I don't handle the heat well at all. Hope you're mum can stay out of it too, mine doesn't step outside unless she really has to.


milady_dragon July 24 2013, 12:25:19 UTC
Yep, what made it worse was the fact that I have an external hard drive, and am usually good about backing up...but I hadn't in a couple of months because I've been so busy lately. I've since learned my lesson and plan on backing up at least once a month.


badly_knitted July 24 2013, 14:09:41 UTC
I guess that means I'm paranoid - I back everything up daily. I really am terrified I'll lose some of my writing, especially after the problems I had when my last computer died. I'd never be able to re-write stuff if I lost it and I've actually been doing some writing other than drabbles lately.

I hope you didn't lose anything.


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