BtVS Double Drabble: Unbearable

Feb 15, 2023 16:56

Title: Unbearable
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Giles, Buffy.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 333: Same Old Story at drabble_weekly.
Spoilers/Setting: Prophecy Girl.
Summary: Giles can’t bear to think of Buffy dying.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.

It’s a story that has played out over and over since the beginning of time, when the first Slayer was imbued with powers beyond the ordinary in order to fight demonkind and defend humanity.

Giles knows Slayer history. As a member of the Watchers’ Council, he’s studied the lives of previous Slayers, from the time each was called to their destiny to the moment of their death a few short years, and in some cases mere months, later. He understands that being the Slayer is basically a death sentence, that each young girl’s life and future is forfeit the moment their powers are activated, but until now, it's all been academic.

This time it’s different, because Buffy is HIS Slayer. Admittedly she had another Watcher before him, a rather ill-fated one, but she’s his responsibility now, his to train, guide, and watch over. His to love like the daughter he will probably never have…

And the prophecy says she’s going to die.

Death is inevitable, for everyone, but Buffy is so young! She’s barely begun to live, and now all the promise he sees in her will go to waste.

He cannot permit that, even if he must sacrifice himself.

The End

fic, buffy summers, drabble_weekly, btvs, buffy fic, drabble, giles, fic: pg

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