Ficlet: It's A Rush - Follows ‘Having Fun’

Feb 16, 2023 16:57

Title: It's A Rush - Follows ‘ Having Fun
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ianto, Jack.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Jack and Ianto are intent on making the most of their day on the beach.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 276: Rush at anythingdrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Set in my Were-Crow ‘Verse. For FranArian.

Sex with Jack was an even greater rush than flying, although not by much. Both activities gave Ianto a thrill, set his heart racing and his nerve ends tingling. Sex on a beach…

He snorted inelegantly as he sprawled beside Jack in the afterglow, the blanket rucked up beneath their naked bodies, but both of them cosy enough beneath Jack’s heavy wool coat.

“What’s funny?” Jack asked, still a little breathless from their exertions.

“Sex on the beach!” Ianto sniggered. “We just acted out a cocktail!” He struggled to get his laughter under control. “Sorry, must be the adrenaline rush of sex right after flying. Gone straight to my head.”

Propped on one elbow, Jack grinned down at his lover. “I love you like this, giddy and happy.”

“Mm, giddy; that’s me.” Ianto pulled Jack down for a kiss. “Thank you.”

“What for?”

“Today. All of this. I hadn’t realised just how much I needed to get out of the Hub and into the air, stretch my wings.”

“It’s not over yet; still got the rest of the afternoon ahead of us if you want to fly some more.”

“I do. Lunch first though.” Ianto reached for his clothes again, pulling on jeans and t-shirt under cover of Jack’s coat.

Jack didn’t bother with keeping covered, simply getting up and dressing as if he wasn’t stark naked on a public beach after a very enjoyable round of alfresco sex.

They didn’t talk much as they ate, sitting across from each other on the blanket with their picnic lunch spread out between them; there was no need for words, the two men happy basking in the warm sunshine and each other’s company.

They relaxed for a while after eating, watching the sea lapping gently against the shore a few yards away, and listening to the shush of wavelets, interspersed with the cries of seabirds. Eventually though, Ianto’s attention was drawn upwards to the pale blue expanse overhead.

“Why don’t you change?” Jack suggested. “I’ll put everything in the car and take a walk down the beach.”

Ianto didn’t need telling twice. Shucking out of his clothes, he left them for Jack to fold before taking his crow form and leaping exuberantly into the air, relishing the rush of wind through his feathers.

Smiling, Jack gathered his lover’s clothes and the remains of their lunch, returned the bags to the car, then set off for a leisurely stroll. There was no need to rush.

Every so often, Ianto glided down to Jack’s shoulder, riding there for a few minutes, commenting on their surroundings, and what he’d seen.

“Man with dogs, other side of the rocks. Caw!” Then he was airborne again, Jack’s hair ruffled by the downdraft from his wings.

Laughing, Jack watched the sleek, black crow catch an updraft, spiralling higher and higher until he was barely more than a black speck in the distance. He couldn’t help feeling a pang of envy though. If only they could fly free together…

The End

anythingdrabble, fic, jack/ianto, were-crow 'verse, jack harkness, fic: sequel, fic: pg-13, ianto jones, torchwood fic

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