
May 03, 2010 15:29

Application )


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Comments 1289

Emmett Honeycutt App prt 1 fetchdixon May 17 2010, 23:48:39 UTC
OOC Information:
Name: Ember
Age: 17
AIM: demonfancypants

IC Information:
Name: Emmett Honeycutt
Fandom: Queer as Folk
Timeline: End of Season 5
Age: 27
Appearance: Emmett has short hair which is a brown colour and large, blue eyes with long lashes. He often wears make up and his fashion sense, whilst being 'fabulous', can sometimes be a little odd. He's skinny but well toned.
Abilities: Emmett has no inhuman abilities, though he can make anyone look fantastic with the right accessories.
Personality: Emmett is gay and can't help but let the rest of the world know it. He's overly camp, even referring to himself as 'gal' at times. He's very kind hearted and usually cheery. He loves to talk and will chitterchat about random things for hours unless he is stopped. He's a very big, bright, bubbly character, he can be irritating but it's extremely hard to all out dislike him. He gestures widely when speaking to emphasise his point and ( ... )


Re: Emmett Honeycutt App prt 2 fetchdixon May 18 2010, 00:00:51 UTC
History: Emmett was born in Hazelhurst, Mississippi into a large family who were quite poor. From a small child he was always very 'camp' and his family didn't understand him, his only friend growing up was his crazy Aunt Lula. He was often beaten up and spat on and frequently had stones thrown at him for being so camp, but it was his personality naturally and he couldn't hide it. He later ran away and moved to Pittsburgh where he was taken in by a drag queen named Gadiver who taught him all the ways of the world and looked after him. Later on he met Michael and his other friends Ted and Brian. Emmett ended up moving in with Michael when his apartment got burnt down ( ... )


Re: Emmett Honeycutt App prt 3 fetchdixon May 18 2010, 00:01:15 UTC
Meanwhile proposition 13 is being decided upon, a law that will stop homosexuals being allowed to have civil partnerships, adopt children, own a house together, or claim on each other's health insurance plans. The proposition rallying gives the homophobes a excuse to be abusive and life on Liberty Avenue gets steadily worse until someone plants a bomb in the gay club Babylon where a fundraiser is being held. Emmett is caught in the explosion but is unharmed, however his mind takes a battering and he remains in shock for several days, unable to even move from the sofa. Eventually Debbie#s boyfriend Carl shakes him to his sense and Emmett rekindles his flame ad works up the courage to leave the house for a candlelight vigil to commemorate the lives lost in the explosion. Some homophobes gatecrash the vigil and there is a riot in which Emmett actually punches a guy in the face ( ... )


Re: Emmett Honeycutt App prt 4 fetchdixon May 18 2010, 00:19:54 UTC
First Person Sample:

[accidental video]

(Emmett is staring at the blackberry and frowning, he starts to talk to himself.)

Who leaves an expensive lookin' thing like this lyin' around with a stranger in the room?

(he rubs his head)

Urgh, I must have had more than I thought last night, I can't remember a thing.

I hope he's hot, anyway, who ever he is.

(he looks around the room)

He's tidy, who ever he is, this place is spotless...

(Emmett continues to gaze around the room, eventually the timer cuts out)

Third Person Sample: Eventually Emmett got tired of waiting and stood up. He wandered around the room twice before going to the closet and opening it. He was surprised to see a rail of his own clothes there, everything from his favourite leather pants, to his his most outrageous floral shirt ( ... )


Mello [Part 1/?] worldsrunnerup May 18 2010, 03:16:42 UTC
OOC Information:

Name/Alias: Duck

Age: 21

E-Mail//MSN//AIM: AIM: theevilduck772 // e-mail:

Personal LJ: theevilduck772

IC Information:

Character Name: Mello (birth name: Mihael Keehl)

Character Journal: worldsrunnerup

Canon: Death Note

Point in Canon: In the church, just before his death

Age: 20

Appearance: This


Re: Mello [Part 2/?] worldsrunnerup May 18 2010, 03:17:58 UTC

Abilities: Mello is a genius. A lot of people try to claim that title, some truthfully, most untruthfully but Mello is probably one of the smartest people on Earth. His natural intelligence has been honed and enhanced through years of training. Coming from Wammy’s House (more in history) Mello has incredible observational, logical, and detecting skills and abilities. He has also been trained with a variety of guns and firearms and hand-to-hand combat. He knows how to make a number of different kinds of explosives and use many improvised weapons.

Personality:Mello is…volatile. Everything he feels, he feels with a passion, everything he does reflects this passion ( ... )


Re: Mello [Part 3/4] worldsrunnerup May 18 2010, 03:20:01 UTC

History:Not a lot is known about Mello before he became Mello. He was born Mihael Keehl in Germany, orphaned at an early age and sent to Wammy’s House, an orphanage/school for gifted children in Winchester, England. It was there that he was given a codename, Mello, in place of his real one. While this may seem strange, it makes more sense when the real purpose of Wammy’s House is brought to light ( ... )


Re: Mello [Part 4/6?] worldsrunnerup May 18 2010, 03:21:12 UTC
Mello soon was not only the owner of the Death Note but also had the Note’s original owner, a Shinigami named Sidoh, at his command (Sidoh was terrified of Mello and did whatever Mello told him to). Sidoh told Mello about the “Shinigami Eyes” which at the cost of half the recipient’s life in exchange for the ability to see any human’s life expectancy and name. Mello forced one of his minions to make the eye deal. Mello then began exterminating the mob. It is during this time that Mello starts developing his theory as to Kira’s identity ( ... )


ginsengismyfave May 18 2010, 20:11:19 UTC
OOC Information:

Name/Alias: Josh

Age: 21


Personal LJ: this one

IC Information:

Character Name: Iroh

Character Journal: ginsengismyfave

Canon: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Point in Canon: end of Season 1, just before he goes on the lam with Zuko

Age: early 60s.

Appearance: A short, stocky man with a large belly. Long grey hair with a receding hairline. He has bushy sideburns and a small pointy beard on his chin. Golden eyes and a topknot mark him as a member of the Fire Nation.

Abilities: A master Firebender, able to conjure and manipulate fire. Also able to create lightning, and developed the technique for redirecting lightning (something he learned from studying the Waterbenders).


Iroh application, part 2 ginsengismyfave May 18 2010, 20:36:33 UTC

Personality: Iroh is the uncle or grandfather everyone's always wanted. He is good humored, wise, caring, and when he needs to be, stern. Though is cares deeply for Zuko he is not afraid to chide or reprimand his nephew when he does something reckless and foolish (which is often). Though he is devoted to helping Zuko capture the Avatar, Iroh has a respect for the balance of life and the culture of the four nations. He can also be a wily old man and is not above jokes and deception. He's still a skilled bender and fighter, able to hold his own against other Firebenders.

Iroh is a lover of tea, Pai-Sho (a chess-like game enjoyed by the Avatar world), good food and music. He has a skill for playing the Tsungi horn (

Despite his age, Iroh is quite the lady's man.

History: The eldest child of Fire Lord Azulon and Fire Lady Ilah, Iroh was the heir to the throne of the Fire Nation, a country in the throes of a world war ( ... )


Re: Iroh application, part 3 ginsengismyfave May 18 2010, 20:52:26 UTC

First Person Sample: (Iroh frowns at the blackberry on his bedside table)

What on earth is this thing?

(He pokes it, frowning, then reclines on the bed.)

Well, this is a nicer bed than I've slept on in years! Just what my old back needed.

(He sighs happily and laces his fingers together on top of his belly)

Who could have guessed that so long at sea could make one so tired? Now, if only I can find someone to play Pai-Sho with, I'll be happy.

(He frowns suddenly)

I hope my nephew will be alright without me.
Most likely.

Third Person Sample: Iroh held the small cup of Jasmine tea between his hands. The worn ceramic was warm, and the steam fragrant. It was not ginseng, but it would do. It was the most he could ask for here on the southern tip of the Earth Kingdom ( ... )


Accepted badfic_mods May 25 2010, 01:07:46 UTC
Accepted! Welcome to the Manor!

Please comment here with your character's journal. After that you may join the communities badfic_manor, badfic_ooc and badfic_logs

Please comment on the Taken Rooms entry in the mod journal if you have a number preference, or one will be assigned to you.

Feel free to introduce yourself on the OOC community and post an IC arrival post! We're looking forward to playing with you. :)


Kaidou Kio [1/?] want_a_chupa May 22 2010, 19:49:37 UTC
OOC Information:

Name/Alias: Duck

Age: old enough to drink legally in the US

E-Mail//MSN//AIM: // AIM: theevilduck772

Personal LJ: theevilduck772

IC Information:

Character Name: Kaidou Kio

Character Journal: want_a_chupa

Canon: Loveless

Point in Canon: Just after chapter 82

Age: Unspecified, roughly twenty-one

Appearance: Kio is tall and slim with longish green hair. He has tattoos and earrings (14 in all.) Here.


Re: Kaidou Kio [2/?] want_a_chupa May 22 2010, 19:50:13 UTC

Abilities: Kio has no special abilities. He’s an extremely talented artist and fairly intelligent but besides that nothing special.

Personality: Friendly doesn’t begin to cover it. Kio is extremely outgoing and loves to be around people. He’ll do just about anything for a friend. Kio is very loyal and dedicated to those he cares about. He is a talented artist and loves art. His biggest faults are probably that he is extremely nosey and very loud. Kio has a habit of making his friend’s business his business. However, when it comes to himself he can be fairly secretive.


Re: Kaidou Kio [3/let's say 5?] want_a_chupa May 22 2010, 19:50:58 UTC
However, when it comes to himself he can be fairly secretive.

History: Ho boy. It’s not even clear what exactly Kio knows about his past let alone what’s true. Everything from before about four or so years ago is a complete blur, a confused web of half remembered things and lies ( ... )


Re: Kaidou Kio [4/4] want_a_chupa May 22 2010, 19:51:46 UTC

First Person Sample:
I hate mixing paints. No, I don’t hate it, I don’t hate anything about painting but I’m not very good at it. I know the color wheel, duh, and my color theory’s pretty good but…. My colors never end up like Sou-chan’s. Everything he does seems so easy and effortless. Like he was just born knowing it. And maybe he was, maybe there are some skills people are just gifted with. I wouldn’t be surprised. Not with Sou-chan.
It takes a special sort of soul to make the canvas swim and fly and dance like Sou-chan can. But he’s the sort of person that doesn’t usually let anyone see it, you know? Maybe I’d be a better artist if I were more mysterious. But I’m a blabber-mouth, a gossip, a drama-queen, and I like me that way.
I was never really jealous of Sou-chan, being jealous never gets anyone anywhere and it’s a sort of painful emotion. Better to be happy. Instead I knew that I wanted to be with Sou-chan. I wanted to be his lover and I still do. I want him. I love him. And I can wait. I can keep my ( ... )


Part 1 safersecrets May 23 2010, 23:07:55 UTC
OOC Information:

Name/Alias: Amanda

Age: Because many people judge based on age, I'm just going to go ahead and say that I'm definitely over 15 :|

E-Mail//MSN//AIM: AIM getlostbeautiful

Personal LJ: lancevancedance

IC Information:

Character Name: Lana Lang

Character Journal: safersecrets

Canon: Smallville

Point in Canon: After Lana left Smallville to become a superhero. She was put in a situation where she had to choose between ignoring a bomb full of kryptonite and running away with Clark Kent (her then lover), or absorbing the kryptonite from said bomb to save everyone. She chose the selfless decision, and took in the kryptonite -since she had the ability to.
She now does not associate herself with any of the people she grew up with to avoid having any sort of contact with Clark Kent, who has a weakness to kryptonite. Since she has too much kryptonite in her system, she cannot go near him. And so she chooses to stay away completely since she is not strong enough to put herself through the fact that she cannot even touch him.

Age: 23 this November

... )


Part 2 --sorry this took so long! Internet connection!fail -_- safersecrets May 23 2010, 23:16:19 UTC

History: At the age of 3, Lana saw her parents killed by a meteor during the 1989 meteor shower in Smallville, and her aunt adopted her. Her parents' death shaped her immensely, and the strong woman inside her was smothered by the insecure, hurt little girl. In time that strong woman was revealed, however ( ... )


Accepted badfic_mods May 25 2010, 01:09:11 UTC
Accepted! Welcome to the Manor!

Please comment here with your character's journal. After that you may join the communities badfic_manor, badfic_ooc and badfic_logs

Please comment on the Taken Rooms entry in the mod journal if you have a number preference, or one will be assigned to you.

Feel free to introduce yourself on the OOC community and post an IC arrival post! We're looking forward to playing with you. :)


Re: Accepted safersecrets May 25 2010, 03:05:05 UTC


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