
May 03, 2010 15:29

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Part 1 safersecrets May 23 2010, 23:07:55 UTC
OOC Information:

Name/Alias: Amanda

Age: Because many people judge based on age, I'm just going to go ahead and say that I'm definitely over 15 :|

E-Mail//MSN//AIM: AIM getlostbeautiful

Personal LJ: lancevancedance

IC Information:

Character Name: Lana Lang

Character Journal: safersecrets

Canon: Smallville

Point in Canon: After Lana left Smallville to become a superhero. She was put in a situation where she had to choose between ignoring a bomb full of kryptonite and running away with Clark Kent (her then lover), or absorbing the kryptonite from said bomb to save everyone. She chose the selfless decision, and took in the kryptonite -since she had the ability to.
She now does not associate herself with any of the people she grew up with to avoid having any sort of contact with Clark Kent, who has a weakness to kryptonite. Since she has too much kryptonite in her system, she cannot go near him. And so she chooses to stay away completely since she is not strong enough to put herself through the fact that she cannot even touch him.

Age: 23 this November


Abilities: Lana Lang took self-defense classes. She also made the decision to undergo a treatment as part of a project. She was successfully fused with nano-technology and alien DNA and was granted permanent powers; kryptonite absorption, super speed, invulnerability, and super strength.

Personality: Lana's strong will is what defines her most and is unbending to any commitments she makes. She was once the girl next door, but has quickly grown to be a stronger, much more independent woman due to past relationships and experiences. She believes that accepting someone for the being that they are is extremely important and has no complete hesitation to show her own tender, vulnerable side to those she loves and cares for. Lana is all about staying true to herself, and even though she has grown, gullibility is still slightly present and the naive side of her expects people to be honest with her.


Part 2 --sorry this took so long! Internet connection!fail -_- safersecrets May 23 2010, 23:16:19 UTC

History: At the age of 3, Lana saw her parents killed by a meteor during the 1989 meteor shower in Smallville, and her aunt adopted her. Her parents' death shaped her immensely, and the strong woman inside her was smothered by the insecure, hurt little girl. In time that strong woman was revealed, however.
Her luck has been unfortunate in the past in terms of constantly needing to be saved from her distress, and she has learned to no longer allow herself to trust just anyone. As time passed she developed feelings (ones in which she confused for love) for Lex Luthor, billionaire CEO, and let him lead her to believe that he was always honest with her. She later married Lex, which has also been a strong influence on her. She regretted the marriage almost immediately, and later found out that her husband had been injecting her with a massive amount of hormones to make her believe she was pregnant. After learning that her pregnancy was faked, she became stronger and has taken action into her own hands, making sure that the people who have done her and others wrong pay. This revealed a much darker, vengeful side which has gotten the best of her many times.

First Person Sample: (Subconscious thoughts are subconscious) "I can look into the mirror and like what I see. For once, I am totally pleased."

[She smiles in front of the mirror. For what reason, she does not have a conscious idea.]

"All the bad that's happened... I cannot be mad at them. I can't be. I wouldn't be the strong person I am today if it weren't for them."

[She watches as her brush combs nicely through her dark hair.]

"If anything, I should thank Lex for screwing me over."

Today is going to be a good day.

Third Person Sample: Lana had to do it. She could not stand around and let those police cars follow after that stolen vehicle, even if she wanted to. She doesn't even feel good afterward. The only feeling she gets out of helping out the good guys is slight satisfaction, if anything.

Having to let go of the love of her life was one of the most difficult decisions to make, but it was her decision. There is a hole in her heart, a small hole. Maybe this is why the feeling of satisfaction comes to her after a job well done.

She doesn't do this to make her feel good. She doesn't do what she does to help herself. She helps other people, to make them feel safe. She puts herself out there as a reminder to people that there is a reason to smile. She certainly doesn't believe that she herself is the reason for any person to smile, but the fact that there is any hope for tomorrow --that's a damn good reason.

This is what Lana believes to be her true purpose.

I know what I need to do with my life now. Life is so precious, so beautiful and to be able to protect that, that's an amazing gift.


Notes: If you must know my real age, I wouldn't mind if you were to IM me via AIM :)


Accepted badfic_mods May 25 2010, 01:09:11 UTC
Accepted! Welcome to the Manor!

Please comment here with your character's journal. After that you may join the communities badfic_manor, badfic_ooc and badfic_logs

Please comment on the Taken Rooms entry in the mod journal if you have a number preference, or one will be assigned to you.

Feel free to introduce yourself on the OOC community and post an IC arrival post! We're looking forward to playing with you. :)


Re: Accepted safersecrets May 25 2010, 03:05:05 UTC


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