
May 03, 2010 15:29

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Mello [Part 1/?] worldsrunnerup May 18 2010, 03:16:42 UTC
OOC Information:

Name/Alias: Duck

Age: 21

E-Mail//MSN//AIM: AIM: theevilduck772 // e-mail:

Personal LJ: theevilduck772

IC Information:

Character Name: Mello (birth name: Mihael Keehl)

Character Journal: worldsrunnerup

Canon: Death Note

Point in Canon: In the church, just before his death

Age: 20

Appearance: This


Re: Mello [Part 2/?] worldsrunnerup May 18 2010, 03:17:58 UTC

Abilities: Mello is a genius. A lot of people try to claim that title, some truthfully, most untruthfully but Mello is probably one of the smartest people on Earth. His natural intelligence has been honed and enhanced through years of training. Coming from Wammy’s House (more in history) Mello has incredible observational, logical, and detecting skills and abilities. He has also been trained with a variety of guns and firearms and hand-to-hand combat. He knows how to make a number of different kinds of explosives and use many improvised weapons.

Personality:Mello is…volatile. Everything he feels, he feels with a passion, everything he does reflects this passion ( ... )


Re: Mello [Part 3/4] worldsrunnerup May 18 2010, 03:20:01 UTC

History:Not a lot is known about Mello before he became Mello. He was born Mihael Keehl in Germany, orphaned at an early age and sent to Wammy’s House, an orphanage/school for gifted children in Winchester, England. It was there that he was given a codename, Mello, in place of his real one. While this may seem strange, it makes more sense when the real purpose of Wammy’s House is brought to light ( ... )


Re: Mello [Part 4/6?] worldsrunnerup May 18 2010, 03:21:12 UTC
Mello soon was not only the owner of the Death Note but also had the Note’s original owner, a Shinigami named Sidoh, at his command (Sidoh was terrified of Mello and did whatever Mello told him to). Sidoh told Mello about the “Shinigami Eyes” which at the cost of half the recipient’s life in exchange for the ability to see any human’s life expectancy and name. Mello forced one of his minions to make the eye deal. Mello then began exterminating the mob. It is during this time that Mello starts developing his theory as to Kira’s identity ( ... )


Re: Mello [Part 5/5] Wow I suck at estimating. worldsrunnerup May 18 2010, 03:22:10 UTC

First Person Sample: There’s not much to say. In the long run, I don’t really matter. I’m just another guy, another life, another name you don’t know, another face you wouldn’t recognize. I’m the loser, the world’s runner up. Perpetually second when everyone knows first is the only place that counts. That’s why I don’t write about myself. I, personally, don’t have a story worth telling. But I can be a narrator, a guide through the life of quite possibly the single most important man of our time. I can tell you about a man who lived and died for justice. The world’s greatest detective, actually all three of the world’s greatest detectives.

Third Person Sample: For half a second after his finger found the button everything stopped; the alarms quieted, his breath caught, the button remained depressed. Mello had time to properly register the horrified look on Yagami’s face before everything happened, before the world sped up, before time went too fast as if making up for that half second that lasted so long ( ... )


Accepted badfic_mods May 25 2010, 00:09:08 UTC
Accepted! Welcome to the Manor!

Please join the communities badfic_manor, badfic_ooc and badfic_logs

Please comment on the Taken Rooms entry in the mod journal if you have a number preference, or one will be assigned to you.

Feel free to introduce yourself on the OOC community and post an IC arrival post! We're looking forward to playing with you. :)


Re: Accepted worldsrunnerup May 25 2010, 01:22:05 UTC
And Mello. :D


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