Nov 05, 2011 23:42

[He looked out of the hotel window where he'd woken up. It was nice, fairly high-class, which suited him just fine. Despite the fact he was definitely not where he fell asleep, he's seemingly unruffled. Actually, he's finding the prospect of being kidnapped... almost amusing. Or at least, that's what it would look like ( Read more... )

comment: rokudo mukuro, comment: light yagami, comment: hakuba saguru, plot: octoberfest, hannibal lecter, comment: teru mikami, comment: trisana chandler

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Comments 65

[Video] *SOB He's brain damaged ;_; worst part: permission to fourth-wall?* im_in_ur_exit November 6 2011, 00:16:57 UTC
I see you haven't been outside yet to see the "locals" too closely... [Because that'd ratchet up the conclusion so much faster. Also, the sad truth is that the London-British accent is probably much more noticeable than usual, even with occasional bits that don't sound quite right. Thank you, Japan, for messing up his accent.]

But you're correct - in fact, this isn't really the real "anywhere".


Re: [Video] XD *snugs* have fun with him~ hearsthesilence November 6 2011, 07:59:10 UTC
[He'll probably comment on the accent later~ When he's... you know. getting personal.]

[He take a minute to think. He's never really been one for setting much stock by multi-world theories, even if they make an interesting read sometimes, but it seems the most likely explanation. but that still didn't answer how he'd been kidnapped or the fact they seemed to think it wasn't really real anywhere.]



[Video] im_in_ur_exit November 6 2011, 08:16:21 UTC
Well... Unfortunately it's impossible to not sound crazy with this all. [Says the teenage detective to the murderer he'd studied as a work of fiction.This place is some kind of realm unto its own; It changes week to week - right now it's mimicking Germany, but normally it appears as a large sort of Manor house on large grounds. Trying to find the boundaries of it used to just run into an impenetrable barrier, although now some directions will get one returned back to their room instead. Much as there's been a great deal of effort expended, we don't know yet how we end up here or how people occasionally get returned home, but the people brought here come from all different worlds and times - I've met people here from drastically different worlds, past eras, and other versions of Earth ( ... )


Re: [Video] hearsthesilence November 6 2011, 08:38:31 UTC
[If there's one thing Hannibal knows, it's a liar. And the person he was talking to at least believed it was true. and the evidence certainly seemed to support the facts. So... mass hallucination? Not unheard of but exceedingly rare.]

Tell me, where are you from?


[Video] weatherbraids November 6 2011, 22:06:07 UTC
Of course it's not, though it is useful to know that this is not the proper time of year for such festivities. [Are you ready for this, Hannibal? It's a young woman in her early twenties or so, dressed more in line with the Italian Renaissance than anything (and that being the higher end of merchant-class dress if you look closely) with red hair in a lot of braids.

...Also, there is a glass dragon perched on her shoulder, about the size of a housecat, and obviously about as affectionate as one.] Though we're on a bit of a 'field trip' of sorts, this is still all part of a strange construct of power, plucked from the mind of a girl widely believed to be younger than I am, who happens to have a great deal of power. This is not actually the Munich you know, because it's Munich filtered through a teenaged girl.

[And totally not for the sake of showing off, Tris is dragging her breezes together into something that will let her get down from the high point of choice- and she has the Blackberry recording on the way down. No way a normal ( ... )


Re: [Video] hearsthesilence November 7 2011, 00:04:30 UTC
I've been told of the situation. [And if anything, he looks amused by it. It's near impossible to ruffle this guy's feathers, unless you know exactly which buttons to press... or are rude. If there's one thing he can't abide, it's discourtesy.]

You are unaware of the festival. [The line of dress suggesting a different time, and the fact she's descending in a way which no mere human could is certainly backing up the different worlds theory and story.

interesting. He wonders if this place, overall, will afford him more freedom than his last. It'll certainly be easier with less people who know him.]


[Video] weatherbraids November 7 2011, 13:06:28 UTC
By my guess, I would wager that Saguru did so? [Because really, he seems to have taken it on himself to make some sort of warped order out of this chaos, and introducing new residents certainly falls under that heading.]

Yes, I am. Germany's not a country that exists in my world. I am a citizen of the duchy of Emelan, ruled by His Grace, Duke Vedris the Fourth. [Tris is smiling crookedly, reaching up to pet at Chime.] My name is Trisana Chandler, though you can call me Tris. This is Chime- and to spare hearing questions, she was a creation of my first student as a mage, an accident of directionless glass magic.


Re: [Video] hearsthesilence November 7 2011, 13:28:38 UTC
Yes, the detective of sorts.

I know many a contact that I had which would be euphoric with the discovery of this place. I'm Dr. Lecter, and it's a pleasure to meet you, Tris. [This place was proving to be very interesting indeed, and he'd only just awoken.]


[Video] 1ofyour5aday November 7 2011, 18:41:29 UTC
What do you suppose this is then, if not the real 'Germany'?


Re: [Video] hearsthesilence November 7 2011, 20:45:26 UTC
The other people who I have spoken to say it's the construct of a person called the author's mind. [He knows better than to comment on the obvious difference (the colour of her skin) immediately.]


[Video] 1ofyour5aday November 7 2011, 21:08:04 UTC
[She smirks]

At least you're not completely in the dark then

What's your name?


Re: [Video] hearsthesilence November 7 2011, 23:10:26 UTC
Quite. It would have been a problem to remain so, I think.

Doctor Lecter. Charmed, I assure you. and yourself?


pickldpineapple November 9 2011, 01:13:07 UTC
[Mukuro initially had no intention of socializing after the past few weeks. He was fatigued and wasn't exactly feeling as patient as usual, which when dealing with imbeciles or any of the more trying populace of manor could blow his cover.

But this... this entrance had him quite intrigued. An educated man, or at least an intelligent man. Far too many clueless fools had arrived assuming some singular kidnapping, when it was quite clear there was so much more going on. Perhaps a little intelligent conversation was all he needed. It would be a pleasant break from Fran, or any of this "friends" at the manor.

And thus he comes on the screen, head in his hand, and bangs conveniently draped over his left eye. He makes sure his smile is as friendly as can be, playing up the "harmless and friendly" act. Perhaps this will be a fun sporting game.]

Kufufufufufu. How very astute of you, signor. Not many of the residents here pick up on such precise details upon arrival.


hearsthesilence November 9 2011, 02:07:40 UTC
A lot of people look, but they never see. [His gaze is piercing, even through the communicator.] For example, most would take your current positioning as casual, but it's more carefully planned than it appears at first glance.

[He leans back, thinking quickly as he laces his fingers together. turning back to the subject at hand.] Most when they arrive would assume a kidnapping. This would rile them, leave them panicked. This would restrict the ability to see even more so. A level head about this sort of thing can be all to helpful, but rarely seen.


/L-late QAQ pickldpineapple November 13 2011, 20:28:33 UTC

[Perceptive. So very perceptive. Perhaps to a degree that could rival his own. Now, how to take this? Should he guard himself further at the risk of looking defensive? Maintain what he has been doing as a statement that he could care less? Which in all honesty he could care less.

No. The best option would be to simply relax himself further. While he had quite a bit to hide, it was impossible to deduce his motives without asking very obvious questions, and even then he knew how to phrase and spin and lie like a master. He was not at risk here. He could show his 'hand' as it were. Being 'genuine' made it even more difficult to read what was going on in his head. He didn't carry much emotion unless he was acting for a cause.

He chuckled a bit and leaned forward, showing interest in the man's words. However, the overly cheery and friendly act was quickly dissipated.]

So my good man, what are your theories? I'm quite interested to see if you'll guess correctly. It will be like a little game.


/snuuuugs hearsthesilence November 13 2011, 21:29:10 UTC
[try lying to him, and see how far that gets you. Jus' saying.]

Firstly, this... place. It's either her world, or a world between them all. More than likely the second, as a world would need a stable form to sustain life, and from what I have been told - that usually this place is a manor - it doesn't have one.

Secondly, the author herself is either unaware that she is bringing in subjects that are alive and independent thinking, or she is more than aware, and she is choosing us carefully to test our actions and reactions in varying situations - which may or may not be as carefully chosen. This is something time will tell on it's own, after all.


text; finalarbiter November 9 2011, 03:58:38 UTC
[There's a bit of a pause before Light chooses to reply. The man is astute, but that isn't what bothers him. As far as Light's concerned one clever observation (though it does reveal without a doubt that the man hasn't set one foot outside) isn't enough to register as all too significant. Comparatively, L is also astute, but unlike L, this man's delivery is crisp. Though perhaps that had more to do with the absence of dessert, and unsightly chewing to discredit his gravitas. In short, this person is potentially interesting-- someone to keep an eye on.

That's until he introduces himself to Elphaba as "Doctor Lector." That's when the warning bells go off. On the one hand, much like when someone Light ran into introduced himself as Sherlock Holmes, he doesn't quite believe it. On the other hand? It would fit right in with the Author's usual taste in sociopaths. Ironically enough, it doesn't ever occur to Light to count himself in that category....]

Welcome to the Manor. Discrepancies like those you've mentioned are rather frequent here


Re: text; hearsthesilence November 9 2011, 13:34:10 UTC
[This is the right guy to help him with that if he ever gets to know him enough]

I began to think as much from what the others were saying.


text; finalarbiter November 9 2011, 14:03:02 UTC
[Not much to dissect in text, but it's not for trying. With a casual stretch, Light sinks back into the couch, mind sharp, and ready for conversation.]

It's interesting, isn't it? The creation of an entire space whose epicenter is the imagination of one teenage girl. It's almost too fantastic to believe.

[A backhanded way of getting at how unusually calm Lecter is about being told he's being held in an interdimensional prison. Light wonders vaguely if he'll give himself carpal tunnel from the typing.]


Re: text; hearsthesilence November 9 2011, 15:16:47 UTC
Interesting, certainly. [Lecter orders a bottle of wine to be brought to the room, settling himself in a chair.] It's just a shame that the youth whose mind it lays in appears to be ignorant of the cultures she's using as her basis.


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