Nov 05, 2011 23:42

[He looked out of the hotel window where he'd woken up. It was nice, fairly high-class, which suited him just fine. Despite the fact he was definitely not where he fell asleep, he's seemingly unruffled. Actually, he's finding the prospect of being kidnapped... almost amusing. Or at least, that's what it would look like ( Read more... )

comment: rokudo mukuro, comment: light yagami, comment: hakuba saguru, plot: octoberfest, hannibal lecter, comment: teru mikami, comment: trisana chandler

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[Video] weatherbraids November 6 2011, 22:06:07 UTC
Of course it's not, though it is useful to know that this is not the proper time of year for such festivities. [Are you ready for this, Hannibal? It's a young woman in her early twenties or so, dressed more in line with the Italian Renaissance than anything (and that being the higher end of merchant-class dress if you look closely) with red hair in a lot of braids.

...Also, there is a glass dragon perched on her shoulder, about the size of a housecat, and obviously about as affectionate as one.] Though we're on a bit of a 'field trip' of sorts, this is still all part of a strange construct of power, plucked from the mind of a girl widely believed to be younger than I am, who happens to have a great deal of power. This is not actually the Munich you know, because it's Munich filtered through a teenaged girl.

[And totally not for the sake of showing off, Tris is dragging her breezes together into something that will let her get down from the high point of choice- and she has the Blackberry recording on the way down. No way a normal ( ... )


Re: [Video] hearsthesilence November 7 2011, 00:04:30 UTC
I've been told of the situation. [And if anything, he looks amused by it. It's near impossible to ruffle this guy's feathers, unless you know exactly which buttons to press... or are rude. If there's one thing he can't abide, it's discourtesy.]

You are unaware of the festival. [The line of dress suggesting a different time, and the fact she's descending in a way which no mere human could is certainly backing up the different worlds theory and story.

interesting. He wonders if this place, overall, will afford him more freedom than his last. It'll certainly be easier with less people who know him.]


[Video] weatherbraids November 7 2011, 13:06:28 UTC
By my guess, I would wager that Saguru did so? [Because really, he seems to have taken it on himself to make some sort of warped order out of this chaos, and introducing new residents certainly falls under that heading.]

Yes, I am. Germany's not a country that exists in my world. I am a citizen of the duchy of Emelan, ruled by His Grace, Duke Vedris the Fourth. [Tris is smiling crookedly, reaching up to pet at Chime.] My name is Trisana Chandler, though you can call me Tris. This is Chime- and to spare hearing questions, she was a creation of my first student as a mage, an accident of directionless glass magic.


Re: [Video] hearsthesilence November 7 2011, 13:28:38 UTC
Yes, the detective of sorts.

I know many a contact that I had which would be euphoric with the discovery of this place. I'm Dr. Lecter, and it's a pleasure to meet you, Tris. [This place was proving to be very interesting indeed, and he'd only just awoken.]


[Video] weatherbraids November 7 2011, 13:55:44 UTC
He's been here for a very long time.

Mm, most of the people from home I know that would be fascinated are a bit... well, not shut-in, but the word "academic" comes to mind. [And not just in reference to Niko's magic...] It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Dr. Lecter.


Re: [Video] hearsthesilence November 7 2011, 17:16:37 UTC
Oh? How long?

Strange, most of mine would be called 'insane'. But I know academics that, too, would be fascinated.


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