005 - Near & Mello - [Accidental Video / In Person] - Fluffball for sale!

Jun 06, 2011 21:14

(ooc: Blue is Near, Red is Mello.)

[The video clicks on with static.]

Can I take your picture?

[If you guys haven't heard enough fangirl screams for a day, have some MOAR! Little by little, the static clears up, but the video is shaky, panning from feet to ceiling to the ground to a fluffball pajama-clad boy to more feet as his blackberry gets kicked ( Read more... )

near, comment: light yagami, comment: beyond birthday, mello, comment: l lawliet, plot: manorcon

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Comments 47

finalarbiter June 7 2011, 05:20:33 UTC
[Luckily enough, Light's usual mode of dress is nondescript enough to get by as someone who isn't cosplaying. Oh, he's fully aware of what most of this nonsense is, this is a part of his culture after all--not that Light had ever delved into the murky waters of Otaku-dom Too busy being God kthnx--but even if he had participated, there's really no preparing for this bedlam.

He's managed to catch a rare moment of reprieve however, thanks to a hastily bought baseball cap to cover his "perfect Light Yagami wig." He smirks very slightly at the entire auction. "I'm telling L." Really? Is that all it took to shut brat #1 up? He'd suspected it considering how servile the second one had been, and how loyal the first one had been, but apparently what held true for one, held true for all of them. Servitude is in Mello's blood after all. Who knew?]


please forgive me redoing this 3 times XD diditmyway June 7 2011, 20:04:45 UTC
[Servitude? That, sir, is something called respect. Something you wouldn't know too much about what with you lack of respect for life, property....pretty much everything actually.

and Light Yagami wig? Nowadays thats just called the "Bieber", get with it, man]

You got somethin' to say, Yagami? [Mello eyes the man's smug face, taking care to announce the man's last name loudly while making it clear who it was directed to. Several fangirls turn to look.]


whitestlie June 7 2011, 21:37:18 UTC
[Had the Author not forcibly dumped them all in the middle of this pitiful convention, Near would have never gone out in public without A) an escort and B) a disguise. Yagami had the right idea. Dressing up as a cosplayer, as ironic as that sounds, but Near had not been as lucky, and the Author, or Authors, clearly played favorites. For the same reason that people recognized disguiseless Mello as genuine, that all of their cosplayers HAD VAGINAS for some reason, he could not hide his identity either given basically no time for preparation.

Yagami saw his face, but what could he do at a time like this anyway? Near is more concerned about whether or not the blackberry had been on when it got slapped out of his grasp by the horde of idiots. It's not Yagami, but his deluded little friends that most apprehensive of.

Nevertheless, he mutters under his breath to Mello.]

Drawing attention to ourselves would not be wise.


finalarbiter June 8 2011, 04:16:26 UTC
[ At the mention of his last name, Light's eyes widen- instinctively he wants to look furtively left and right, pull the cap down even further to cast a shadow over his face, but reacting that way is more or less the equivalent of announcing the fact that he's actually present. He's already had one absolutely mortifying run-in with "Misa" and that..."experience" had been enough to last him a lifetime. Little does Light know.. more mortifying to come later >D

Instead he hisses angrily under his breath.]

Keep it down... or I'll tell L.


thumbonmylip June 7 2011, 06:24:06 UTC
[[L, hiding out in what looks like a nice, quiet room for once. He's wearing a red hooded jacket, hood obviously pulled up around his telltale hair even if he is slouching even while he's got his knees pulled in and the communicator set on his knees.

He's half amused, half not amused, but he's staying neutral in face as usual to the two boys. Perhaps if he's lucky they'll actually bond over th-- who's he kidding? Sigh.

He's too young to have kids. Rather, too irresponsible at least- so he thinks.]]

Please refrain from selling Near in the immediate or far future.


diditmyway June 7 2011, 20:11:49 UTC
I was just joking [Mello mumbles under his breath. Even if it hadn't started as a joke, it was now. Though he is a bit disappointed, he could have gotten a decent amount of chocolate and gotten his rival off his hands in one fell swoop.]

It's not like the author wouldn't have just given him back, anyway.


whitestlie June 7 2011, 21:33:50 UTC
Then Mello should not make baseless assumptions.



thumbonmylip June 8 2011, 01:06:14 UTC
[[L feels as though he may have a headache coming on in any moment. However, again, his face is devoid of such things.]]
Be that as it may, Mello, we can't be sure.

[[And now to play Quillish to the other one as well.]]
Near, I'd ask you don't exacerbate the situation.

It's fortunate I found you both together anyway. I need your cooperation.
[[He looks around as though he's studying, there was a movement, noise, and he's not ready to be discovered again. It was horrible the first time.]]

I need you both to stay together, this could be bad for us with so many opportunities for potential new or old enemies. [[He looks back at the communicator, his thumb pressing his lip over just a bit while he again checks, this time it's probably just paranoid reaction, then back to the communicator again.]]

I understand how you two are competitive, however, this needs to be undertaken for all our safety. Understood? It would only be until we confirm this isn't going to be used against us in strategy.


beyondsighted June 7 2011, 06:25:27 UTC
[ B, however, is having the time. of. his. life. Everyone here thinks he is L, which makes Manorcon not so much traumatizing as it is flat~ter~ing. Sure, it's entirely amusing to think about how Lawli must be squirming at the fact that his usual bid for secrecy has been made so hilariously redundant by these fan girls.

But enough of ruminations on Lawliet, for now he's stumbled across Version 2.0. The future generation. Mels, and... ah, so that was his last name. River. Nate River~ Fun, fun. Shuffling up to them, strawberry lollipop casually placed in his left cheek, humming a merry tune. ]

How much is that snowflake in the window~?


diditmyway June 7 2011, 20:17:48 UTC
[The man only needs to speak for Mello to come to three conclusions : 1. no chance of this being L (not to mention L's message had also ruled this out) 2. This was either a really creepy cosplayer (some of them did have the tendency to be creepy as he has discovered, like all of the Mello players mysteriously being FEMALE) or 3. He could now be face to face with the very "Beyond Birthday" whose gruesome deeds L had recounted to him years ago.

He'll go with 3. Most of the L players he's seen so far put in no effort beyond the shirt and the jeans. Some were even wearing shoes! Talk about lazy.]

Out of curiosity, what would you want with him? [then again, handing Near over to B might be entertaining...]


whitestlie June 7 2011, 21:30:44 UTC
[Near is not looking at either of them, staring off the the side and twirling his hair as if nothing had happened. B knows about the eyes. Therefore, he knows about the notebook. He would know about Shinigami. He may know Kira, not through their home world of course, but through the manor.

They are all assumptions, but if Near wavers on any of them, he will lose. That is the mindset he must take.]

The phone.

[Directed only towards Mello, who now has hold of Near's only safety blanket. Yes, he is ignoring you, B.]


rcklssanarchist June 7 2011, 15:23:28 UTC
We're selling people now? [Amused!]


diditmyway June 7 2011, 20:18:31 UTC
You got a problem with that?


rcklssanarchist June 7 2011, 20:29:39 UTC
Not at all.

It's kind of funny.


whitestlie June 7 2011, 21:29:43 UTC
[Wrong. It is not funny. It is the opposite of funny.]

Don't encourage him.


[video]-1/2 the2nd_kira June 8 2011, 12:02:24 UTC
[ Misa's shinigami eyes were working. It was really odd. They never used to be this easy to use before.

She saw two names---of both the blonde and kid. They had to be important. They knew L and it sounded like they were close to him too. No one knew yet of her eyes, so she might as well play along--- ]


[video]-2/2 the2nd_kira June 8 2011, 12:02:52 UTC
That's too bad. Misa was about to bid too.


Re: [video]-2/2 diditmyway June 9 2011, 03:07:57 UTC
[Mello eyes the girl warily though it comes off as his normally contorted expression]

Hey look at that, you're popular with the girls, Near. Never thought you had it in you. Guess some people like that baby-face look.


[video] whitestlie June 10 2011, 02:39:32 UTC
[The secret's out. Thank you, Author.

No, it was out since the very beginning, since the very moment the Author decided to bring them here. There never really was a point in hiding from the start after all.

Fortunately, that most likely goes for the Kiras too, and as far as Near's concerned, their secrets outweighed his.]

How much would Miss Amane offer?

[No, you silly people, he's not actually interested. He does, however, have a plan. And for you, Mello, that Near is responding in such a manner to this girl should be a red flag that something is going on.]


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