005 - Near & Mello - [Accidental Video / In Person] - Fluffball for sale!

Jun 06, 2011 21:14

(ooc: Blue is Near, Red is Mello.)

[The video clicks on with static.]

Can I take your picture?

[If you guys haven't heard enough fangirl screams for a day, have some MOAR! Little by little, the static clears up, but the video is shaky, panning from feet to ceiling to the ground to a fluffball pajama-clad boy to more feet as his blackberry gets kicked around among the shuffle.]


[The feed shakes again and slides as it is inadvertently kicked by a black boot and legs clad tightly in leather stride past, breaking through the crowd of skirts or imitation white pajamas.] fuckers, MOVE. [There is a slight scuffle as a few girls get pushed to make way for a boy you can only tell its a boy by the voice, the physique might leave you guessing]

Mello. [The central huddle disperses as the the lower quarter of Mello's body comes into view, freeing a Near who's sitting on the ground, back turned towards the camera (nice try, folks). And for the first time ever on the feeds, Near actually stands up.] Thank you. [He doesn't sound very thankful, but you'll just have to take his word for it.]

No problem [Mello snickers, and here is where you should have been suspicious, Near, as in one swift move he finishes off his chocolate bar, tosses it off to the side, and proceeds to gather Near up, awkwardly bending to sling him across his shoulders.]

Alright! Bidding for the kid starts at 100!  [He shouts above a crowd of cheers and a lightning storm of camera flashes. The feed is now unnoticed at Mello’s foot, looking up at the two successors as Mello smirks with a Near-boa.]

You ... cannot be serious. [Oh, he sounds unamused. Soooo unamused. But Near does not struggle. It will only encourage Mello even more and he refuses to give him that pleasure.]

Serious as the grave. [Mello tilts his head, one eye going scarily wider than the other as the numbers being screamed into the air climb higher and higher.] 300?! Do I hear 350?! Come on, girls, you can do better than that!

Or how about some chocolate? This nice floor decoration or garden gnome for 400 and some decent chocolate?

[The crowd dissolves into screams once more and Mello looks like he’s having the time of his life]

I'm telling L.

[Mello visibly twitches, biting into the corner of his lip and making an unnatural and unhappy face. Ruining all his fun, Near.] fucking tattletale [He grumbles before shifting Near to the other shoulder not so gently]

Sorry ladies and gentlemen, bidding on the albino has been called off. Seems he’s been recalled on account of a poor sense of humor. [Not that Mello had been joking, or maybe he had, you’ll never know.]

(ooc: Posting order: You -> Mello -> Near -> You -> etc)

near, comment: light yagami, comment: beyond birthday, mello, comment: l lawliet, plot: manorcon

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