1rst ritual || Vol'Jin || [Accidental video] [in person]

Feb 26, 2011 20:52

[There's a crunch and the video feed cuts on to the inside of a mouth. When the face pulls away there's a a visage of a tusked blue behemoth on the screen, looking utterly perplexed. and after giving a sniff he tosses the slobbery thing off to the side. The room shown is very primitive and tribal looking, housing odd beaded feathered little ( Read more... )

comment: shaun hastings, comment: light yagami, plot: second childhood, vol'jin, comment: nina sayers, comment: anduin wrynn, comment: trisana chandler

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Comments 69

[Video] finalarbiter February 27 2011, 02:09:05 UTC
[Light watches the feed, his face twisted into an expression of revulsion. Barely a minute, and he's already seen more than he's ever wanted to see of this particular... well, he had no idea what the hell this thing was, but that was besides the point. Alien, monster, whatever- Light had no need to see any of its orifices. The screen being slick with saliva, he can only just make out the tusks, before the thing flings his Blackberry across the room, giving Light a whirlwind tour of his room- again, something he didn't ever care to see. But still... if this thing was dangerous... Light wanted to know about it.]

..Ah, hello?


Re: [Video] imatrollmon February 27 2011, 02:13:24 UTC
[Vol'Jin perked up and looked around. He couldn't sense any spirits about... so it wasn't a Loa trying to contact him... in fact he couldn't feel any of the Loa at all, which had him even more on edge]

Who dat? Vol'Jin be hearin' ya, but he don't be seein' ya.

[He knocked and arrow to his bow eyes shifting about the room cautiously]


[Video] finalarbiter February 27 2011, 02:23:30 UTC
[A primitive alien. Light corrects himself. He rubs his temples. He could tell this was going to be wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.]

The object you had in your mouth, ...Ah, Vol'Jin. Pick it up if you would.


Re: [Video] imatrollmon February 27 2011, 02:37:33 UTC
[He turned to the device on the floor, and knelt down in front of it, drawing his glaive holding it up to the box when he saw the tiniest little human he's ever laid eyes upon]

Boy, how you be gettin' in dat box?


lightbewithyou February 27 2011, 05:21:24 UTC
[To be honest, Anduin hadn't been doing that much; being back to a small size didn't throw him too far - he'd run a country when only slightly older than he looked now. He'd gotten pretty settled, and had been spending a lot of time in the library; he honestly didn't expect to see anything familiar here...]

[So there's a dumbfounded moment of wide-eyed blinking when he comes into the hallway to see a troll, and a vaguely familiar one at that.]

[The complete "Wait what?" moment out of the way, he puts a fist to his chest the way he remembers seeing a few of the orcs doing at the attempted summit. His pronunciation is probably a bit off, but this seems like a time to be ... meeting the troll on closer to his terms.]



imatrollmon February 27 2011, 05:44:20 UTC
[At first Vol'Jin wasn't going make any notice of the small human boy, until he heard that greeting. He turned to face the boy with narrowed eyes. Upon closer inspection, there was something familiar about the boy, but he just couldn't put his finger on it... and that greeting... an awfully friendly attempt to greet a member of the Horde... the only logical explanation he could think of was that perhaps the boy was one of that Tirion fellow's soldiers... but he was a bit young...]

Now why be a human be givin' old Vol'Jin a greetin' like dat? Humans don't be givin' greet'ns like dat, often...


lightbewithyou February 27 2011, 05:56:22 UTC
[So it was Vol'jin - which - all things considered, what little he'd seen and heard bits of from the brief attempt at a meeting and from SI-7's notes were that he was ... not that bad of a person to have show up here, as the Horde leaders went - not likely to act without thinking or lose his temper easily.]

Courtesy... we're on neutral ground, and it never hurts to be polite.


imatrollmon February 27 2011, 06:11:44 UTC
Den I be takin' ya for ya word fa da time bein'.

[The structure looks human... but he didn't appear to be prisoner...]

Now, whatcha name be? Vol'Jin knows he be seein' ya before...

[He squats down and leans in closer to get a better look at the human]


[Video] weatherbraids February 27 2011, 07:35:19 UTC
Welcome to the Manor. [That voice sounds very wryly amused, and the young redheaded human there looks far too serious for a little girl.] We've all been kidnapped here, by a-- well, the closest approximation from my world would be an ambient mage who has magic with writing, but doubtlessly that means a great deal of nothing to you.

I'm Trisana Chandler- call me Tris. It appears everyone's been turned into children this week. It'll wear off sooner rather than later.


Re: [Video] imatrollmon February 27 2011, 16:02:01 UTC
[alright what the hell was that?! Vol'Jin looks about his room for the source of the noise]

Where ya be? I hear ya, but I don't be seein' ya! Ya don't feel like a spirit...


Re: [Video] weatherbraids February 27 2011, 16:21:59 UTC
Keep talking for a moment and I can find you. [Tum te tum nope, totally not turning some wind loose on the manor for that trick, nope.]


Re: [Video] imatrollmon February 27 2011, 16:46:23 UTC
...Keep talkin'? Oi keep talkin' ta what? Where ya be?

[He keeps looking around his room, searching for the sound of the voice]


[In person] en_pointe_wings February 27 2011, 09:00:53 UTC
[Nina had been wandering around the Manor; mostly around the parts she'd never seen before, but mostly out of boredom. Hearing a voice she wasn't familiar with from a new room, tentatively she pushes the already ajar dor open a little more.

She wasn't sure whether it was the room or it's owner that had her frozen in the doorway, her eyes torn between the two]


Re: [In person] imatrollmon February 27 2011, 15:59:27 UTC
[Vol'Jin turned when he saw the door creep open. Another little human kid. He sighed and walked to the door kneeling down so that he would be closer to the little human's level, the kid's eye were already about ready to pop out of her head and he didn't want to make it worse]

Now whatcha be doin' sneakin' around old Vol'Jin's room now? He ain't goin' ta hurtcha, he jus' wants ta know where here be.


[In person] en_pointe_wings February 27 2011, 16:21:27 UTC
[When the strange newcomer approaches her, Nina's first instinct was to run for the hills. But, when he kneels down to her level, she relaxes a little, her eyes hitting the floor as she answers him]

I-I wasn't sneaking, I just- I-I noticed that there was a new name on the door..that means someone new had arrived, and the door was open..

I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..I mean..um..


Re: [In person] imatrollmon February 27 2011, 16:44:10 UTC
[Vol'Jin gave the kid a pat on the head]

Name on da door?

[He glanced up and low and behold his name along with his station as leader of the Darkspear inscribed in it]

Well dis old Troll be damned... who be doin' dat now?


[Video] (Damn you and your jamaican trollish ways bringing me off my blaargh) britbitchsnark February 27 2011, 22:20:51 UTC
[..Right. There was a big blue.. troll thing. And he was Jamaican. Okay, now he knew there had to be some sort of hallucinogenic in the air here.]

This is a place called the 'Manor'. You've been kidnapped by a deranged little girl who calls herself the Author.


Re: [Video]'tis the power of the Troll~ imatrollmon February 27 2011, 22:38:57 UTC
[Vol'Jin looks around for the source of the noise, an arrow knocked to his bow. It wasn't a spirit speaking to him, that much he could gather...]

Who be dat? Ja be no spirit, but ya be talkin' and Vol'Jin can't be seein' ya...


[Video] (*shakes fist at. with love. so much love.*) britbitchsnark February 27 2011, 22:50:25 UTC
I'm Shaun Hastings, another of the captured. I'm talking to you through something called a Blackberry.

[He waves trying to draw attention to said device.]


Re: [Video] *FEELS TEH LURV! imatrollmon February 27 2011, 22:57:38 UTC
...Blackberry? Ya be talk'n ta me trough a fruit?!

[Did he even have blackberries in his room?! He didn't remember having any... Well he's looking around some more now... searching for the entirely wrong item...]


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