1rst ritual || Vol'Jin || [Accidental video] [in person]

Feb 26, 2011 20:52

[There's a crunch and the video feed cuts on to the inside of a mouth. When the face pulls away there's a a visage of a tusked blue behemoth on the screen, looking utterly perplexed. and after giving a sniff he tosses the slobbery thing off to the side. The room shown is very primitive and tribal looking, housing odd beaded feathered little knickknacks, also there are no shortages of skulls, and the occasional shrunken head... and probably many more things your average sane person doesn't want to know about.]

Now, where be Vol'Jin... dis be some trick of dem's alliance scum?

[His old raspy voice can be easily picked up by the blackberry, despite it's place on the floor. He bends down sniffing then feeling the ground. He finding his bow under the bed he takes it, feeling much more comfortable]

No, dis be no trick of dems human's... Dis be some powerful voodoo dat brought old Vol'Jin here...

[He stands up straight to crack his back, and bumps his head on the ceiling. He rubs his head. Grumbling he heads out the door leaving the device behind]

[OOC:Since he's so primitive, if he hears the blackberry speaking his first reaction will probably be to kill it, so in person is probably the way to go with him XD]

comment: shaun hastings, comment: light yagami, plot: second childhood, vol'jin, comment: nina sayers, comment: anduin wrynn, comment: trisana chandler

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