
Jan 22, 2019 19:48

I survived my first therapy appointment yesterday morning. It was as stressful as I expected and as hard, completely draining and I’ve felt rather empty and numb for the last two days but I think it’s going to be really helpful and I’m having a glimmer of hope for the first time in months. I've been in and out of various different therapies for ( Read more... )

therapy, mental health

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Comments 6

icecoldrain January 22 2019, 23:20:25 UTC
I'm glad that your first therapy appointment went well! Honestly, I'm still working my way up to calling the two therapists I found in my area to go. That first appointment is scary af lmao but you did it!!!!


ami_ven January 23 2019, 06:50:15 UTC
Hopefully, everything will keep being good for you, dear!


trepkos January 23 2019, 08:31:14 UTC
Sounds like she has some positive ideas! That's great.


sallymn January 23 2019, 10:10:06 UTC
It's a start, hopefully a good start. You are being very brave, and I'm sure she will help that {hugs}


miwahni January 23 2019, 11:02:03 UTC
That's sounding really promising! Now go curl up in that blankie nest, you've earned it.


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