I don't have the words needed to properly express my rage at finding this on a site I was briefly considering joining:
"-Gypsies are not the kind of people you want to hang around, especially if you have money on you. They're a tricky group of people, cunning and slick. They're known to be thieves and tend to travel throughout Faylinn, staying in
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Comments 98
I run a game in which prostitutes are kidnapped into a brothel, and treated as subhuman, tortured and raped as 'discipline' and may be killed by 'clients'. There's also human trafficking. It doesn't mean that I, as the creator, feel these things are acceptable. It's part of the game. And no, I DON'T personally share the views as expressed in the game.
Are you also going to castigate every single novelist, screenwriter, playwright, etc who has expressed unpopular or bigoted views? If not then it seems a bit hypocritical.
As has been said man times before, substitute "gypsy" for another minority group, slap on their negative stereotypes, and see if it still isn't offensive.
ETA: For example:
Negroes: A black-skinned, fat-lipped race of brutish, violent people. They tend to stay within their poverty-stricken suburbs, and often react violently to outsiders - and each other.
If you can't see why that's offensive, then you need to sit down and have a long hard think.
Granted, this RP does have a similar board name to the other one, despite the different plot.
Oh wait, this is the internet.
Ugh, how can anyone think that that's okay in the slightest?!
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