because gypsies are totally magical mystical creatures and it's not racism guiz

Jan 03, 2012 14:54

So I'm cruising for affiliates and this one game looks great. Active, long-lived, nice. Except I notice one thing.

There is a race called gypsies.

From the info:


The basic fact you need to know about gypsies is that they have the ability to see the future. It's not an exact science, if someone changes their mind about something abruptly, well, the future will change. They like to hype up their abilities, by using crystal balls and tarot cards. They don't need them, but they use them anyway. Most gypsies prefer to be in large groups than be on their own. They thrive on their clan, and most do not like to be separated from family.

Gypsies belong to one of four clans. BUT, just because they belong to a clan does not mean that their last name will match. They all have different last names.

• Esposito
• Patrizi
• Biani
• Larosa

Every now and then they war with each other, because someone's friend or boyfriend said a rude remark or something equally idiotic. Right now they're okay, but who knows what could happen. If you make a gypsy, you must place them in one of the clans. There are not that much difference between them; they are all allied together, but they are different families. They cannot marry someone who is in the same clan as them.

Yeah that's not an offensive stereotype or anything.

Also all the gypsies are white people in the game.

Wtf amirite? So I call them on it in the cbox.

Guest: Er...gypsies as a race? O_o That is extremely racist to Roma people. I would suggest reading this
03/01/12 17:25
Guest: to know why because holy crap. [link]
03/01/12 17:28
L: they're not really a race in [name omitted], per se, as much as a species, like everything else.
03/01/12 17:28
B: the group wasn't based off the roma people though.
03/01/12 17:28
L: not saying i can't see your point because i can, but. it's not meant to be offensive.
03/01/12 17:28
B: the only connection they have is the fortune telling
03/01/12 17:30
Guest: ...No, you're calling them a racial slur and romanticizing a people that have been brutalized for
03/01/12 17:30
Guest: centuries.
03/01/12 17:30
Guest: "Gypsy" is a racial slur.
03/01/12 17:31
Guest: And using racial slurs is never okay.
03/01/12 17:31
Guest: You wouldn't call someone the "spic" race, would you?
03/01/12 17:33
J: Not in the habit of using words I've never heard before, not that that's the point.
03/01/12 17:34
Guest: "Spic" is a slur against Jews. "Gypsy" is likewise a slur against Romani.
(lol, I was pissed and got my slurs wrong. Forgive me.)
03/01/12 17:34
J2: except our gypsies have nothing to do with romani.
03/01/12 17:34
J2: they live in a land called [name omitted] and have magical blood. they tell fortunes and live on boats.
03/01/12 17:35
Guest: It's the equivalent of using the "N" word for a "race".
03/01/12 17:35
J2: they don't have anything to do with our world.
03/01/12 17:35
Guest: Gypsy is a slur! It is the equivalent of the N word. You're missing the point.,
03/01/12 17:35
J: Yeah, I did go look it up. Thank you though
03/01/12 17:35
J2: we've had this site for over a year, guest.
03/01/12 17:35
J2: we're not changing anything, thank you though.
03/01/12 17:36
Guest: So you'd rather continue using an ethnic slur?
03/01/12 17:37
J2: i'd rather you didn't attack us over something like this, thanks.
03/01/12 17:37
Guest: It's...the equivalent of the N word...
03/01/12 17:38
J2: i'm not entirely sure what you'd have us do guest.
03/01/12 17:38
Guest: Maybe not use a racial slur?
03/01/12 17:38
B: you could always
03/01/12 17:38
B: i don't know
03/01/12 17:38
Guest: If someone were using the N word and just saying "oh that's just what my character's race is
03/01/12 17:38
B: close the tab
03/01/12 17:39
B: not look at it
03/01/12 17:39
L: suggest something new
03/01/12 17:39
Guest: called", would you be okay with that>
03/01/12 17:39
B: because it has nothing to do with ethnic groups in this context
03/01/12 17:39
Guest: Because that's what you're doing. xD
03/01/12 17:39
M: Erm, btw, "spic" is not a slur against Jews. It's a slur against Hispanics.
Guest: It doesn't matter--it is an ethnic slur.
3 mins ago
M: Get your slurs right, plzthx
3 mins ago
J2: lmao mem
3 mins ago
NJ: Guest, it has a broader range of contexts...unlike the N/S/etc. least, to my knowledge..
3 mins ago
Guest: Oops, my bad. I got my things mixed up. But that is beside the point.
3 mins ago
NJ: I'm sorry the context you know it in is offensive.
3 mins ago
K: I think you're just trying to fight and not even listening to what we have to say.
2 mins ago
A: We're not using it in an offensive way. It's a magical race in a magical land. c8
2 mins ago
L: do you also attack disney incarnation sites for including hunchback of notre dame characters?
2 mins ago
Guest: No, it doesn't. Roma are still being murdered and fetishized.
2 mins ago
Guest: Esmaralda is a disgusting stereotype, yes.
2 mins ago
J2: Guest. Be done with your argument over something
2 mins ago
J2: we aren't changing
1 min ago
Guest: Gypsy, the WORD gypsy, is a slur. If you use the N word for a ~magical race~, does that mean that
1 min ago
Guest: mean that word is no longer offensive?
1 min ago
K: see, you're not listening at all
38 secs ago
Guest: I heard what you're saying.
25 secs ago
K: It doesn't seem that way.
18 secs ago
L: i think we heard you too. and nothing is changing.
0 secs ago
Guest: And it's ignorant and wrong. Enjoy your racism.

Yeah, because it's ~*gypsies*~ it's okay to be racist amirite??

if this isn't on sf_d yet it should be, over 200 comments!!, what the fuck is this shit, wank ongoing, charge of the white knight brigade, calling all white knights, next up on the c_w: wank unexpected, i didn't read the rules, racewank in my brps

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