I seriously effing give up on a good FFVII RP. If I find one, it's dead. The live ones either have plots that ignore canon (example: I just found one that takes place a year after AC, but ignores DoC for no reason other than MOAR SEPHIROTH!!!!!!1!!1!!!1!1!!!111!!!!1!), full of nothing but a fuckton of purple prose, or are horrible and a breeding
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Comments 233
I gave up shortly after running into my first whore!cutter!Cloud surrounded by a kajillion OCs wanting in his pants.
You could try starting one and hope to attract some good rpers?
I dunno, I may muster up the courage. It's just... Usually, I'm skilled enough to find ANYTHING I want RP-wise. Except THIS. Which makes me bang my head against the goddamn wall.
I didn't even realize how bad it was until now. I've been searching a week, too!
I've just started tossing my FFVII characters into panfandom places. They tend to be a little better about things... But I guess that defies the point of wanting to play them in a canon setting.
Yeah. I finally tossed my Sailor Saturn muse into a crossover just to use her since there are no good SMoon RPs, either, and mine's not taking off.
And it's an established part of canon. That's like ignoring the fact that Vincent loved Lucrecia and insta-pairing him with Yuffie just 'cause. It's canon, regardless of whether you like it or not. Not to mention when the only reason you take it out is for MOAR SEPHIROTH and somehow the body of Jenova still exists (even though it was slowly eliminated throughout the original game, save for the head which had been with the True Sephiroth anyway) and all that shit... Yeah. :/
Hahaha, no it's not. Vincent was pining over Lucrecia since well before they added all the stupid compilation stuff.
Not to mention when the only reason you take it out is for MOAR SEPHIROTH and somehow the body of Jenova still exists (even though it was slowly eliminated throughout the original game, save for the head which had been with the True Sephiroth anyway) and all that shit... Yeah. :/
I don't actually see a problem with wanting to trade out the worst entry in the expanded canon for one of the most iconic characters in the original. Makes sense to me - unlike anything that happened in DoC.
And then a sue ruined and now everything is hopeless.
I roleplay Shotgun, Knife, and Elena, though, if you ever want a one-on-one partner. The lack of FFVII is shameful. orz.
I, for one, love Rosso the Crimson and Nero the Sable and Weiss the Immaculate. Especially Rosso. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I like the psychotic uberbitch with bloodlust. The thing that's WRONG is marking anything that scraps DoC and replaces it with Sephiroth Redux 320927986359694656374856875785 and calling it canon.
Granted, I for one am sick of Seph ALWAYS being the villain. Get some new material. :/
Like I said, different strokes for different folks. I don't look down on people who liked DoC; I couldn't stand it, but that doesn't put me in a position of moral superiority or anything. At any rate, I understand what you're saying, but I don't think slapping it purely as AU would work either. Because it's adherent to all but one entry in the Compilation. If something could be marked as 'Canon in all ways but DoC!", that would probably be best. XD
Not to mention how overused Seph is getting. Why is he ALWAYS the goddamn villain?
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