Jul 19, 2010 17:13
I seriously effing give up on a good FFVII RP. If I find one, it's dead. The live ones either have plots that ignore canon (example: I just found one that takes place a year after AC, but ignores DoC for no reason other than MOAR SEPHIROTH!!!!!!1!!1!!!1!1!!!111!!!!1!), full of nothing but a fuckton of purple prose, or are horrible and a breeding ground for Sues. It's like a good FFVII RP doesn't exist in fandom. Fuck, I'd even take normal FFVII instead of Next Gen like I want to use my MonsterHunterDuo!Denzel and Marlene in. fuck, I'd take the normal verse just to play fucking Vincent or Yuffie or someone like that! Fuck, I'd play Jessie in a pre-FFVII RP!
But it seems this shit doesn't exist. Is FFVII fandom THAT full of bad RPers that none of the good RPers actually bother anymore? Seriously. FUCK. Is ONE good FFVII RP that much to ask for!?
Edit for Clarification: I have no problems with AUs that don't include DoC. That is what AUs for. However, I have a problem with things post-AC taking place around the same time/after DoC that are MARKETED as canon but ignore DoC. That is not canon. That is Alternate Universe.
I am also tired of Sephiroth ALWAYS being the villain just because he's awesome and iconic. He's had his turn--come up with some new material for once. Not everyone wants to face Sephiroth for the umpteenth time, no matter how awesome he is, because it's always the same stuff over and over and over. No, thank you.
riding the failboat,
mary sue,
over 100 comments!,
purple prose