Okay, this could be a YMMV, and maybe I'm being a little too sensitive. But this person just comes across as having a superiority/"I know everything" attitude.
I have an ad up on
rp_me and this person contacted me. Now, we talked a bit, and while I didn't feel the magical tingly sensation that I sometimes
feel with potential new partners, I chalked it up to me feeling like crap, being stressed, and the fact that I'm heavily medicated at the moment in an attempt to get rid of my headache.
This person tells me to hit them up on AIM, as though they had already given me their AIM contact. So I wondered if maybe they had, seeing as several people have already in comments and the like. So I looked through our messages to see if they had given me their AIM. They hadn't. I told them that they hadn't given me their AIM, and I had checked in our conversations and hadn't found it. Looking back, I wonder if that should've concerned me. But I figured they must've thought they had sent it, or maybe they did and the comment/message didn't go through.
So then they PM me with this:
"Since you're not giving me your AIM SN, I'll give you mine. :P
It's [contact removed] <-- That is not MSN, that's AIM. Please add me on AIM via that."
They hadn't asked me for mine. They had only told me to hit them up on theirs. I would've happily given it if they had asked for it. (Remember, my mind is a little hazy right now.)
So then I add them to AIM and I reply to their PM on AIM because it seems silly to me to PM them with a short answer when I have them on AIM and they're online.
This is our entire conversation on AIM. Names removed for the sake of anonymity.
Monday, November 07, 2011
Me (10:31:15 AM): Haha. I didn't give you mine because I use an MSN email for it and people have told me I wasn't giving them the right one and I was even called stupid over it a few times. XXD
Go figure that you use an MSN for AIM, too!
Them (10:32:30 AM): Yeah, I'm all stylish. How're you?
Me (10:33:45 AM): Tired, sneezy, and stressed, lol.
Me (10:33:52 AM): How are you?
Them (10:34:03 AM): Thinking I have a soar throat. Blargghhg. In class, too.
Them (10:36:47 AM): So I might not be the best to talk right the now.
Them (10:41:58 AM): So what's got you stressed?
Me (10:42:19 AM): I'd rather not talk about it. I don't really know you. ^^;;
Them (10:44:06 AM): Okay, heh.
Them (10:44:37 AM): Isn't that a pretty anti-social practice? It's not like I have an influence on yo' life.
Me (10:48:34 AM): I've been burned in the past. Badly. By people claiming to care, and then accusing me of lying about my life. So I prefer not to talk about it. And honestly, that statement of yours has made me uncomfortable.
Them (10:49:39 AM): Okay, well, I'm sorry for your pain. And I'm sorry if I made you uneasy? I rarely take advantage of people. :-P
Them (10:57:16 AM): If you feel uncomfortable around me, we don't have to talk any further.
Me (10:57:57 AM): Oh, that's not why I didn't reply. Had to give the kitten his eye drops.
Me (10:58:34 AM): What sort of ideas did you have for playing?
Them (10:59:03 AM): Well, like I mentioned in my comment, I had an OC steampunk idea that I've been brewing.
Them (11:00:29 AM): But I can't really elaborate at the moment, in class.
Me (11:14:31 AM): Alright. Well, elaborate when you get the chance to, please. :3
[contact removed] signed off at 11:19:21 AM
[contact removed] signed on at 11:56:35 AM
Them (11:57:09 AM): Hi there.
Me (11:57:24 AM): Hello again.
Them (11:57:35 AM): Sup?
Me (12:13:20 PM): Just waiting for you to elaborate when you get the chance to.
Them (12:19:44 PM): Okay~. ^^;
Them (12:24:21 PM): I'll be honest, I don't think you and I are going to get along. I'm far more freewheeling, and it seems as if you want something professional, formal and forums. I'm sorry for wasting your time, and I figured I'd give this a shot, but eh.
Them (12:24:26 PM): No dice for me.
Me (12:25:42 PM): You haven't even told me your ideas yet. I said I'd be willing to try roleplaying on AIM with you.
Me (12:27:17 PM): I've just been waiting for you to pitch your ideas. Normally I don't consider it a waste of time if plotting doesn't result in roleplaying. But given the fact that you're not even bothering to plot, and after I've said I was willing to give it a try, you decide not to bother even trying to plot... Yeah. This time I actually do consider it a waste of my time.
Them (12:28:23 PM): Hey, I made my decision based off a personality overview. I plot with people who are eager to do so and friendly, not grim and aloof. If you want to get good roleplay, you've gotta give a little. I've learned this the hard way, and I hope you do too.
Them (12:28:30 PM): Adieu.
[contact removed] signed off at 12:28:39 PM
Now, I had been honest with this person that I really don't like playing on instant messengers. I prefer forums. I did tell them that I would be
willing to try roleplaying on AIM with them. That I'd try to tolerate it, but I did warn that I might quit if I didn't enjoy it (roleplaying over messenger). They continued pursuing the idea of roleplaying as though they were alright with that. But once we started talking on AIM, as you can see, they were pretty unwilling to plot. Then they pretty much say that I'm "not eager to plot". I was being respectful of the fact that they were in class. If they can't elaborate on their ideas for roleplaying while they're in class, how can they carry on an active conversation? What was I supposed to do -- beg them to tell me all of their amusing ideas? I was trying not to pester them while they were in class!
At that point I did get upset. I was trying to be considerate. And no, I didn't feel like carrying on a conversation unrelated to roleplaying at that point in time. They had already made me feel uncomfortable. And my replies being a bit a part had to do with me talking to someone else on AIM that isn't making me feel uncomfortable, along with the fact that I'm trying to find something to eat and trying to straighten up the house because my mother in law will be visiting us for a week or so and she's arriving tomorrow. The reason I didn't bother explaining it was because they were in class and they seemed preoccupied with that.
I sent them a PM on LJ telling them off. I was ragey, but I was trying to keep it calm and short and simple. My PM to them after they signed out of AIM:
We barely spoke at all. You don't know what kind of personality I have. I said I was stressed right now. When you said something that made me feel uncomfortable, I said so.
I was waiting for you to elaborate on your ideas. You said you couldn't because you were in class. Well, if being in class means you can't elaborate, it also means that you probably shouldn't be having IM conversations anyways. So I was waiting for a time more convenient to you to hold a conversation.
I AM eager to plot. I asked you about your ideas. I wanted to hear them. I didn't want to distract you any further from your classes. I wasn't being grim at all. You know absolutely nothing about my personality. There is no way whatsoever that you can rightfully assume anything about my personality, and it's rather foolish of you to even try after such a short conversation.
But you were right about one thing. I don't think we would get along. Because you seem to feel like you're so all-knowing that you know what a person is like based off "their personality" that you haven't even seen.
Yeah. I know I was probably a bit too sensitive. But something feels terribly off about this person at the very least. And they definitely seem to think they can tell a person's entire personality based off of one little reaction to something that makes them feel uncomfortable. Believe it or not, I actually am pretty friendly. I don't always come across as friendly, but I am. But just because I'm friendly with other people doesn't mean I'm not going to be cautious about the people I'm being friendly with.
Why couldn't he have been Plastic Surgery Guy or something? At least it would've been amusing.
Well, BRPS, do you feel that there's something off about this person?