hypnotic dancing pecs (part 3)

Dec 02, 2002 16:58

God. It's been hours since I've had a chance to update this. I had to go back to the last entry to see where I'd left off ( Read more... )

angel, cr, jm, weekend recap, friends, life, tv, music

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Comments 8

briel December 2 2002, 18:02:38 UTC
Sounds like you all had a fun time on Saturday. :) One of these days I'm going to actually have to play the Buffy game. lol

That's cool that you saw Adam and Eric. I think it would be really neat to just run into them sometime. :) First Adam hugs! Cool. ;) I love getting hugs from them. lol


babysquid December 3 2002, 12:52:31 UTC
Pass through Fresno and I'll pull out the game. We'll get the buds together and have a grand old time. Let me know when you head to LA for a CR show, we should totally talk about going together.
And M and I freaked out so much when we ran into them. Can I just take a moment to say how cool the shoe salesman at Nordstrom's was?


briel December 4 2002, 23:15:43 UTC
I will definately be letting you know when I head to L.A. again. It would be soo nice to have someone to go with and not have to sit the whole time in the car alone! Hopefully it'll be before February...I really want to see CR soon! :D
Still thinking that was cool you ran into them. lol
What was so great about the shoe salesman at Nordstroms? :)


babysquid December 5 2002, 10:22:57 UTC
emailed you about the shoe salesman last night, so here's the rest of my reply.
I know what you mean about the drive. Very dull. And long. I can do it with my eyes closed though. Which is good, cuz then I can sleep. :) Let me know anytime you want to go. Weekends only, without lots of planning (work). But then you have school, so you're prolly the same way. I was thinking of going down in January (end of) and hitting Disneyland and Universal Studios with M (maybe D if I can convince her). Wouldn't it be cool to catch CR at the same time? You wanna join me?


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