hypnotic dancing pecs (part 3)

Dec 02, 2002 16:58

God. It's been hours since I've had a chance to update this. I had to go back to the last entry to see where I'd left off.

Saturday (cont)--- Okay. So they finished their really short set. Maybe 40-45 minutes. And that's pushing it. We got one encore. A new song. Interesting. And then they were gone. James kissed one girls hand and shook hands with a few others. M and I were like "I want my hand kissed". :) We wandered outside to get the single. I knew that since I couldn't take any pics, some people would be a little ticked if I didn't come home with something. And since I'm such a good friend, I bought a copy for C. Thought about giving it to her for Xmas but went ahead and gave it to her last night. Then as M & I are waiting on the corner for Deb, Kelly Osbourne walked by. We did double takes. There was no meet and greet, but Charlie and Kevin walked by for a sec. I think I recall M looking away when Kevin came by. But I'm not too sure. Then the three of us headed down the strip for drinks at a bar whose name I do not remember. (Deb? M? any help here?) Then off to 7-11 for more drinks. That was followed by some adventurous driving and a quick game of "this is your life" as we passed by a bunch places M knew a a kid. Back at the hotel, it was 2 o'clock, and we started playing the Buffy game. M checked with Yoda and he said that she was gonna win. She was like "Not gonna happen", cuz I guess she never wins at games. I had to explain the game (trust me when I say that the instruction book sucks). But we had a really good game. I hope they had as much as I did. And, BTW, M did win. Well, technically both M and Deb won cuz they were playing the good characters and I was evil, but M threw the killing blow to the Master. So at like 5am we took Deb back to her place. Can I just say how refreshing it is to be out after midnight and still have people out. Fresno dies at like 930pm. Totally sucks. M and I just totally crashed when we got back.

Sunday-- I woke up at 841. 941. 1015. The last is when I finally got up. We made it out of the hotel just on time, checkout time being noon. And then off to Denny's for food since we were both starving. Post lunch was a stroll through The Grove. So pretty. Wish I had money to buy things. And, this is where it gets wacky weird. We're walking along and pass this restaurant, apparently some people she (we, kinda) know work there. These people know other people, who just happen to be Eric and Adam from Common Rotation. So we're talking and walking and who should walk by us? Eric and Adam. So we stopped and talked. They looked so good. I looked like crap but whatever. Who cares about me? Got my first Adam hug, though. I usually get hand shakes. Felt all special. It was surreal.

Everything kinda becomes a blur after that. No, not because we ran into Adam and Eric. More because I was exhausted and still had a three hour drive home. So, took M back to her car and drove home. Massive jam at Magic Mountain again. They're doing construction there til like 2004. Sucks. Got home at like 830pm. Told the tale to mom and C. Watched Angel. And was dead to the world by 1030pm. Ont the up side, I woke up this morning to GotR's "David Letterman". I have been running around work like a chicken without a head. I'm so frickin' tired. Haven't even had a chance to read other people's entries yet. Gonna actually have to fight my way online when I get home.

Oh, wait, I haven't explained the subject line yet. James Marsters. Tight shirt. He was happy to see the crowd, headlights were on. And it was not cold in the Viper Room. So, the shirt is tight and you can see his pecs, right? So, he starts singing and the pecs start dancing. Not together. They have their own rhythms. I kept trying to watch the other guys but my eyes kept getting drawn back. Disturbing, yet intriguing at the same time. :)

angel, cr, jm, weekend recap, friends, life, tv, music

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