Shades (EIGHT)

Nov 13, 2012 21:25

Title: Shades
Pairing: KyuMin
Genre: Angst, Romance, Friendship, Dark, Smut, Yaoi, AU
Rating: R
Length: Chaptered
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters and the plot. This is inspired by the novel 'Fifty Shades of Grey'
Warning: boy-to-boy relationships, language
Summary: Behind every beautiful face lie very dark secrets.

Previous Chapters:
Prologue  1  2  3  4 5  6  7


I hear the sound of curtains being parted, as well as a door or a window, I’m not entirely sure. Seconds after, cold wind enters the room I’m in, and I deliberately turn to face that side because I love the sensation it gives me.

But then, as a ray of the morning sun hits my eyelids, I slowly open my eyes, squinting for my surroundings seem very bright.

After less than a minute of adjusting my vision and wondering why I am in an unfamiliar room, I hear a soothing hoarse voice from behind me. Of course I instantly knew who the owner is. He is the one who took my everything last night. It is still fresh in my mind.

“Good morning.”

My lips voluntarily curve a smile as I face him, my heart jumps at the sight of Kyuhyun in a gray shirt and pajamas, sitting on a black loveseat with his legs crossed. His hair is tousled in every direction as if he didn’t comb it since… last night. I blush.

“Good morning…” And then I realize something. “Did I sleep alone here in your bed?” I remember asking him to stay with me before I fall asleep. Does he really hate sleeping with others that he left me? I thought he’d be comfortable since he once slept beside me already.

He blinks those gray orbs of his which are now glinting due to amusement. “Of course not. It’s my bed, so I have all the rights to sleep there,” Brat. “Even if you’ll be sleeping with me.”

He stares at me gently that I feel like wanting to melt in front of him. Well, I don’t know if it is just the morning light or my delusional mind.

“Can I ask you something?”

He smirks at me. “You’re already asking, hyung.”

I pout. He’s teasing me again! He loves doing that, geez. Okay, the hot and aggressive Cho from last night is gone and is now back to the normal bratty Cho. Should I also add this to my conditions on being his Sub? But I actually like it when he teases me, especially with the way he playfully emphasizes the word hyung. He is so cute.

Who knows, he might be showing this side of him to me only… with the exception of his family and close friends, of course.

“I’m just kidding,” he says with a cute sheepish grin as he moves from his seat towards me, crouches, and places a light kiss on my forehead, smiling when he pulls away. “You may ask me anything be-”

“Because of the NDA I signed, yes.” I cut him. Revenge.

He sighs as he sits next to me. “Right.” I didn’t mean doing that negatively, but it looks like he took it that way. I suddenly feel guilty about it, and so, I started with something lighter. “Do your Subs sleep here too?”

“No, Sungmin. I already told you that you’re the first person I slept with.” Oh, yeah. Inner god bursts out from under the bed and he’s grinning at me teasingly.

“Your Subs live here?”

He nods. “There’s a room allotted.”

“At the playroom?”

He lightly laughs. “No.” I was sort of disappointed. I like that room.

“Why do you have to let your Subs live here?”

“So that it would be easier for me to monitor.” He answers me in an almost automated way. It hit me that he must have been reciting this for lots of times now.

He jumps off the bed and offers a hand to me, which I accept. “So I have to live here as well?” As I move, I feel my bottom ache. I bite my lower lip to prevent me from groaning. But my discomfort didn’t escape Cho’s eyes.

“Obviously,” he chuckles. He didn’t let go of my hand while he gives me a tablet and a glass of water which were perched on a nightstand. He’s really prepared, huh.

“But I have work…” I still don’t have one, but by the time I agree to this, I am probably employed already… if I’ll sign the contract.

“You’ll stay here for three nights and two days. I’ll pick you up every Friday night and bring you back to Seoul every Sunday evening,” says Kyuhyun whilst he helps me get off the bed. That’s when I notice that I am fully dressed.

“I bought you new clothes, but if you prefer going home wearing the ones you had last night, then it’s on the bathroom. It’s clean and dry. I had someone to wash it earlier.” I am still convinced that he can read minds… or am I just easy to read?

He pulls me out of his bedroom and heads to the dining room. “Do I really have to exercise three times a week?” I just felt the need to ask it again.

“We already talked about this, right?” he answers in a low, but not that scary tone, his eyes still focused on our way.

Since I really don’t like sweating like that for so many days - except when in bed - I tried my aegyo on him. My puppy eyes have their own power. “Can we make that two, please?”

He stops on his tracks and looks at me weirdly. Aha! No one could resist my aegyo, Cho Kyuhyun!

“No.” He grins as he pulls me, making me walk faster to catch up with his long legs. Damn myself for having short legs. Why didn’t it have an effect on him?! I try opening it up to him again, but he just laughs at me and continues to ignore it. Aish, this kid.

“Come on, it’s not like I won’t be able to exercise whenever I’m with you! They say that we’ll lose more calories when-”

“Sungmin, I know. I know that,” Oh, he got my point. “Still, you’ll be exercising three times a week. It’s for your own good.” I just pout at him. He chuckles and kisses my forehead before walking again. Fortunately, he’s slower this time.

We then enter the dining room, and an old lady in her late 40s welcomes us as she places our breakfast - omelets - on the long glass table.

“Sungmin-hyung,” I control the urge to roll my eyes. “This is Nari ahjumma. She’s the cook here. Ahjumma, he is Sungmin-hyung.” I slightly narrow my eyes on him when he glanced at me as he added that honorific that way.

Nari ahjumma smiles politely and bows at me. In an instant, I knew she and I will get close just like how I felt when I first saw Shindong-ssi. They just give an aura that makes me so comfortable with them. At least there are still normal people in this house.

Still feeling a bit pissed because of this guy beside me, I manage to smile a bit brightly, but didn’t say anything ‘cos I might just throw curses at Kyuhyun.

We take our seats while ahjumma leaves to the kitchen, which is connected with the dining room by a wooden black door.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask Kyuhyun as I watch him place the eggs on my plate. Without looking at me, he asks back rather innocently, “What, feeding you? I just want to. Who said I can’t?”

“No… this. Can’t you be in a normal relationship? You know, without that contract thing?” That was actually what I wanted to ask him ever since he showed me the rules… his rules. It’s just weird and scary for a person like him to practice that. It’s like he’s just in it for sex. Ouch.

He halts halfway in transferring a chunk of tomato on my plate and diverts his gaze on me. That is the looks he had last night when I ask him things regarding the contract. I can feel my heart wanting to go out from my chest due to nervousness.

He puts the plate down gently, not tearing his gaze from me. Is it just me or his eyes got teary? He sighs. “That’s because this is the only thing I know. This is who I am, Sungmin, and I can’t change it.” I suddenly want to have him in my arms and give him all the comfort that this boy needs. He looks so broken and lost. It feels like I’m talking to an abandoned kid on an orphanage. Wait, he is adopted, right?

And now I know that even this one of the youngest billionaire in the world has his own bad experience. I’m sure that experience is what brought him to this kind of life. He is still too young to think this way.

I smile at him as I give his hand a reassuring squeeze, my thumb caressing the back of his hand. “Of course you can,” I sound like a mother for a while. I observe his facial expression and I see that lost look of his again. Oh baby… I want to call him baby because I see him as one, okay.

And so, I decide to lighten it up. “Start by not forgetting to call me hyung.” I grin.


“Hyung.” I correct him.

He then grins back at me. He’s now back to being my childish Cho. “I’m not yet done saying your name, Sungmin-hyung. There, happy?”

“Yes. Good boy~” I playfully pat his head. He chuckles as he quickly grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles, winking at me. My cheeks are burning. How many times do I have to tell him that I am not a girl? But you like it, you flirt. Here goes my inner god again.

“Can I call you Kyu?” I change the topic for I might faint right now. This is what you call fanboying.

Again, he shows off the same expression he had back when I first told him to call me hyung.

“Fine, hyung.”

A giggle surprisingly escapes my throat, my lips curve to a smile that could reach my ears. “Thanks, Kyu!” Besides, even without his permission, I will still call him Kyu because it’s shorter and easier to pronounce. And it’s cute.

He smiles at me.

“Now, eat.”


Shindong-ssi parks the car in front of my dormitory building, and I get ready to get off, but Kyuhyun is still asking me questions.

“How are your exams?”

“I think I’ll graduate.” I say, grinning at him. That’s what I get for not thinking of you for a week, don’t you know that?

He nods and purses his lips as if wanting to say something more. He doesn’t want you to go, idiot. He’s obviously prolonging your conversation!

“You sure you don’t want to work at my company?” ugh, not this topic again.



Because I need to be away from you as far as possible for the meantime… “Because I want to see new faces?” But who am I kidding? My entire being is evidently aching to see him all the time.

He raises an eyebrow. “That’s it?” I nod. “But you’ll also get to see new faces in my company… or maybe you could work at the main branch in Busan.”

But I will be distracted once I see you in the office!!! “I’ll think about it.” Sometimes, you really need to agree just for someone to shut up. Of course I didn’t agree.

He stares at me for seconds before sighing, a sign that he already surrenders to my stubbornness. Hah. He knows I won’t think of it. “I’ll call you later.”

“No!” The crease on his forehead deepens as he throws me confused stares.

I grin. “I’ll be out.”

“With whom?” Why is he acting like a boyfriend? I haven’t signed the contract yet, have I? So, if I become his Sub, does that mean I can’t hang out with my friends anymore? Asshole.


“Is Jongwoon there?” Oh, okay, so that’s his problem.

“Yes.” It’s a lie, actually. We won’t go out. Hae’s probably got some plans with his Eunhyuk again. But I really am planning on meeting up with Jongwoon-hyung because I want to talk to him regarding the incident the other night. He is still, after all, my favorite hyung.

Kyuhyun’s eyes darken, but I choose to act like that doesn’t have any effect on me. It does, really, but not in a creepy way. It’s… arousing?

“He is a very close friend of mine, Kyuhyun. And if you’re going to tell me not to meet him, I won’t listen to you because I still want to see him.”

He ruffles his hair in frustration. I stop myself from grinning. “What if he does it again to you?!” Ah, that…

“He won’t,” I sigh. “For once, try to trust other people.”

He straightens up and leans on the backrest comfortably, averting his gaze from me. “I don’t trust anyone unless they have proven themselves.” I sort of flinch because he used a firm voice.

“Then it’s your loss.”

“Can you blame me?” he mutters.

“Make me understand.” He says things like those but he doesn’t explain to me why he does that. It’s like I am always guessing. I’m not a freaking fortune teller.

“I’ll tell you someday.”

“Fine.” I rush to go out from the car, obviously pissed because of this kid. I don’t know why, but whatever he do makes me confused.

“Wait!” He hisses as he grabs my arm and forces me to face him.

“What?” I snap at him irritably.

To my surprise, he leans closer to me so swiftly and kisses me on the lips. “See you on your graduation…” whispers Kyuhyun huskily.

I nod. I guess there is no use in hiding my blushing cheeks because he already smirked.

“ Laters, baby.” And he winks. Inner god just fainted.

“Y-Yeah…” I nervously chuckle before going out of the vehicle, immediately taking a deep breath since I think I just lost an amount of oxygen in my body.

Damn you, Cho Kyuhyun.


Hae runs to me and clutches on my shoulder the moment I step in the room, his face painted of worry.

“I have good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?” asks Hae.

I roll my eyes. “Good.”

“You’re going to graduate.” I should be jumping and rejoicing and all for the news because I worked so hard for it. I had sleepless nights due to studying for the exams and completing the requirements, and I now I know that my hard work paid off… but I didn’t feel like doing so. I can sense that I’ll focus more on Hae’s bad news.

“Now what’s the bad news?” I try asking him in an uninterested tone.

He sighs heavily. “You really don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to, but I really wish to the aliens somewhere outside the Earth that you wi-” He starts mumbling all of it quickly that I failed to understand it already.

“Hae, just get to the point.” I’m actually in a good mood today since I just got away from Cho Kyuhyun. I realize that after all that contract thingy he showed me, I need to be away from him for a while to think things through. Still, I hate it whenever Hae speaks like that. He can be a good rapper.

He straightens up. “Okay. You see, appa bought a condo on Busan instead here in Seoul, and a nice job was offered to me there. So, I’ll be transferring there.”

“That’s nice.” I comment. Busan is a good place.

“Please come with me, Min~” he pleads me using his famous puppy eyes who no one can resist either. Mine is much more irresistible, though.

“Why would I come with you?” I prefer working here in Seoul.

“Because I’m your best-est friend and you love me,” Oh, Hae… “Also, Cho Kyuhyun lives there, remember?”

“He lives in Busan, Hae.” I roll my eyes.

He pouts and whines, “But we’re going to Busan, Mingggg!” Oh, fuck.


-Unbeta-ed. As always. Hehehe
-Err… Is this fluff? I don’t know. xD
-Sorry if it's short orzz ;;

fic:shades, character:kyuhyun, genre:angst, character:sungmin, character:donghae, pairing:kyumin, length:chaptered

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