
Jun 11, 2009 19:22


General Index | Rules | FAQ | Premise | Taken Characters | Reserves | Applications

Full Character Applications

Fill out the following form according to the instructions and copy-paste it into a (series of) comments to this post. Moderators generally do applications every Wednesday, though we can be a little slow depending on circumstances (we are, after all, only human)

Plagiarism is any form is not acceptable. Your application should be entirely in your own words - Plagiarism is grounds for rejection and possible moderator action.

Full Character Application

Personal Information
Personal LJ:
Email / AIM / MSN:

Character Information
Character Name:
Timeline: (please specify which universe of your fandom you are apping from, IE Transformers G1/Animated/ROTF and so on)
Source: (Please give us a link to a wikipedia entry, a relevant fandom wiki, or other source of substansive information about the character)

Character History: (should be at least three paragraphs)
Character Personality: (should include age, maturity.)

First person: (journal-entry length, at least four complete sentences)
Third Person: (300 word minimum)

Personal Information
Name: What do you want us to call you?
Personal LJ: Whatever journal you want us to contact you on. If you don't have one, that's okay, just say so.
Email / AIM / MSN:

Character Information
Character Name:
Fandom: what series the character is from.
Timeline: Please specify which universe of your fandom you are apping from, IE Transformers G1/Animated/ROTF and so on)
Source: (Please give us a link to a wikipedia entry, a relevant fandom wiki, or other source of substansive information about the character)

Character History: Explain your character's history in canon. Don't copy-paste from a wikipedia entry or a canon bio - we want to hear this in your own words.
Character Personality: What's your character's personality like? What are their motivations? Their hopes, dreams, and desires?
Powers: Does your character have any noteworthy powers, abilities, weapons, or skills? These aren't necessarily supernatural - if your character's a really smooth talker or has a kickass sword, we'd still like to know.

First person: This is how your character would post on the network - basically, a post in their words. This should be at least one to two paragraphs, and give us a good idea of the character's voice.
Third Person: This should give us an idea of how your character behaves in action logs. It should be prose and at least 300 words long. It doesn't have to be about your character in Axiom Nexus, but it should give us a good idea of how you play the character in question.


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