Reserves List

Jun 11, 2009 17:17


General Index | Rules | FAQ | Premise | Taken Characters | Reserves | Applications

Please copy the text below, and comment with your reserve. You will be guaranteed one full application period to complete your application.

character name | | (month/day)

When listing your fandom, please be sure to include which universe/version your character is being taken from - For instance, are you reserving live-action movie Bumblebee or Transformers Animated Bumblebee? As this game allows multiple versions of the same character, this is important.

Reserves last at least one whole application period and will expire the second Wednesday after the claim has been placed, making them last roughly two weeks. You may only reserve a specific character twice; after that, you are still welcome to apply for them, but they will not be held again.

While reserves do not grant you exclusive claim to a character, preference will be given to the original reserve in the case of a challenge. If the application is not acceptable, then the challenging application will be considered.

It is your responsibility to renew your reserve for a character, if it expires before you able able to submit. We will inquire if you still have interest if there are no other applications outstanding; however, if an application for that character has been already been submitted when your hold expires, your reserve is void.


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