TakiTsuba Love Gurus: How to Ace An Omiai

Mar 31, 2011 12:07

Omiai is a Japanese traditional custom in which unattached individuals are introduced to each other to consider the possibility of marriage. - Wikipedia

 Tsubasa: Because an omiai is more than just a date, you have to impress harder. Smile, show you're not socially challenged.

 Takki: But don't overdo it.
 Tsubasa: Eat, drink and make merry. But don't play with your food.

 Tsubasa: And hide the fact that you're a slob. Surprise your partner after marriage.

 Takki: Drinking loosens the nerves. But not to the point of coarse language and bad behaviour.

 Takki: Irregardless of his attractiveness, remember that the star of the meal is your potential life partner.

 Tsubasa: Seize any opportunity to showcase any culinary prowess you might possess. Cooking and cleaning skills are highly rated in a marriage.

 Tsubasa: And earn points by putting him first (for now).

 Tsubasa: Be cool and confident but throw in an occasional coy smile now and then. Works like a charm.

 Tsubasa: And show your fun and playful side too.  

 Tsubasa: By teasing him.

 TakiTsuba: Lastly, if the date went well, you might want to proceed for a drink to get to know each other better. But watch out for possible side and after effects.

Source: The Television, 25 March 2011 / Scan from: http://tsuyotsuba.blog14.fc2.com/blog-entry-686.html

And if you prefer it in Spanish, here it is http://senkohime.blogspot.com/2011/04/takkitsuba-los-gurus-del-amor.html, with thanks to senko_fuji . Enjoy!

For for those living single, drinking double and seeing triple, here's wishing you:
a long life and a happy one;
a quick death and an easy one;
a pretty boy/girl and an honest one;
a cold beer and another.

More love and life advice from TakiTsuba Gurus here. Or next up, a T&T fic: Duck Lake (Part 2/2).

photo comics (mainly t&t)

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