Fanfiction: Duck Lake (Part 2/2)

Apr 04, 2011 12:44

Characters: Tackey, Ryo, Jin, Pi and Tsubasa
Genre:  AU, fluff and romance
Rating: PG
Summary: In a terrain of scheming royals and dark magic, can true lust love find its way?
Note: For lunarfaye

Source: Tackey Calendar 2008/9 / Scans from:
Duck Lake (Part1/2)
Duck Lake (Part 2/2)

Prince Takki sits on the right hand of his father, King Johnny's throne and sighs. He doesn't want to be here, much less here, with a bandaged head. His new turban head is thanks to his younger brother, Prince Ryo, who has more than enthusiastically offered to practise his first-aid skills on the injured crown prince. Takki is beyond any doubt that brotherly love is the last thing on his scheming sibling's mind. Ryo has always been jealous of Takki's crown prince status. In their childhood, the younger boy often took to stealing his brother's erasers and hiding his Mickey Mouse to show his displeasure. In adulthood, he has progressed to bribing their royal tailor to add ridiculous sequins and oversized feathers to Takki's ceremonial garments, earning him the title of 'Worst Dressed Royal Ever' in the public polls.

Tonight, he fares no better. He is what could only be described as a walking fashion disaster, in glorious primary colours. To top it off, his yellow turban weighs a tonne, the sequined blue suit feels stiff, and the large red feathers threatens to throw him into a sneezing fit. For psychologists, his outfit could easily be misread as a cry for help.

Nonetheless, despite his fashion and image crisis and resentment of the need to be present at his own coming-of-age ceremony, Prince Takki beams his best leaden smile and feigns civility with his guests. Coming-of-age - what a joke. He is not ready to be a man. He is not ready to choose a bride and be a husband. He might be 20 but his maturity has peaked and stopped at 5. Resigned to the fact that with great powers come great responsibilities, Takki can only continue to flash his pearly whites and press the flesh, all the while praying that Royal Chef Jin's infamous cooking would send them packing or dropping soon.

'Wow! We've got the hottest babes in the region here,' Ryo whispers excitedly into Takki's ears, while carefully dodging the energetic feathers. 'And they're all at your disposal,' he continues sourly.

'Then I want them disposed,' Takki answers unfeelingly, not once lifting his eyes from the indecipherable fuzzy green mash on his plate.

'You don't mean that 36H that just sashayed by!' Ryo pants, while shifting his pants a little.

'You mean that chopped liver look-alike?'

'What's wrong with you?! She might not be as pretty as you, but she's darn close.'

Ryo is insulted. His brother may be a famed beauty but that is no reason to slight his profound taste in women.

'All right then, what about that 36D in specs? Boobs and brains.'

'That onion?'

Ryo leaves the table promptly; for fear that he might dump the murky brown substance masquerading as soup onto Takki. He has never been so offended. Takki wonders too what has overcome him tonight. Every girl either looks like an onion or chopped liver.

'It's probably something I've eaten,' he quickly concludes. 'Jin will have to answer for it later.'

'Maybe the usual hand job punishment? No, surely this has earned the ranks of a blowjob and more.'

Takki hates to admit it but Jin, in spite of his culinary handicap, can still be very useful and convenient - there are plenty of tools in the kitchen.

As the night drags painfully on, Takki is afraid, very afraid. He is fast losing hope of finding a lady that doesn't look like a vegetable or an abused animal part. In an act of desperation, he stares at the poisonous-looking soup and wills it to mean certain death. Slowly and hesitantly, he brings it to his lips. It smells ominous. He closes his eyes and parts his lips.

Suddenly, as if by divine intervention, a gush of wind floods into the grand ballroom. The chandeliers sway and the curtains dance. And with the dark wind hails the entrance of a most exquisite creature.

'What is your name?' Prince Takki coos as he swoons in, clasping her petite hands delicately in his.

'Yamashita Pi Tomohisa, Your Grace,' the ravishing 44J beauty coyly replies. 'But you can call me Pi, or anything you desire.'

Observing from a corner, Princess Mary smiles. Her plan to seize the throne for herself is working. All she needs is a kiss to seal the deal.

A long time ago, the Queen Mother had difficulty conceiving. When she finally had Princess Mary the King was prepared to break with tradition and pass on the throne to his daughter, the only heir. In preparation to be a good ruler, Mary had sacrificed much growing up; she had little fun and few friends. But to her, it was all worthwhile. She was going to make history. That was until the arrival of a baby brother.

After she was carelessly tossed aside and passed over for the throne, Mary turned to dark magic. Tonight is perhaps her proudest moment. The onion-and-chopped-liver spell is foolproof. And the creature that Takki is blissfully dancing away with is actually a peacock-turned-princess. With the future Queen at her command, it will not be long before she has her way in court.

Meanwhile, the guards at the palace grounds are dancing to a very different tune. There has been an intruder, a naked madman running amok.


Being nightfall, Duck Tsubasa has turned back into his human form. But it is not working out for him. The guards drew their swords the moment they saw him; when all he wants is to return the Valentino shirt the prince's minders had left behind when they rescued him this morning. He had wanted to keep it for himself. After his duck mother learnt about it, she quaked at him for over an hour about how she did not raise her son to take advantage of others. And naturally, being the mummy's duck that he is, Tsubasa obediently does as he is ordered.


'My dear son, is this belle of the ball your chosen one?'

Letting his actions speak for themselves, Takki looks dreamily into Pi's eyes and lifts her chin slightly, ready to lean into those delicious lips.

'Yo, Prince Charming! You forgot your shirt!'

Flabbergasted, Takki turns towards the outburst. It is the young man from this morning. He remembers the sharp chiselled features and taunt bronze body. But there is a new attraction - chin chin ii. It was submerged in water earlier today, making it impossible to relish the full glory of the fine young man until now.

Even though he has spent much of his life as a duck, Tsubasa knows full well that he has just killed a perfectly romantic moment; his foster duck parents are very romantic fowls. But it is kill or be killed, there are palace guards hot on his heels.

In the midst of gasps of horror and hushed speculations, Takki feels his head swim. As if waking from a broken spell, he steadies himself, then staggers towards his latest obsession.

'Son! Your chosen one!' King Johnny bellowed anxiously.

Takki closes his eyes. Unlike the waltzing dream or walking nightmares, for once something tonight feels real. And it has given him the courage to stop running away from his duty and accept it like a man.

He kneels and kisses.


Tsubasa inspects his wings in the mirror and sighs. It is not what it used to be. In fact, he wonders if it has shrunk.

'Do my wings look small in this?'

Takki looks up from his state documents and answers very diplomatically and honestly, 'It looks perfect.'

Satisfied, Tsubasa stops fussing with his feathers and turns to the window. It is turning cold and ducks have started migrating south to warmer climate. So have his foster duck parents. They have declined to move in with Tsubasa's new family but promised to visit often.

'Do you regret it?' Takki asks softly, as he back-hugs Tsubasa, pressing gently against the velvety duck feathers.

'Regret what?'

'Never being able to fly again... coming into the palace... being kissed by me-'

'You'll have to ask chin chin ii. You kissed him, remember? Not me.'

Instantly, Takki went tomato red. That night, thanks to true love's French kiss, the evil spell was broken. But because the kiss was not on the lips, not all conditions had been fulfilled; therefore, Tsubasa was only half transformed. His wings remained. Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise after all.

With the Internet buzz, this fairy tale-like story spread far and wide. Locals and travellers alike are beginning to label the country as 'The Land of the Rising Wings'. And the latest tourism figure shows a 50% increase. Likewise, the crown prince's love affair with Duckman and the countrywide ban of the killing and consumption of ducks have earned the monarchy newfound respect and higher than ever approval ratings.

Encouraged by such positive vibes, the royal household has also gradually come to accept their latest member. Even Prince Ryo is giving the thumbs up. If not for Tsubasa's timely appearance, he would not have the chance to comfort a heartbroken Pi in his royal chamber.

Pi, being the most innocent of the parties, is not sure if all is for the best. She is happy that she no longer has to dance the peacock dance and spread her tail to amuse the often bored Princess Mary because the royalty has been driven mad by yet another failed attempt, and will not be reversing the spell anytime soon. However, she is now dancing lap dances and striptease and spreading her legs for the often horny Prince Ryo.

'You still hate me, don't you? I just knew it,' Takki pouts and removes his arms from his lover. 'Just because I used to like eating ducks and I didn't kiss-.'

'Just shut up and eat me.'

And the rest they say is happily ever after.


Next up, a Tsubasa picspam: Confession of a Reluctant Killer.

ryopi fanfics, stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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