Fanfiction: No.1 Fan (Part 5/5: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes)

Apr 24, 2010 13:49

Characters: Tackey and ? (to be revealed in today's entry)
Pairing: Tackey and ?
Genre: Angst, AU, fluff, romance
Rating: PG 
Summary: Takki has a dream, a beautiful dream. But it also means sacrifice, hurt and pain. In the face of such obstacles, would he have the courage to chase after it?
Disclaimer: The boys are dreamboats that have sailed far out to sea. They have nothing to do with me, who is grounded ashore.
Note: This the end of the 5-part series.

Part 1/5: Indecent Proposal
Part 2/5: In the Heat of the Night (NC17)
Part 3/5: Addicted To You (NC17)
Part 4/5: The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Part 5/5: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

Takki didn’t quite know where he was. Although it felt like a warm early summer’s day, it was misty all around him, as if he had just woken up to a dream. He was in what appeared to be someone else’s home. And the home was becoming more and more familiar by the second. Exploring the surroundings, it didn’t take too long to dawn on him that it was his dream home! Takki had once seen this home as he was surfing the web, window shopping for a summer home in Kyoto. It wasn’t up for sale but he dreamed of one day walking up to the owner and offering him wads of cold hard cash for this dream classical Edo-styled property with manicured gardens.

He soon discovered that he wasn’t alone. A little boy, around the age of 5, had just crawled up onto his lap and hugged him tight. It made him feel lightheaded and smiley.

‘Look mummy, flowers for you,’ the little boy beamed.

‘Eh? Mummy?’ Takki asked, bewildered.

The bright-eyed bushy-tailed little boy only looked up equally bewildered.

Breaking into a dreamy smile, Takki cooed, ‘Sweetheart, you can call me anything.’

The little boy reciprocated. ‘I love you, mummy!’

Just then another pair of arms embraced him from behind. This time, it was wrapped around his shoulders. Takki had never felt so loved. It was a complete and utter bliss. If there was a heaven, Takki thought it would feel exactly like that.

‘I love you too,' said the voice from behind.

‘Ahh!’ Takki was instantly stirred from his musing. That voice! It sent spasm of chills down his sphine. Shocked and shaken, he turned around and saw - Darth Vadar.

‘Ahhh….! Nooo….!’

Takki startled up. Thankfully, it was only a dream, or a nightmare. Either way, it wasn’t real.

But reality wasn’t a bed of roses either. He had the mother of a head-splitting hangover. To top that of, he was naked, violated and fettered to the bed frame.

‘Morning, sweetheart,’ Darth Vadar greeted, carrying breakfast in bed.

‘What’s the meaning of this?’

‘The handcuffs? Oh, I was afraid that you’ll run away again. I don’t want no case of a runaway bride,’ T-chan explained cheerfully.

‘Runaway bride?!’

‘Aww… you break my heart. You proposed last night and I said yes. So now… we’re married!’ T-chan exclaimed and excitedly showed off the engagement band on his left hand.

‘It’s simple but I like it.’

‘That’s my ring! I’m using it to propose tonight,’ Takki shrieked. Flustered, he asked, ‘Where's the female one? It comes in a set.’

Drawing circles on Takki’s chest, T-chan answered somewhat sheepishly, ‘Threw it away.’ But he was quick to defend himself. ‘It’s too small, it won’t fit you. Besides, I’m buying you one this afternoon, with many sparkly diamonds!’

‘Are you out of your mind?! I can’t marry you. And I won’t!’ Takki huffed. ‘I mean… I don’t even know you. I don’t know your name, what you look like, or even what you really sound like.’

‘But you know the important things!’ T-chan argued. ‘You know all my A and G spots.’

Takki almost fainted.

‘Just get me out of these chains. Now!’


It had been a hard morning. And the afternoon wasn’t turning out any better either. Although T-chan finally got it into his thick skull that Takki wasn't ever gonna marry him, he still insisted on holding onto Takki's ring. 'You'll have to pry it off my cold dead fingers,' he said. Not a man of violence but of cowardice, Takki insisted that T-chan paid for a replacement set instead.

Getting the replacement rings proved to be another challenge too. Takki swore the store manager almost couldn’t bear the sight of him. Maybe he was allergic to poor customers.

‘What do you think of this selection? They’re the finest in our store,’ the manager informed with customary politeness.

‘They’re awesome,’ Takki squeaked. He had never seen that many diamonds before. Despite their breath-suffocating, glittery appeal, he forced himself to think of them as mere shiny stones. They were far too dear, even if he wasn’t footing the bill.

‘Very beautiful. But do you have anything else… erm…’

‘Cheaper?’ The manager asked with an air of contempt.

‘Cheaper?’ Takki laughed nervously. ‘No, no, of course not. Just more economical, more… value for money,’ he corrected.

‘Sir, these as the best value money can buy. Besides, it’s not about the price tag. It’s about the happiness you give.’

‘Yes, the happiness you take from me.’ Takki softly cursed.

‘Well then, since you put it that way. I want to give the most happiness, the greatest joy,’ Takki announced with a sweeping motion of his arms.

The store manager, who didn’t get to where he was without knowing how to subtly squeeze the most out of his unsuspecting preys, knew exactly what that meant.

‘I understand you completely, sir. You have excellent taste,’ the broadly smiling and bowing man praised. ‘No girl can withstand the love that comes with this pink heart-shaped diamond. It’s very rare and the most valuable masterpiece in our shop.’

Takki should be happy. He had exchanged white gold for pink diamonds, diamonds that would otherwise cost him many annual salaries. But he wasn’t. Thankfully, there wasn’t much time to dwell on affairs of the heart. He had a place to get to. The rest of Tsubasa’s merchandise that he had sold T-chan was waiting for him there. Finally, at long last, he was able to rescue them all. Never again was he ever going to sell any of them away.

The transaction was made to seem fairly straightforward. All he had to do was be there. He was assured that he didn't have to perform any sexually perverse exchange. But on the way there in the taxi, Takki couldn't help but ponder, 'Is T-chan finally sick of of my body? Does it no longer hold any pleasure for him? Doesn't he want to see it one last time? What about our goodbye sex?'


The place was an orphanage - Those With Wings. Takki thought it was a wonderful name. And being the No. 1 Fan of rock star Tsubasa, Takki immediately wondered if it had any connection to the God’s-gift-to-entertainment.

Walking into the courtyard, he was quickly greeted by a little boy, looking around the age of 5.

‘Are those for me?’ Takki asked, pointing to the flowers in the tiny hands, hoping to break the ice.

The little angel nodded and shyly handed the daisies over.

‘Papa said that you want kids.’


‘Come, I’ll show you some.’ The little boy offered and tugged Takki’s hands in his.

It was very nice, having tiny little hands in his. Takki could feel himself smiling from his heart. But he was feeling something else too - a nagging suspicion. He had seen this little boy somewhere before, but he couldn’t recall where.

‘All the kids here are nice. But there’s one you can’t have.’

‘Why?’ Takki asked bemused as he played along.

‘Because I’m gonna marry her some day. So she can’t be my sister.’

Takki giggled. He didn’t know he was here to adopt children. But if they were all so adorable and angelic, he wouldn’t mind it at all.

‘You want 10, right?’

Takki almost chocked.

‘Mama, look there. Papa’s over there!’

Takki was curious. Who was this ‘papa’?

Strolling over to the figure, Takki heard the guitar play. The man, with his back against him, was singing a song. He recognized it in a flash - Shooting Star (Nagare Boshi) by his idol, Tsubasa.

If we reach out our hands, we can almost touch them.
We're on the hill where we can see the stars you pestered me to see.

The long scarf pulls our cheeks together.
We were so delighted that we missed seeing the shooting star.

The way you laughed beside me,
The way we kept each other warm,
We didn't care about the meaning behind it.

Shining star, twinkling like this star,
I guess you're smiling for someone else now.
We found this place together.

Now I'm standing there alone.

I can't put up with the fear of what I may lose.
I kept blaming you over and over.

The scent of that day no longer remains.
I grasped my scarf.
But the regrets just continued to ooze through me.
Shooting star, the star floats away and disappears.

We can't reach it anymore, I'm praying at least for my heart.

I hope that you remain as you are.
I pray that you are smiling.
Shining star, twinkling like this star,
I guess you're smiling for someone else now.
Shooting star, the star floats away and disappears.
We can't reach it anymore, I'm praying at least for my heart.

Shining star, twinkling beneath the starry sky,
I guess you’re smiling next to someone else now.
That shooting star that we missed seeing that day,
I'm here alone praying to it.

The sad lyrics made his heart wince every time he heard them. And that voice, it almost sounded like Tsubasa. It was as if the superstar himself was there, seated cross-legged on the lawn of that orphange, singing with his favourite guitar. And it was all for the amusement of just one little girl. For a moment, Takki thought it was plausible. Maybe Tsubasa founded the orphange and named it after his namesake. Maybe Tsubasa was the father to all these kids. Maybe he was going to be their mama. Maybe... Takki almost flipped over laughing at his train of thought. It was absurd.

‘There’s someone behind us,' the little girl in front of the crooner pointed out coyly. 'And he's cute.'

‘Cute?’ The crooner got up and with lowered head, grabbed Takki’s hand and pulled him down beside him.

‘Who’s cuter?’ The crooner mocked annoyance and interrogated.

The long-haired girl giggled and furrowed her brows, pretending to think real hard. Finally, half covering her face in embarrassment, she pointed to Takki.

‘Ah… you traitor! To think I dote on you so much!’ The crooner protested and launched a tickle attack, prompting even more coyingly sweet giggles.

‘But you’re sexier! Sexier!’ The little girl cired in defeat.

Forgiving her, the crooner released his grip. Immediately, the little girl ran towards the little boy and cowered behind him for protection.

‘Taro-chan, your papa’s a bad man.’

‘No worries, Hime-chan. Mama will punish papa.’

With that, they skipped off hand in hand, for some afternoon tea of anpan and mochi.

Watching them disappear into the distance, the crooner asked, ‘You not gonna punish me, are you? I think you’ve already punished me more than enough.’

Takki didn’t know what to say. He couldn't. He felt as if he had been emptied inside. So it was once again left to Tsubasa to save the day. He pulled the stunned man into his arms and squeezed him tight.

'You're a stupid, stupid man. But I don't wanna lose you.'

Takki was still speechless. He hadn’t known what to say at all those autograph signing and handshaking sessions. He still didn’t know now. What would one say to one's idol when they were all alone and hugging?

‘I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,’ Takki pushed the celebrity away and bowed low.

‘Sorry? I hate that word. And you make it sound like we’re in some Korean tearjerker.’

Laughing somewhat bitterly, Tsubasa admitted, ‘Come to think of it… you’re leaving hot and sexy me for a loveless marriage because of society’s convention. It's like we've gone from yaoi anime to K-drama.’

Takki didn’t have any witty retort because there wasn’t any.

‘Forget it,’ Tsubasa sighed. With whatever time they had left together, he didn't want it to sink into melancholy and melodrama. If he couldn't have the man, he could at least have the memories, happy ones.

‘Let’s look at what mummy bought from the shops today,’ he said, pretendeding to clap enthusiastically.

‘It’s beautiful,' T-chan remarked, caressing the ring a little. 'I didn’t know you have such excellent taste.’

‘It’s your money that had excellent taste,’ Takki guiltily informed.

‘Well, then, you’ll have to at least allow me this teeny bit of happiness.’ Tsubasa took out the male ring in one hand and clasped Takki’s left hand in another.

‘No…’ Takki moved his hands away, hesitantly.

‘That's all you ever say. Say yes for a change,' Tsubasa griped. Then coaxing gently, he cooed, 'For a while, just for a little while.’

The dazzling ring slipped effortlessly onto the long slender finger.

‘With that pink heart, it looks like you’re wearing a women’s ring, Mama,’ Tsubasa smiled a bittersweet smile and joked.

Then hand in hand, they strolled to a nearby bench.

‘Know what? You’re gonna regret it,’ Tsubasa warned, as they walked side by side. ‘I don’t care who she is. But there’s no way she’s hotter than me, richer than me, or can make you moan more sluttily or scream more erotically than me.’

Takki only silently blushed.

Tsubasa tried again.

‘You know, when you were surfing the web on my PC, in between our sexathon, you saved a page as 'Favourite'. That page... a house in Kyoto.''

Takki bit his lips. He did feel bad using the T-chan's stuff. But he was told him to make himself at home.

Tsubasa continued, 'I reckon that's your dream home. And you know what? It’s actually mine. Bizarre, isn’t it? My grandma gave it to me as a graduation present.’

Takki stopped dead in his tracks, dumbfounded.

‘It’s like fate, like we’re meant to be,’ Tsubasa enlightened.

Turning slowly towards Takki, he held him firmly by his shoulders.

‘I may not be able to give you your dream family, but I can give you your dream home with equally loud and obnoxious kids.’ Delving deeper into those dreamy dark orbs, Tsubasa continued, ‘I may not be your dream girl, but I am so much more.’

Takki would have to be a stone not to be moved; even a stone would cry buckets at such declarations. But it was all too much for him. In one morning, he realized that he had actually sucked and fucked his idol, that his idol had actually been secretly in love with him, and the great man even wanted to marry him. It was all too unreal. Could it be that he was still dreaming?


Tsubasa felt like such a fool. He had spent almost the whole afternoon trying to convince another man to marry him. But he knew he had to do it. His heart wouldn’t have allowed any half-hearted attempts or regrets. Although the answer still left him broken, he could at least be comforted that he had done his best and given his all.

Walking towards his car, he could feel bits and pieces of his broken heart fall from his chest and trail his steps.

‘Imai-san! Imai-san!’

Takki shouted as he ran up to him. Tsubasa couldn’t help but grin. It was almost like the first day they met.

Breathless and clutching his stomach, Takki panted, ‘Chibi .... uchiwa.’


‘You… left out… uchiwa. I remember … huff in the package puff is uchiwa of you… when you were 13.’

Tsubasa eyed him suspiciously. He didn't recall seeing that supposed item. But Takki was insistent.

‘As you know, I’ve got a Music Station appearance later. So I can’t go back to look for it. Take these.’

He handed Takki his house keys. Takki instantly recognized them as the same set that T-chan had given him earlier, except this time, it had a keychain charm ‘I Love Tsubasa' attached.

Seeing Takki’s engorged eyes, Tsubasa informed, ‘Kawaii, ne? It’s a sample of the upcoming concert’s merchandise. It hasn’t even been announced yet.’

Like a true fanboy, Takki couldn't tear his eyes off it and held onto it carefully.

‘You just take your time there. But the same rules apply.’

Distracted, Takki looked up.

‘What rules?’

‘The naked house rule.’

Takki flushed bright red and protested, ‘But you’re not even there to see.’

‘I’ll do my utmost best to be back early.’ Then tenderly cupping Takki’s hands in his, Tsubasa continued, ‘And when I do, I hope you’ll be there to welcome me home.... naked.’


The afternoon sky was clear and cloudless. And the traffic was light and smooth. The outside world seemed to mirror the calm inside his heart. Tsubasa didn’t know why he felt at ease, he didn’t have a reason too. He still didn’t know Takki’s answer. He still didn’t know if he was going home to a house alit to welcome him, or to empty darkness. He still didn’t know if he was going to go to sleep with his arms wrapped in another’s, or hugging onto a lifeless Nemo stuffed toy.  He still didn’t know if his heart had finally found a home, or was it still aimlessly adrift? But somehow, his heart knew; and it was happy.


Note: Lyrics from goro_chan@livejournal and top pic from Naughtiest.
Hear the song, Nagare Boshi (Shooting Star) here.
And see Takki's dream home in Kyoto, the one that Tsubasa got as graduation present 
I don't know if Takki stayed. But if he did, we can expect these honeymoon pics.

Pics are from Google search.
And the following interview,   When an Energiser Sex Bunny Marries a Loud-hailer (picfanficlet) on the married life of a commoner and his idol.

stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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