Fanfiction: No.1 Fan (Part 1/5: Indecent Proposal)

Apr 20, 2010 15:39

I miss the boys together. If you do too, please go to Avex Trex and leave them or their representatives a note (look for メッセージを送る on the bottom of the left hand navigation bar), and help to bring them back sooner.

In the meantime...

Characters: Tackey and ? (to be revealed later)
Pairing: Tackey and ?
Genre: AU, fluff, romance
Rating: PG (to increase later) 
Summary: When Takki's love for his idol is tested, will he stand up to the test and emerge the righful No. 1 Fan?
Disclaimer: I own no one, I'm just a fan, or maybe just a leech.
Note: There are 5 parts to this story. A new part will be updated everyday, from Tues to Sat.

No. 1 Fan - Indecent Proposal

This sort of things just doesn’t happen, not in real life anyway. He feels like he's in a badly scripted yaoi manga. Or maybe it's all just a big, bad nightmare. There is just no other way to explain this insane situation.


It was 45 minutes past their meeting time of 8pm.

'Did I remember the time wrongly? Or maybe I got the place wrong?'

Takki couldn't quite shake off the feeling that something was wrong. In fact everything was wrong. He was the wrong too. He was of the wrong gender. He should be female. He had never heard of any self-declared No. 1 fan of any male idol to be a male too, much less a 28 year-old one. But there he was, a 28 year-old self-declared No. 1 fan of Japan's sexist rocker, Imai Tsubasa, meeting a buyer of some of Imai-san's memorabilia.

The meeting place was a small park in an exclusive neighbourhood in Roppongi. Because of its size, it exuded a cosy ambience, peaceful and of tranquil. The buyer must live nearby to know of this little gem.


A man. Another male fan? The man, a little taller than himself, was casually dressed in denim jacket and jeans; unlike himself in his typical kaishain uniform of a cheap beige overcoat over an even cheaper suit. Perhaps it was this stranger's aura; Takki couldn't help but feel drawn towards him, especially to his tight, bulge-hugging jeans. Takki swore that even Best Jeanist Kame would be hard pressed to look this hot.

'I was expecting a girl,' the buyer coughed, uncomfortable at Takki's prolonged interest in his lower half.

'Erm... I'm here for my sis. It's dangerous for young girls to be meeting strangers in a park at night. Erm... are you T-chan? I was expecting a girl too.'

'Erm... I'm here for my sis too.

'I see. So we're both here for our sisters,' Takki laughed a little too heartily.

Seeing that the buyer was unamused, Takki motioned to the bench and hurriedly offered, 'Well then, let's get down to business.'

For some reason, Mr I'm-Too-Sexy-For-My-Jeans suddenly grinned. It was the loop-sided, naughty kind.

Takki didn't like it and started to, as unconspicuously as possible, button up his overcoat.

'Here they are. Please check them.'

'It's ok,' T-chan replied, giving the merchandise a careless glance.

'Say, isn't it a little too dark for shades?'

Mr Sexy fell silent.

'And isn't it a little too warm for that scarf around your neck. It's summer after all.'

'Sex last night got a little out of control,' T-chan answered as he closed in on a dumbstruck Takki. 'Would you like to kiss my hickies and bruises and make them better?'

Takki was shell-shocked. The closer T-chan got, the more he sounded like Darth Vadar. He could buy the violent sex story but the Darth Vadar voice? He was obviously hiding something. With the dodgy-character alert ringing in his ear, Takki was beginning to worry. Could he could entrust his beloved idol's memorabilia to this man with something to hide?

There were two large bags full of them: photo books, posters, uchiwas, magazines, CDs, stickers, concert merchandise and precious footage of the superstar when he was just another Johnny's Junior. If his mother hadn't visited him out of the blue and discovered to her horror that his home was a Tsubasa museum, he might still be fawning over them. But she insisted that he part with at least some of his 'exhibits' and move the rest into the walk-in closet. Being the mother that she was, she thought it ridiculous for precious son sleep in the walk-in closet while the exhibits rest comfortably on customised shelves and showcase tables in the living room.

'Please take very good care of them. They're precious.'

T-chan eyed the seller contemptuously. Nobody tells him what to do, except his manager, his publicist, his boss, his mother, his sister... Anyway, he wasn't taking no orders from a stranger.

'They're mine now... I mean until I hand them over to my sis. I'll do what I want with them.'


Takki had never done anything like that, trailing someone. He felt like a stalker. But he didn't like T-chan's tone, especially his shady voice and wanted to see what kind of man he was. All he wanted was a good home for the pieces of his heart that he had just sold. Idol Tsubasa was his first love. And it was love at first sight. The moment he saw 13 year-old chibi Tsubasa on the TV screen, he was hooked. It wasn't just one-sided love, it was religion.

But from following T-chan home to kneeling in front of him contemplating whether to do something unspeakable; something in between went horribly wrong.

When Takki finally mustered enough courage to run up to Mr Sex-On-Legs, just as he was about to step into one of the pricest addresses in Tokyo, he had only innocently hoped to return the cash for his former property.

'T-chan! T-chan!'

'How did...? Did you follow me here? Are you stalking me?!'

Still catching his breath, Takki could only simultaneously nod and shake his head vigourously, confusing his audience.

If Takki didn't look so comical and cute at the same, T-chan would have felt threatened. He valued his privacy. Only his nearest and dearest knew of his address, and even so he had already moved twice this year to escape attention.

Standing there waiting for Takki to recover his breath, T-chan estimated that waiting for his black nail polish to dry would be far quicker. In the meantime, he entertained himself with the spectacle of a very stubborn set of glasses slipping down a flaring nose, only to be forced up again. For the first few times, it was mildly entertaining but later it only became annoying. T-chan decided to put an end to it. He confiscated them.

'My... mine,' Takki panted, still heaving.

Ignoring him, T-chan entered his gate, uncharacteristically leaving it ajar. Blind like a newborn bunny, Takki half pawed and half staggered his way in after T-chan.


'I'm not selling them back to you, Mr Stalker and Trespasser. Besides I'm beginning to think that the pretty boy's pin-up will be perfect for target practice.

Takki's face turned blue.

'And since I'm all alone tonight, I might even use it to mas-'

'Noooo! Please don't! Name your price. I'll pay it,' Takki eagerly volunteered, his face turning an odd reddish green, the shade of a tomato yet to ripe.

'Unlike you, money has no effect on me,' T-chan scorned.

Desperate, Takki fell, on all fours and begged, 'Please I'll do anything. Please just let me have them back!'

T-chan was slightly taken aback. No one had ever begged him before. In that moment, he could understand how cruelty felt good.

Since he first laid eyes on Takihime, it had only been one big letdown after another. He had expected him to be a 'her' and was hoping for some side action after the sale. But Takihime turned out to be male and a dorky-looking loser at that. Bespectacled and wearing a huge overcoat, even the police would mistake him for a flasher.

But there was something in those breathless and pleading eyes. Without the goggles, Takki didn't look too hard on the eyes. And besides, T-chan hated to waste a perfectly easy prey.

Pulling the shaken visitor onto his lap, T-chan lightly fingered Takki's brows, and verified, 'Did you say... anything?'

End of Part 1/5 

Bonus picspam - Prelude to tomorrow's In the Heat of the Night:

Note: Pictures are gratefully from
Next up, tomorrow, Part 2/5: In the Heat of the Night.

stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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