Fanfiction: Intact (one-shot)

Apr 12, 2010 14:04

Characters: Tackey and Tsubasa
Pairing: TakiTsuba
Genre: Fluff, romance
Rating: PG
Summary: Tsubasa shows Takki that sometimes you have to be harsh to be kind.
Disclaimer: The boys own each other. I'm just an envious observer.


'Are you 8 or 28?! How is it that you still can't take care of yourself?!'

'I'm sorry.'

And you didn't even realise you were injured!? Do you have to be blinded by blood pouring into your eye before you realise that there's cut?

I'm so sorry!'

Just how useless do you have to be?! You don't just belong to yourself, you know?'

'Then who else do I belong to?'

'Are you stupid?!? Useless and stupid! Why do I even bother?'


'Love? Let me tell you something, the most lovable thing about you is that pretty face of yours. If you lose any of that devastating good looks, don't expect me to want to tear off our clothes every time we meet! Useless, stupid and naive! I swear you'll be the death of me!'


Takki didn't like the harsh tone or choice of words. But what hurt most was the absence of phone sex. He could understand that his lover now in Hawaii would naturally be worried, anxious and frustrated at not being able to kiss his bandaged wound and make it better. Tsubasa probably felt like a cat on a hot tin roof. But still, no phone sex?

Takki dreaded to think of what else might follow. What if the injury left a scar? What if Tsubasa really thought that he was useless, stupid and naive; and relieved him of all his services. What would happen to all his alter egos - Ero Man, Handy Man, Chauffer Man, Shopper Man and Bacon Man?

Although Takki had to admit that not all his duties were as pleasurable as being Tsubasa's exclusive sex toy - Ero Man, he nevertheless poured his heart and soul into all his other identities. Handy Man Takki was always on call 24/7, 365 days a year. And it was always service with a smile; whether it was painting Tsubasa's walls black, assembling his latest set of 50s furniture, online-shopping for black coloured kitchen appliances, or polishing up the hotties' latest culinary creation of banana and orange fruit omelette. Thankfully, the actual taste of the supposed masterpieces mattered little because whenever Tsubasa sat him down on his lap and spoon-fed him, he would go into a dream-like trance capable of feeling only complete bliss.

Chauffer Man Takki was also equally devoted. There was nowhere he wouldn't travel to bring home a drunk, kiss-dispensing Tsubasa. And it was also a duty he carried out with pride and ethics, never once taking advantage of the drunk and horny sex bomb, who in spite of his incapitated state could without fail locate the most inappropriate places to grope for maximum effect.

And being Tsubasa's Shopper Man was actually something Takki found mutually beneficial. Although he could almost hear his wallet whimper protest whenever Tsubasa donned on his puppy eyes, fluttered his long lashes and pointed to something extravagant, he had to admit that he too saved a fortune whenever the fashionista frowned or glared at his intention of buying yet another sparkly, gold coloured bag or sandals, or something along the shade of shocking pink. Also, lugging around all of Tsubasa' s purchases never failed to tone his much envied biceps.

But among all his identities, it was perhaps Bacon Man that defined him. What reason would he have for working so darn hard, if not to prove to his beloved princess that he is a man capable of bringing home the bacon? Of course, beyond the bacon, there’s that dream of a stately mansion that they can call their very own love nest.

What purpose, pleasure and peace would then be left in his life if Tsubasa were to snub him?


Carefully taking Tsubasa's first solo single, Backborn, out from its casing, Takki inserts it into his car's player. In spite of having bought 283 copies, there's only one in his car - the one with the cover of his lover leaning against a frame. It reminds him of how he once chained Tsubasa to the bed when he refused to ignore their kouhai, Tatsumi's phone calls.

Driving home from the doctor's and whistling to the song, From Me to You (Kimi To Nara), Takki's in a good mood.

So I won't let you go, keep smiling;
Even my awkward love will reach you.
If I hug you, I'll never let you go.
We will swear in our hearts to guard it until the end.
For example, if you feel crushed,
I will be with you, my precious you.

The stitches to the cut have been removed and he is relieved. His jaw-dropping good looks are still intact, and so is his mind-blowing sex life.


Bonus accompanying picspam:

The pictures are gratefully taken from
The translations of the lyrics to From Me to You (Kimi To Nara) are gratefully from goro_chan@livejournal.
Next week, No.1 Fan.

photo comics (mainly t&t), stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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