Characters: Tackey and Tsubasa Pairing: TakiTsuba Genre: Fluff, romance Rating: PG Summary: Tsubasa shows Takki that sometimes you have to be harsh to be kind. Disclaimer: The boys own each other. I'm just an envious observer.
Scar? There's always plastic surgery. And when all fails, there'll still be unconditional true love. Read yours. It's so sweet it makes my tooth ache! I like how you made Takki want a scar. That's love!
Comments 7
Read yours. It's so sweet it makes my tooth ache! I like how you made Takki want a scar. That's love!
Thank you for reading. I just think that the only good thing that came out from that incident is an identical mark on their body. fufufufufufu~~~ ^ ^
And I love the way you described all of Takki's different identities :D
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