Circling the Wagons Friending Meme

Aug 31, 2017 16:59

I've seen this friending meme before, and I thought I'd try it. I realize doing it right before a holiday weekend in several countries is a gamble, so if this attempt doesn't go anywhere (or very far), I may try it again. I'm posting this on both Dreamwidth and Livejournal. (Note: If you use both and are friends with me on both sites, you CAN post at both, or you can just say "and also on DW/Livejournal.")

The idea is simple: Rather than doing a friending meme where you post all of these details about yourself, simply post in the comments saying "I'm in" or "I'm playing" or "Bueller? Bueller?" if you so desire. Then add other people who've commented.

Also, don't forget to pimp this in your own journal. Now go make some friends!


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