Rory decided, as she crawled into bed, that life was, if not good, at least not entirely sucky in all respects.
There were
lots of friend-
type people to distract her from any and all anxiety or woe.
And there was
Jaye, who not only got to live with a billion cute boys, but who had invited Rory over. So she had
gone, because duh
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Hiding his right arm self-consciously behind his back, he walked towards the bed and knelt down beside it.
"Morning," he whispered.
When her brain caught up with her eyes, she jerked up, grinning.
"I knew you'd be back," she practically squealed. The smile faded slightly, and she seemed to hesitate. "Are you okay? Is everything okay? They are letting you stay, and you're not just here to pick up Yoda or something?"
He kind of skipped over the part where he might or might not be okay.
Rory pounced at him in glee, intending to hug but kind of forgetting the part where she had just woken up and she was in bed.
Which she soon wasn't anymore, since in her glee, she had sort of toppled out of bed and onto Anakin.
He stroked her hair. "It's good to be back," he said quietly. "I missed you."
She studied her right hand, the wrist of which was still a little swollen. "I wrote to you," she said, so quietly that he might have missed it.
He paused. "Or leave you an address, for that matter."
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