Magical Me
Who: Tara and Willow to start, then whomever wanted to be involved in the aforetalkedabout plot.
What: The news they've been waiting for- they get to leave the motel!
When: Saturday, right after the message
Why: Because we like you! role playing, role reversal, and plot furtherance.
Magical Me )
Comments 26
Tara, sweety, not that I think you can't do it, but do you think we really need to nudge Nature into growing plants where they don't belong? Willow didn't see why she should worry about whatever was waiting for them, locked away in a room. They could definitely take care of it. The fact that the upper floor seemed slightly creepy old style dorm and that the walls were bulging, or seemed to, with the crash/thump really didn't seem to have much effect on the red head witch, other than annoy her that the Watchers didn't take care of this before.
I mean, maybe ( ... )
When Willow spoke out loud, it startled Tara. The walkway shortened and she realized that she hadn't even noticed how odd it was that it seemed to go on for miles. She shook her head and thought, I've still got so much to learn, then realized Willow probably heard it too and blushed. She didn't want her to think that she was insecure. Not right now, when there was a baddie to face ( ... )
You'd think that after over a hundred years some vampire would develop a brain, but no. Not that Gunn was gonna point that out, he'd rather keep Spike as something resemblin' a friend. Fightin' an apocalypse together and you create some sorta bond. 'Sides, Fred had liked Spike and Fred had rarely been wrong with the human know how. Except for Knox... okay, maybe not so good then.
They had bigger problems now though. Containin' of two weird witches. Lesbian witches. Huh, interestin', Gunn thought. He hadn't known that about Willow, but that would explain some things he'd noticed when she'd around to do the soulin' Angelus thing. Not that he minded, to each his - or her - own. Did make for some nice imagery. Oh. Bad Gunn! Stick to the thumpin' sound ( ... )
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