Magical Me
Who: Tara and Willow to start, then whomever wanted to be involved in the aforetalkedabout plot.
What: The news they've been waiting for- they get to leave the motel!
When: Saturday, right after the message
Why: Because we like you! role playing, role reversal, and plot furtherance.
Magical Me )
When Willow spoke out loud, it startled Tara. The walkway shortened and she realized that she hadn't even noticed how odd it was that it seemed to go on for miles. She shook her head and thought, I've still got so much to learn, then realized Willow probably heard it too and blushed. She didn't want her to think that she was insecure. Not right now, when there was a baddie to face.
When it flew out of the room, she clenched the redheads' hand tightly, feeling Willow drawing from her as she prepared to fight back. Tara gave what she had willingly, mentally running through a list of spells in her head that she could use against the thing that stood in front of them. She muttered a few words softly and turned her free hand palm up. A soft green glow appeared there, and with a quick glance it went flying towards the demon. It reacted as if it had been caught in a barbed bush and started howling and clawing at itself to remove the offending thorns.
Tara threw Willow a smug glance and called down the stairs at the rest of the gang. "Uh, guys? There's something up here." She said to Willow, more softly this time, "but I think we've got it under control."
You'd think that after over a hundred years some vampire would develop a brain, but no. Not that Gunn was gonna point that out, he'd rather keep Spike as something resemblin' a friend. Fightin' an apocalypse together and you create some sorta bond. 'Sides, Fred had liked Spike and Fred had rarely been wrong with the human know how. Except for Knox... okay, maybe not so good then.
They had bigger problems now though. Containin' of two weird witches. Lesbian witches. Huh, interestin', Gunn thought. He hadn't known that about Willow, but that would explain some things he'd noticed when she'd around to do the soulin' Angelus thing. Not that he minded, to each his - or her - own. Did make for some nice imagery. Oh. Bad Gunn! Stick to the thumpin' sound.
Crashin' thumpin' sound. "What was that?" he muttered, steppin' away from the gazin' duo and starin' up toward the stairs the other duo had disappeared up. "More weird actin' witchy stuff?" And no shit there was somethin' upstairs, the weird thumpin' had sorta given that away.
"Lets go check that out then," Gunn said, glancin' over his shoulder toward Buffy and Spike. "It better not be some demonic squirrel."
Besides, Buffy had been a Slayer for over ten years, and she'd done her best when she'd had help from her other friends.
"Do we have a welcoming committee?" she muttered as she ran up the steps. They were sturdy in the sense that she didn't fall through them, other than that she didn't give them much of an appraisal. As she made her way to where Willow and Tara were, she saw a green glow of light that was rushing around a struggling form - some black mass of creature-y grossness.
"You really didn't have to giftwrap the demon," Buffy said, standing there, not sure if she was supposed to touch the green light, lest she be affected in the binding magic as well. "Where'd he come from? Are there more?" she asked in her standard-procedure voice, looking around in an alert manner.
Turning around and tossing his blanket cloak over the railing beside him, running the length of the stairs leading up into the mouth of the cavernous manor, Spike rubbed his hands together like a magician about to perform one of his best tricks, and steeled himself for the inevitable let down. Charlie boy might've had the best intentions, inviting him inside before he lit up like a sparkler, but usually you had to live in a place for some time before you got the invitation part down. Chances were, the ex-lawyer's stuff hadn't even been brought in yet.
Technicalities. "An' here goes a lot of..." One hand pressed against the doorway, coming up shy of actually passing through it again. "...nothin'," he finished, deflated.
Clicking his tongue and shuffling back around to lean against the door frame this time instead of the barrier preventing him entrance, Spike withdrew a crumpled pack of cigarettes from his pocket and pulled one between pale lips, letting it dangle from the corner of his mouth as he spoke, already stuffing the smokes back and fishing for his lighter. "I'll just stand here, keep an eye on the perimeter. You all go on, don't mind me." One of those sods could have at least rang the Brit with the deed, for Christ's sake.
"Just standin' out on the porch," he continued, keeping himself entertained. "Me, myself, an' I. Right as rain."
The demon's body was built for bounding or pouncing or mauling - very hellhoundish. But, the face and the horns didn't match. And, it had a fluffy bunny tail with fluffy bunny ears, which were hidden behind the massive horns. Anya! Anya made this damn thing. Possibly. The demon fought against its bindings, hacking and slashing as best it could.
"No." Willow's eyes looked back to the ruined door, only it wasn't so ruined. In fact, it was perfectly fine. "There aren't."
There was a howl from the demon, and howls rose from other places in the building. Giles was so going to be sitting in the corner after this. Willow's eyes closed as she focused; they were soon open again to show the consuming black that usually meant big mojo bout to happen. Her hand lifted; an energy burst flew from the raised hand and engulfed the creature. The howls turned to cries of pain.
"I said, stop." The demon didn't make any sound; in fact, the place was rather quiet now.
She turned back and surveyed the demon again and scrunched up her face in a smirk. "Yah, this'd definitely be Anya's worst nightmare." She joined Willow again and reached for her hand, cocking her head and taking it in. "What do you think we should do, sweetie?", she asked calmly, as if they were trying to decide which dessert to try off a fancy silver tray. "Sounds like there's more of them."
What were they anyway? Witches or wood nymphs or whatever. Yeah, okay so he read about those in a book once when they'd been doin' research in LA. Been doing that a lot. Gunn was hopin' there'd be less of the research kind and more of him stickin' his axe in various baddies.
Like this one. Good thing he brought his axe then. "They usually this floaty?" he asked in a whisper, leaning sideway toward the Slayer. "Can we axe them?" he asked louder, so the witches would hear them. Not that he cared if they heard his other question, they seemed to be to focused on the magic whosit anyway.
And where was Spike? Still being dramatically woeful out on the porch? This whole invitin' a vampire in shouldn't be that hard. Considerin' that he'd found the assholes everywhere in his time in LA. If he'd been one of them Watchers, he'd probably knew all about it.
"Where's blondie bear," he asked no one in particular, grinning when he used Harmony's pet name for the vampire. Yeah, so, it amused him a lot. Sue him.
What was odd was that Buffy felt closer to Gunn in that moment, then her two long-time friends Willow and Tara. And Spike wasn't there so..huh? She looked around. No Spike. The nickname didn't go by her, though. That was a Harmony thing. Gunn and Harmony had been friends? ...probably not. But it didn't look like Gunn and Spike were, or were going to be, either. "He can't get in? Ugh," she groaned. But there wasn't a lot she could do about that. It was Giles's name on the deed. Unless - he had to list someone else? She assumed she was in his will and stuff... it was worth a try, "Spike, I invite you into this beastly filled house!" she called down in a voice that no one could ignore.
"I'm sure Xander will be glad you fixed stuff... but uh, we don't really have any time to waste," she said to Tara as Tara idly pondered choices with Willow. Their priorities didn't seem to be entirely of the straightness. And there was no pun about that.
"Can you blast them, like, through implosion?" She looked to Gunn, explaining simply, "Implosion would be cool."
Who was gonna deny that?
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