Magical Me
Who: Tara and Willow to start, then whomever wanted to be involved in the aforetalkedabout plot.
What: The news they've been waiting for- they get to leave the motel!
When: Saturday, right after the message
Why: Because we like you! role playing, role reversal, and plot furtherance.
Magical Me )
She turned back to Gunn while Buffy dealt with Spike. "Poltergeists are generally displeased, yah. But we've dealt with stuff like this before. No biggie." She shrugged her shoulders and wordlessly conferred with her partner in crime, who returned a confident nod. They made their way towards the stairs, moving slowly and keeping their eyes peeled for anything too strange. They reached the second floor and glanced around, concentrating on the sound. It thumped again. "I think it's coming from this way", she said, gesturing to the left.
She had given Gunn a smile and a shrug. It really was sort of the norm for the pair. They could handle some big red godking, so why not some little poltergeist. The look suggested that it was fine if Gunn wanted to come along and watch how the Sunnydale pros did it.
"It could be a demon, but would Watchers actually get a house that had a demon? Probably is just some unhappy spirit." Her eyes rolled; now that seemed slightly Watchery - get a house and not check for the really bad spirits. It wasn't like they didn't have witches to take care of things now.
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