The Triage Thread

Oct 12, 2008 19:57

Who: Hawkeye, Margaret, Charles, open
When: Pre and post Earthquake
Where: The Clinic
Rating: R for blood and guts and swearing
Status: Open, In progress

See, rules HERE before posting.


sure. for sure.

100 (link)



clarice ferguson, benjamin 'hawkeye' pierce, buffy summers, *status-complete, charles emerson winchester iii, maxie jones, dr. horrible, laura roslin, tex, seeley booth, indiana jones, earthquake, marion ravenwood, william 'husker' adama, margaret 'hot lips' houlihan, moira byrne

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Comments 141

bfpierce October 13 2008, 00:19:35 UTC
When it was over, the surgery was in shambles.

"MARGRET, CHARLES! Where are you!"


mhoulihan October 13 2008, 01:06:12 UTC
Margaret had seen the same entry that Hawkeye had, but she didn't really pay it much attention. Until the earth shook.

Then she ducked under a nearby surgical table, which also happened to be where Hawkeye was. "It's almost like home," she commented.


bfpierce October 13 2008, 01:25:27 UTC
"Certain doom and blood, yep." He stood up, and sighed in dismay at the room. "We have to clean this place up, if it wrecked this place as bad as it did, I can't imagine, and this is a modern, well, futuristic to us, but still a modern building, what about all the brick..." he trailed off and looked into Margaret's eyes, seeking understanding.

If brick houses had collapsed, they were about to be swamped.

"Where the hell is Charles?"


mhoulihan October 13 2008, 01:37:25 UTC
"At least there's nobody shooting at us," she said, slowly pushing herself upwards. Before taking a quick look around "Yeah, I see what you mean." She started picking up some of the instruments which had fallen to the floor. "We could get pretty busy." She shook her head. "Some early warning system you've got here, huh?"

"I haven't seen him around." She paused. "I hope he's alright."


brave_maximista October 13 2008, 17:11:00 UTC
An Earthquake in Canada? What was with this town? Maxie had luckily and thankfully been outside when the quake hit the small town. Lamp posts shook in their holdings. Park benches cracked and wobbled. Store fronts had their main windows cracked and some void of the glass entirely. As far as Earthquakes went, Maxie pegged this one to be on the higher end of the scale. While her body was left uninjured, her groceries were another story altogether. The fresh marinara sauce and pumpkin pie perished when they hit the ground hard ( ... )


mhoulihan October 13 2008, 17:44:52 UTC
A door swung open and Margaret stepped out, narrowly missing her scrubs getting caught on the door handle.

"Hello!" she said with a relieved smile to the blonde waiting there. "We could do with all the hands we can get, judging from the mess that quake left behind. I presume you have first aid experience?"


brave_maximista October 13 2008, 18:12:55 UTC
Maxie greeted the older woman with a bright smile. It was easy for Maxie to put on a brave face for others. "I definitely do. Worked in a hospital since I was twelve. Well, not so much worked, as volunteered. I know basic first aide and can help stitch people up. I'm an excellent sewer." She beamed proudly.

Pulling her bag around front, Maxie took out several items. "I snagged a few towels from the grocery store, some band aids," Looking up at Margaret, Maxie added, "Although, by the look of things, we might need really big ones. But I also have some pain killers that I took from the grocery store, well that they gave me when I told them where I was coming." Yes, she talked a lot and quickly at that. "Also they gave me a few of these." Maxie opened the bag wide so Margaret could see all the basic supplies the grocer handed out. "He said we could use them more than he could. Also, I told him if he ran into anyone injured to send them here. Cos I figured here would be a safe bet."


mhoulihan October 14 2008, 07:26:04 UTC
"Oh, you're brilliant!" Margaret had a very relieved smile on her face. "I think a lot of our own supplies are probably unreachable because of that quake. These will be a great help."

It was also good that there was someone telling people where to go. It wasn't like the 4077, where things were packed pretty close together. The town was spread out and the clinic was fairly new, so people might not be aware that they had somewhere to go.

She looked at the girl. "You're with me," she said. "You have experience, and I'm presuming Hawk - I mean, Dr. Pierce - wants us to deal with the minor cases. Cuts, bruises, simple fractures and what have you. Anything more serious, we send in there for the doctors to deal with."

She looked towards the half open door. "Sounds like they're almost ready for business in there." There was a table and counter area on the side of the room, that looked like it might have been used as a reception. "Shall we set these," she said, gesturing to the bag, "up over there?"


freelancertexas October 14 2008, 03:19:04 UTC
Tex and Buffy had walked for all of three minutes down the cracked street until they found the small triage center, the Spartan carrying the injured doctor, and the blonde hot on her heels. "There we go." Spoken simply as they came upon the makeshift area and took a look around, and when she didn't find twenty bodies already laying around, she began looking around for people moving. People who could help. The Doctor was limp in her arms, slumped against her chest, and bleeding from several cuts. The large gash in his side had at least been stopped up. For now, thanks to the medical foam she'd sprayed into it, and around the outside. It certainly looked odd, but it did stop the bleeding. For now.


bfpierce October 14 2008, 16:32:24 UTC
Hawk came out into the front room in his blue scrubs, he idly wondered when the color had switched from white to blue.

"What's the, that's not good. Bring him back, lets get a look at him." He started to lean over to help pick the patient up.


drhorriblesblog October 14 2008, 17:25:03 UTC
Dr. Horrible was barely conscious. He was fuzzily aware of being carried, which was just undignified for someone of his evil stature, but every time he drew breath to protest it just triggered the coughing again. Deep, wet, highly uncomfortable coughs that tasted like copper and chemicals in his throat. Why did it feel like he'd inhaled half his lab? Had the fume hood failed?

Correction: Why did it feel like he'd gone fifteen rounds with Captain Hammer and then inhaled half his lab? His limbs outright refused to obey him, leaving him dangling helplessly from whoever-it-was's grasp.

He opened his mouth to demand some answers, but it was no use. All that came out was more lung-tearing coughing (and a little bit more blood). This was really not his best day ever.


bfpierce October 14 2008, 17:38:33 UTC
Hawk leaned over and checked his breathing, coughing up blood, shit, not good. A broken rib or ribs he possibly punctured the lung. Possible organ damage, not to mention that he looked like he'd been on the wrong end of an explosion.

"Alright, just on the blood in the mouth alone he's going into surgery." He yelled back toward where he thought Margaret was, "Margaret! Let's get his ass into X-ray, I wanna see where his ribs have wandered. Probable lung puncture and..." he glanced at the gouge and the strange foam covering it, "maybe a hemothorax,"


never_blink October 14 2008, 19:06:41 UTC
With the shimmering sound of a Blink, Clarice appeared just outside the clinic, on her knees with Willow half-cradled in her lap, her power still making a shivering aura around her. She hadn't dared take them directly into the clinic, not knowing what might happen if she accidentally brought them back into being right on top of someone or something else. But now she was outside, with a girl whose leg looked like it had been nearly ground to pieces, and they needed to be inside.

"E-excuse me!" No, she'd have to do better than that. She licked her lips and raised her voice, still buzzing with energy and spurred by fear for her companion. "Excuse me, could someone please help us!"

Tightening her hand around Willow's, she added softly, "They'll be able to fix you up. I'm sure they will. I'm..." Blink. I'm Blink. "...Clarice. What's your name?"


[ooc: hope i'm not going out of turn, here...] bostonblueblood October 14 2008, 20:39:04 UTC
Upon hearing the growing number of voices outside their makeshift OR, Charles figured that now was as good of a time as any to make his way out of the room. Fresh sheets were placed on four of the gurneys; each table had its own instruments laid out. Precision. Now that was Charles' forte.

His surgical mask was being tied in place as he opened the door and stepped into the main room. His expression was hidden, but the way his blue eyes bulged out at the newcomer gave him away.

...Purple, you say? Pierce was right. He was fucking right. This entire place was fucked, and the strangest things were suddenly turned into the mundane ( ... )


mhoulihan October 15 2008, 03:23:17 UTC
Margaret passed by Charles as she wheeled the gurney out for Hawk's patient.
She did a double take as she saw Clarice (purple girl? Damn, so he'd been right after all...), but then she was all business. "X-ray's all ready to go," she told him, "so whenever you're ready, you can start moving her in."


bostonblueblood October 15 2008, 05:06:00 UTC
He nodded once, slowly. "Thank you, Margaret." He moved around to Clarice, giving a cautious glance down to the redhead. "We'll give her something for the pain momentarily. But first..."

Once the gurney for Willow was wheeled out, blues relifted to 'the purple girl' while he went to, as delicately as possible, find a way to lift Willow's legs. "On the count of three. One, two..."


oldmanadama October 15 2008, 04:18:08 UTC
Finally, Adama had managed to locate the clinic. And not before long, either. He stepped slowly through the doors, supporting Laura on one side, and Moira on the other. "This looks like it," he said. "Now let's see about getting you two some help."

Bill looked a mess, with his suit covered in dust and his tie askew - but that was nothing compared with the condition of the two ladies he was supporting.


redheadprophet October 15 2008, 04:22:59 UTC
Laura was tired and leaning more and more into Bill. The pain had come back as they walked, but she didn't want to make Moira think she had to do anything else.

"I think something's really wrong," she whispered to Bill.


moirabyrne October 15 2008, 04:26:06 UTC
"I think so, too," the witch replied, having a bit of an overdeveloped sense of hearing that she wasn't entirely sure was not due to her magick. "You are going to the first doctor we see. I'm more stable than you are. I wish I weren't so bloody hurt, else I could have had you all healed already."


redheadprophet October 15 2008, 04:28:00 UTC
Laura looked over at Moira apologetically. "I'm sorry, I just," she didn't get much else out before falling completely against Bill.


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