The Triage Thread

Oct 12, 2008 19:57

Who: Hawkeye, Margaret, Charles, open
When: Pre and post Earthquake
Where: The Clinic
Rating: R for blood and guts and swearing
Status: Open, In progress

See, rules HERE before posting.


sure. for sure.

100 (link)



clarice ferguson, benjamin 'hawkeye' pierce, buffy summers, *status-complete, charles emerson winchester iii, maxie jones, dr. horrible, laura roslin, tex, seeley booth, indiana jones, earthquake, marion ravenwood, william 'husker' adama, margaret 'hot lips' houlihan, moira byrne

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[ooc: hope i'm not going out of turn, here...] bostonblueblood October 14 2008, 20:39:04 UTC
Upon hearing the growing number of voices outside their makeshift OR, Charles figured that now was as good of a time as any to make his way out of the room. Fresh sheets were placed on four of the gurneys; each table had its own instruments laid out. Precision. Now that was Charles' forte.

His surgical mask was being tied in place as he opened the door and stepped into the main room. His expression was hidden, but the way his blue eyes bulged out at the newcomer gave him away.

...Purple, you say? Pierce was right. He was fucking right. This entire place was fucked, and the strangest things were suddenly turned into the mundane.

"May I--?" He started, clearing his throat. Staring in shock was hardly good bedside manner. And besides... the redhead that was with this strange girl hardly looked in the condition for Charles to be concerned with such things right now. Take care now, ask questions later.

"Would you mind helping me lift her onto a table? She shouldn't put any pressure on her leg, in that condition," he turned over his shoulder then, in the same beat, towards Margaret. "Margaret? Make that two X-rays, if you would."


mhoulihan October 15 2008, 03:23:17 UTC
Margaret passed by Charles as she wheeled the gurney out for Hawk's patient.
She did a double take as she saw Clarice (purple girl? Damn, so he'd been right after all...), but then she was all business. "X-ray's all ready to go," she told him, "so whenever you're ready, you can start moving her in."


bostonblueblood October 15 2008, 05:06:00 UTC
He nodded once, slowly. "Thank you, Margaret." He moved around to Clarice, giving a cautious glance down to the redhead. "We'll give her something for the pain momentarily. But first..."

Once the gurney for Willow was wheeled out, blues relifted to 'the purple girl' while he went to, as delicately as possible, find a way to lift Willow's legs. "On the count of three. One, two..."


Sorry I'm late! Internet troubles suck. geeky_willow October 16 2008, 15:35:05 UTC
Willow clutched at the girl who held her, and when the pair was suddenly elsewhere, Willow seemed to take it uniquely in stride. The expression floating across her features said that at this point, she was willing to believe just about anything. Despite the tingle that was rapidly blossoming into an ache, then moving right past ache into real pain, Willow remained desperately curious, and thankful, for the presence of the girl. Vainly, Willow tried to twist her face out of the traumatized grimace it had settled into.

So. This, was the hospital. It looked disturbingly busy, though her companion's shouting brought well needed attention to their sides. "I'm Willow." Questioning how-did-you-do-that nearly tumbled from the redhead's lips, but she managed to stop it in time. Here was not the place for such things, and surely Clarice was tired of gawkers.

The doctor and companion nurse seemed both competent and calm, both of which served to reassure Willow greatly. When the inevitable decision was made to move her, and her leg, however, Willow bit the inside of her lip hard enough to taste red. This was probably going to hurt.


They do. Glad you're here! ^-^ never_blink October 16 2008, 18:08:39 UTC
Willow's condition had Clarice distressed enough that she didn't even notice the stares, for once. Not that this was any time to worry about being stared at. She was just relieved when the doctors were quick to arrive.

Carefully shifting her hold on the redhead's shoulders to make sure it was secure, she waited for the inevitable 'three'. She fully intended to lift Willow onto the gurney as the man had requested, but she had her hands on the girl with power buzzing through her veins and 'move' in her head, and when 'three' came, all three of them vanished. Before the sound of the Blink even began to fade, they reappeared: Willow on the gurney, the doctor standing by her feet, and Clarice beside her, still holding her shoulders, wide eyes glowing white. Mutely she slid her arms free and stepped back out of the way.


Ditto from me ^^ P.S. Did you want anything specific on her injuries/healing? bostonblueblood October 17 2008, 02:03:38 UTC
Charles held his breath. He was used to handling the wounded, but hardly in this way. It was bad enough that the redhead was younger, and she didn't look much like she could hurt a fly. Charles knew as much as Willow did that impending 'this is gonna hurt' feeling, but his face remained the picture of calm and professional.

Just as he had curled his hand just under the knee of her wounded leg, about to lift with the count of three...

...they were there. He had never even lifted her, and there they were. WHAT!?! "What the hell--?" Okay, professionalism could no longer mask his shock. This place was going to take ALOT of getting used to. But then he reminded himself -- 50 years in the future, purple girl, girl that predicts the future, chopper's coming written on a screen in Hawkeye's office -- the laundry list of strange events was getting much longer.

He took a deep breath, shutting his eyes a long moment. A few moments later and that proper Boston accent was finding itself again, as if nothing had happend. It was the only way he could work.

"Yes, ahem," He looked from the purple girl to the redhead, "I will need to get a good picture of your leg, to see the extent of the damage to tibia and fibula. With any hope, we can have you fixed without any reconstructive surgery."

Now, he looked back up to Clarice. "Would you mind wheeling her into the next room? I believe Major Houlihan is still in there. I'll be back in one moment to take a look at your X-Rays."

He moved quickly, but he would be back just as quickly. Triage was a bitch when you didn't have underlings.


mhoulihan October 17 2008, 03:55:17 UTC
Margaret appeared not long after Charles had left. "Hello," she smiled at the two girls in what she hoped was a reassuring manner. She'd been doing quite a bit of that lately. "I understand you need an X-ray?"


never_blink October 17 2008, 06:37:12 UTC
Clarice flinched at the doctor's exclamation of surprise. She really hadn't meant to do that, and for a second she was waiting for him to yell at her. But he recovered his composure, so she tried to recover hers. When he asked her to take Willow to the X-Ray machine, she nodded quickly. "I will." And she suited action to words, guiding the gurney with exaggerated care into the room he'd indicated, though she wasn't sure she was qualified.

She was a little concerned about being able to identify 'Major Houlihan', but as it turned out, the woman saved her the trouble by approaching them. "Are - are you Major Houlihan? Her leg..." Clarice trailed off, timidly. It wasn't as though the injury wasn't nauseatingly obvious.


mhoulihan October 17 2008, 14:17:45 UTC
It said something that right at this moment, Margaret wasn't really registering the appearance of the girl addressing her. Only the fact that there was a girl on the gurney who obviously needed assistance.

She nodded. "That would be me," she said, giving a quick glance at the patient in question. "Let's get her over there so we can see what's exactly wrong with that leg." She took a hold of the trolley and started wheeling it in the direction of the X-ray machine.


never_blink October 18 2008, 19:34:09 UTC
Clarice helped the woman move the gurney, but her thoughts were elsewhere. Willow's condition reminded her of her original reason for being out and about in town - though she kept getting distracted by people needing help, she'd left that man in the park to find Dr. Brennan. Who, if she were anywhere, was liable to be here.

As the X-ray machine did its work, she moved her gaze over the mess of people in the clinic, searching for the familiar calm figure. Even searching for her among those injured. But there was no sign.

Now she knew where hurt people were to come, she should go back and get that man. Dr. Brennan would probably end up here sooner or later, and in the meantime, he could be helped. Clarice didn't let herself think about the possibility that Dr. Brennan was somewhere trapped or hurt even worse... She could only deal with what was in front of her.

"I should go," she heard herself say softly, touching Willow's hand once more. "There was a man, he was hurt, I left him in the park - I need to go make sure he gets here. Will you be okay?" As though there was anything else Clarice could possibly do but get in the way, now that the injured girl was in doctors' hands. "I'll come back."

Stepping away, she hurried through the crowd and back out into the street. As soon as her foot touched pavement, she Blinked away.


Surgery is good! geeky_willow October 19 2008, 15:14:04 UTC
Willow was in enough pain at this point that she could only really register thirty percent of the conversation happening around her, at best. Face contorted in a trembling grimace of pain, it was all Willow could do to keep from sobbing in minor hysterics. Even now, hot tears escaped from her clenched eyes and burned their way down her cheeks.

Clarice's farewell, however, made Willow blink blearily upwards, and squeak out a "Bye" to now empty air. A new woman registered in her line of vision, one Willow had been too deeply distracted to notice. Giving the lady the kind of watery, blurred smile ubiquitous to pained patients, Willow gulped heavily and spoke; "H-hi."


mhoulihan October 20 2008, 05:46:46 UTC
Margaret nearly jumped sideways when the girl disappeared into thin air. "Is that supposed to happen?" she muttered to nobody in particular.

She looked at her patient, and tried to look as friendly as possible. "Hi, I'm Margaret," she told her. "I'm just going to see if those x-rays of yours are done, and then Dr. Winchester will be along shortly." She smiled at the girl encouragingly. "Does it hurt anywhere else, or just the leg?"


Sorry it took so long to get back to you!! geeky_willow October 29 2008, 18:04:18 UTC
Willow nodded a bit too quickly, indicating in gesture, if not in words, the nervousness she felt creeping through her stomach. "I'm" Experimentally, she wiggled her fingers, and took a moment to examine any pains her body might have been surruptitiously keeping in wait for just such an opportunity. Finding none, she shook her head. "Just the leg."

Despite the shock settling into her brain, Willow blinked and glanced around at what could only be described as vaguely controlled bedlam, and winced. "W-were many people hurt?"


That's alright ^_^ mhoulihan October 30 2008, 01:28:58 UTC
"Well, we'll soon see for sure," she said, pulling out the x-ray, and moving over to where she could hold it up against the light. "Mmmm, yes, definitely something there. Looks like a fracture."

She looked around for Charles, before turning back to Willow. "Doctor Winchester should be here any moment," she told her. "And yes, a few - but luckily not so many seriously injured. Cuts and bruises, for the most part."


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