(no subject)

Oct 12, 2008 16:11

Who: Booth and OPEN.
When: Right after the Earthquake.
Where: Right outside Town Hall.
Why: He was on his way to submit his name for Sheriff in the election.
Status: Incomplete and open.
Rating: PG for now.

He'd been coming up the steps to Town Hall, the application and background packet for the Sheriff position had been held tight in his hand. That was all before the ground beneath his feet started to shake. Light at first, making the agent slightly lose his balance. All of which was regained after a moment and a quick glance about. Everyone around him seemed to have felt it, but paid it no mind.

He heard the murmured talks about it being like last time and that someone better figure the reason why before it ended up being worse.

But no one would have time to find it out. Because in seconds, it did get worse. Much worse.

He had made his way up to the door and that had been the furthest he made it. There was where the building rattled on its foundation before for a few seconds, until it all just came toppling down on him as he shoved a woman in a suit out of harms way. The slab of concrete beam crushed a leg as the searing pain shot up from the point of contact to his brain. The last thing he remembered thinking was, a gun shot wound wasn't so bad now, after all. With that thought all went blank.

clarice ferguson, lulu spencer, seeley booth, kaylee frye, earthquake, *status-complete

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