Be Our Guest, Be Our Guest!

Mar 24, 2008 01:53

Time: Directly post thread in 13's kitchen; post Wilson's return thread
Characters: Hawkeye, Thirteen, House, Wilson, Angie, Snape, Draco, Dexter, possibly Neil
Rating: No idea. PG13?
Status: Incomplete
Summary: Wilson's back, and House decided to invite half the town over for dinner in celebration... (or to avoid having Alone Time since he's still ( Read more... )

james wilson, severus snape, gregory house, benjamin 'hawkeye' pierce, thirteen, draco malfoy, *status-complete

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Comments 93

13palindrome31 March 25 2008, 01:12:08 UTC
Thirteen marched up the steps of the house, pushed the door open and turned toward the kitchen. Fortunately she remembered the basic layout from her last visit here, and if she didn't get her hands clean soon she was going to go even more crazy.

Plus these dishes were absolutely filthy for certain.

Someone she hadn't met was standing by the kitchen. Must be Angie's father - there was a certain resemblance around the eyes and the hair. He was stirring a large pot of ...

oh fucking hellfire.

Spaghetti sauce.

"Hi." she said quietly, and dumped her dishes in the sink, topping it up with warm soapy water.

There were some in here, she'd just do them, it would be easier.

As long as their water was warm enough. She let it run hot for a minute or two, filling the kitchen with steam.


bfpierce March 25 2008, 01:21:37 UTC
Hawkeye followed Thirteen into the house as she made a beeline to the kitchen and started scrubbing. Hell, she was scrubbing better than he'd see some surgeons scrub.

"Whoa, Whoa, Thirteen don't you think you should say hi first?" he said when he finally reached the kitchen. He only then noticed the other guy, "Why hello zombie man or at least I assume you are the zombie man."


13palindrome31 March 25 2008, 01:28:44 UTC
"I did." she murmured, dipping her fingers under the water and sighing. "You should really turn the thermostat on your hot water heater up. These new ones have those stupid safety features, nothing really gets clean. I can fix it for you."
It would do. Fortunately she'd had the presence of mind to bring a decent scrub brush and some good soap.


notsojewish_jew March 25 2008, 01:39:09 UTC
Wilson blinked as the two total strangers waltzed into the kitchen and the woman began washing dishes as if her life depended on it.
"Um... yes... I suppose the 'zombie man' would be me. But it says James Wilson on my birth certificate. And... you two are?"


pwnsgod March 25 2008, 02:43:46 UTC
Thirteen ran into the house, followed by Hawkeye. Snape and Draco started, but House grabbed Snape by the arm. "Wait. Directions, again."


grandprat March 25 2008, 02:48:37 UTC
Draco hovered uncertainly as Sev stopped. He did not want to go into that madhouse alone, but he didn't want to over hear anything that could potentially melt his brain either. Than again he could just use it for blackmail.


reluctant_pawn March 25 2008, 02:49:39 UTC
Severus glanced at Draco, then sighed. If he couldn't speak freely in front of Draco, then he could speak freely in front of no one.

"One drop. That's all you have in that vial. All you need to do is slip it into his drink. It is oderless and tasteless and the effects are almost immediate. I suggest you wait until the two of you are alone. If he starts spilling his every thought and secret to a room full of strangers, he may never forgive you."


pwnsgod March 25 2008, 02:51:50 UTC
"Why wait? Considering how gossip moves through this town. Why not just let them see the drama first hand. It can be the after supper entertainment."


13palindrome31 March 25 2008, 03:34:00 UTC
The table was a mess. It was a good thing she was here: no one would want to eat with it so disorganized.
She busied herself with the placemats and then continued from there, going back and forth to the kitchen as needed to bring out silverware and dishes for other people (after making sure they were clean, of course). Thicket scampered back and forth at her heels, occasionally leaping onto her shoulders when he was nearly stepped on.
And she'd even accidentally put the ruler in the bag after baking the cookies! Excellent. Everything would be perfect.
She stepped back, surveyed the table, nodded once, and took the spot closest to the door.
Now she just needed to organize her own place. Better get to that. She started unwrapping the dishes from the ziplock bags, humming a bach fugue quietly to herself as she did so.


bfpierce March 25 2008, 03:42:38 UTC
Hawk had watched her meticulously organize the table, he had a brief thought that Thirteen would have put Margret Houlihan to shame when it came time to neatness.

Watching her he was kinda sad, he'd had his 'nutties', (as he'd heard someone on the bus say he'd immediately latched onto the word, it was a good one) but this... he felt sorry for her actually. Not that she'd want his pity or anything.

He moved a fork slightly out of place just to tease her and grinned.


13palindrome31 March 25 2008, 03:53:43 UTC
Thirteen saw Hawkeye move one of the forks out of the corner of her eye and sighed. People just couldn't appreciate details. "Is that your way of saying you're sitting there? Because I'm sitting here and you're going to have to deal with my freaky weirdness all night you know."
One plate. Dead center in the middle of the placemat. The rest of them went back in the bag for now. One fork. One glass. The rest of those went back in the bag.
Perfect. She nodded again and mused a bit, half to herself. "Of course House will probably jump on the table with golf cleats on as soon as he sees it, but there's only so much I can do, I guess." She sighed, leaned back in her chair and ran her fingers through Thicket's fur. "I'm absolutely certain everyone at this table thinks that I'm crazy. Well, I am, so that's just that. I'm better than I used to be and that's comforting at least. Hell, I'm here."


bfpierce March 25 2008, 04:02:35 UTC
She used to be worse? Wow.

"Seriously, it's fine, you'd put our head nurse Major Houlihan to shame, and that's no small potatoes." He signed and sat down where he'd moved the fork. "'s ok really."

What else could you say to a...well, he didn't know the official terminology but...compulsive person like that.


sans_collar March 25 2008, 04:44:16 UTC
Robert Chase squinted up at the house in front of him. 221 Baker Street. This must be the place ( ... )


grandprat March 25 2008, 04:59:27 UTC
Draco's hand paused on the lock. More guests? Had House invited the entire town? he shrugged it wasn't his house. He pulled the door open and blinked.





sans_collar March 25 2008, 05:02:32 UTC
Chase furrowed his brow at the sight that met him. That was not House.

But... it wasn't a bad sight either.

"Hi..." he answered, wondering if it was just his imagination or if the other blond was actually giving him the once over. Then he wondered if he minded. He shook his head. He was here for a reason. "Is Dr. House here?"


grandprat March 25 2008, 05:10:19 UTC
Draco blinked. "He's a doctor?" he asked incredulously. "They gave him the responsibility of taking out for the lives of other people? They're mad," He declared, tossing his head back. "But yes he's here, and so is half the town. I think we're having a celebration for Wilson's return. I don't know. I was drafted." He shrugged, stepping back to give the stranger room to enter.

He ignored Sev's amused smirk. His godfather really was perverted sometimes. Then again this was the most he had said to a stranger since he got here. Had to be a sign.


reluctant_pawn March 26 2008, 18:29:51 UTC
Severus stood back, wanting no part in the currently ensuing chaos. After what felt like an eternity, the psychotic finally deemed the table worthy enough to be sat at, and he settled into a seat next to Draco. Putting his napkin into his lap, he put a bored expression on his face, and waited to see what happened next.


13palindrome31 March 26 2008, 23:24:19 UTC
Thirteen took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and removed some more dishes from the stack beside her chair, unwrapping them carefully and folding the bags neatly afterward. She had another plate and a dish that was subdivided into several sections and was really more of a small relish tray.
She set the plate with noodles on it to one side - that was safe, at least - and began separating the sauce into its component parts - tomatoes in one section, meat in one section, vegetables in individual areas depending on the vegetable. It was impossible to get all of the tomato sauce off the vegetables, and she tried very, very hard not to panic about this.
She hated spaghetti. If she had her way the stuff wouldn't even exist. Too many things mixed up with each other. The only thing worse was casserole.
At least this time she probably wasn't going to faint at the table.


bfpierce March 27 2008, 02:51:47 UTC
Hawkeye eyed Thirteen's effort in sorting out the tomato sauce..

"You do know that spaghetti normally tastes better with the sauce on it." He wasn't even gonna touch the picking out of everything with a 10 foot pole.


13palindrome31 March 27 2008, 03:07:28 UTC
"I don't like my food touching." she muttered with a sigh. "Why do you think I brought my own dishes?"


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